What must Rababan do when the city needs a well?
- They are always like everyone else. Rabanan also need water!
- Rabanan must dig by themselves, but need not hire people to dig.
- Rabanan must pay taxes to hire people to dig, but need not dig by themselves.
- Rabanan never need to participate in getting a new well.
- Rababan must do extra guard duty instead of digging a new well.
What happens to a person who paid the taxes and took the land between two brothers or partners?
- Nothing, he didn’t do anything wrong!
- He is forced to leave the land to allow the brothers or partners to take it.
- He did the wrong thing, but is not forced to leave the land.
- Machlokes between answers A and B.
- Machlokes between answers B and C.
When does Bar Metzra apply?
- When selling Idis (best quality land).
- When giving a gift.
- When selling all of my land to one person.
- When selling a property back to its original owner.
- When taking possession of a property as payment of a loan.
What is the Halacha of Bar Metzra in regard to dealing with a Nochi?
- The regular Halachos apply, just like when dealing with a Yisrael.
- The regular Halachos apply when buying from a Nochri, but does not apply when selling to a Nochri.
- The regular Halachos apply when selling to a Nochri, but does not apply when buying from a Nochri.
- The Halachos of Bar Metzra do not apply.
- The Halacha varies based on the situation, and every situation must be brought to Bais Din to evaluate.
Who has precedence when a relative and a neighbor want to buy a property?
- The relative.
- The neighbor.
- There is no precedence; both are the same.
- Machlokes between answers A and B.
- Machlokes between answers B and C.