Yes, as long as he is informed, just like a regular customer.
Yes, he is trusted to inform his customers.
Minhag hamakom; if wine is generally diluted, he may be sold diluted wine.
No. We may not sell anyone diluted wine.
No. Even if he is informed, he is not trusted to inform his customers. This law has no exceptions.
When may old wine be mixed together with new wine?
By the winepress.
In a society when people know about it and are Mochel; anytime.
When it was already tasted.
Answers A, B, and C are correct.
Answers B and C are correct.
May merchandise be decorated before it is sold?
Yes, all merchandise may be decorated. The buyer is expected to scrutinize the merchandise he is buying!
Only animals may be decorated. These will anyways be tested.
Only new merchandise may be decorated, and old merchandise may not be decorated.
Merchandise may never be decorated.
Only Avadim may be decorated. They can be questioned, and the truth be found out.
What interest is forbidden by the Torah?
When a monetary loan is given on the arrangement that more will be paid back.
When a loan of food or of money is given on the arrangement that more will be paid back.
When a bushel of wheat is sold for twenty-five dollars, but the entire bushel is not given at the time of sale.
When a bushel of wheat is bought on the condition that it will be delivered over time, and the buyer later wants to pay in wine instead.
When a bushel of wheat is bought on the condition that it will be delivered over time, and the buyer later wants to pay in wine instead, which he doesn’t have at the moment.
What is a scenario of De’oraisa Neshech without De’oraisa Tarbus?
Lending food to be repaid with more food.
Lending money to be repaid with more money.
When coins are borrowed and their value appreciates, and the same coins are returned, but now they are worth more.
When coins are borrowed and their value depreciates, and more coins are returned so the original value is repaid.