When someone receives a loan, and he finds extra money, when must he return it?
When the extra bills are a different denomination as the bills he was loaned.
When the extra bills are the same denomination as the bills he was loaned.
Anytime, when the person who is borrowing money from is unlikely to give him a gift.
Anytime, when the person who is borrowing money from is new in town.
When may a person pay a higher price now for especially large gourds that he will not receive until later, according to the Gemara’s first version of Rava?
When the grower already has these especially large gourds.
When the grower has still-small gourds, that will soon grow into these especially large ones.
When the other gourds that are growing may be traded for milk, wool, or honey; these are considered as valuable as especially large gourds.
When may a person pay a higher price now for especially large gourds that he will not receive until later, according to the Gemara’s second version of Rava?
When the grower already has these especially large gourds.
When the grower has still-small gourds, that will soon grow into these especially large ones.
When the other gourds that are growing may be traded for milk, wool, or honey; these are considered as valuable as especially large gourds.
Under which circumstances may a Malveh not sleep for free in the Loveh’s empty house? (In the Gemara’s first version of Rav Nachman.)
All types of Malvehs, and all types of houses.
Only a Malveh who would pay for a motel room.
Only a house that is generally rented out.
Only a Malveh who would pay for a motel room, in a house that is generally rented out.
When he also brings his friend.
What did Rav Yosef bar Chama do with his debtors’ Avadim?
He used them to bring collections notices to their masters, who were people wouldn’t open the door when he came by.
He sent them to be dancers in bars.
He kept them busy while their owners worked on putting together money to pay the debt.
He used them to bake low-cost bread to feed Avadim cheaper food, so the owners would profit on their work.
He grabbed them and worked them until the debt was paid.