It gives an extra Issur to someone who doesn’t eat the Korban Pesach fire-roasted.
It reminds us to eat it fire-roasted in case we get carried away with the Haggadah and forget.
It tells us when the prohibition against eating the Korban Pesach “Nah U’Mevushal Bamayim” applies.
Machlokes between answers A and B.
Machlokes between answers A and C.
How many sets of Makos are given for taking both parts of a two-part Kli as a Mashkon?
Always one; they work together.
Always two; they are each seen as a “Kli.”
Two sets of Makos only by Rechayim and Rechev, because these were explicitly said by the Torah.
Two sets of Makos only when taking two scissor blades, for each can be used as a knife, while a single millstone is worthless by itself.
Two sets of Makos only by a two-part yoke, for sometimes the person detaches the pair to attach only one animal to it.
Why is someone more believed to say that the goats are his, more than a butcher’s knife?
Butchers sometimes lend out their knives, but people don’t rent out their goats.
Goats run around from field to field, but people keep their knives locked up.
People rent out their goats, but butchers don’t lend out their knives.
A butcher’s workers and apprentices often use the knives, but shepherds work alone.
A goat will always run to its owner, so Bais Din can easily test the claim.
When are the whole and broken bricks from a collapsed house evenly divided among the owners?
When no one was there who can tell us how it fell. However, we do not inspect the bricks to determine how it fell.
When no one saw it fall, and the bricks are no longer here to inspect them, to determine how it fell. However, we do not ask the people who moved them away for their opinion.
When no one saw it fall, and the bricks are no longer here to inspect them, and the people who moved them away are gone.
When may the upstairs tenant demand to live downstairs, in the owner’s house?
When the floor collapsed and he rented “an upper floor.”
When the floor collapsed and he rented “this upper floor.”
When the floor collapsed and he rented “this upper floor, above my house.”
Any time that the floor collapses and he can no longer live there.