BERACHOS 63 (23 Nisan) - dedicated by Mr. Avy Reichman of Queens, NY, l'Iluy Nishmas his father, Dovid ben Avraham, for the day of his Yahrzeit.
(a)To explain why they answer "Baruch Shem ... " after each B'rachah in the Beis-ha'Mikdash and not 'Amen', we cite the Pasuk in Nechemyah "Kumu Barchu es Hash-m Elokeichem min ha'Olam ad ha'Olam vi'Yevarchu Shem K'vodecha ... ". What do we learn from there?
(b)And what do we learn from the continuation of the Pasuk "u'Meromam al Kol B'rachah u'Tehilah"?
(c)How does the Mevarech therefore conclude each B'rachah?
(d)Why did they add 'min ha'Olam ve'ad ha'Olam' to the B'rachah?
(e)What does this have to do with B'rachos?
(a)To explain why they answer "Baruch Shem ... " after each B'rachah in the Beis-ha'Mikdash and not 'Amen', we cite the Pasuk in Nechemyah "Kumu Barchu es Hash-m Elokeichem min ha'Olam ad ha'Olam vi'Yevarchu Shem K'vodecha ... ", from which we learn - that in the Beis-ha'Mikdash, instead of 'Amen', one answers "Baruch Shem ... " ...
(b)... whereas from the continuation of the Pasuk "u'Meromam al Kol B'rachah u'Tehilah", we learn - that one answers "Baruch Ehem", at the end of each B'rachah.
(d)They added 'min ha'Olam ve'ad ha'Olam' to the B'rachah - to remind everybody that there two worlds and that this world is only like a lobby in front of the main palace ...
(e)... and that one should therefore recite B'rachos in this world in order to become accustomed to saying them in the World to Come.
(a)The Mishnah proves that one may greet using the Name of Hash-m from the Pasuk in Rus, where Bo'az said to Rus "Hash-m Imachem". Why does the Tana see fit to add the Pasuk ...
1. ... in Shoftim (where the angel said to Gid'on) "Hash-m Im'cha Gibor ha'Chayil"?
2. ... in Mishlei "Al Tavoz ki Zaknah Imecha"?
(b)What is this Pasuk coming to teach us?
(c)And what do we learn from the Pasuk in Tehilim "Eis La'asos la'Hashem, Heifeiru Torasecha"?
(d)One of the two ways of explaining the latter Pasuk is "Eis La'asos la'Hashem"(Hash-m sometimes needs to punish the people) because "Heifeiru Torasecha" (they have nullified the Torah). What is the other?
(e)What is an example of the latter?
(a)The Mishnah proved that one may greet using the Name of Hash-m from the Pasuk in Rus, where Bo'az said to Rus "Hash-m Imachem". The Tana sees fit to add the Pasuk ...
1. ... in Shoftim (where the angel said to Gid'on) "Hash-m Im'cha Gibor ha'Chayil" - to dispel any thoughts that Gid'on acted (incorrectly) of his own accord.
2. ... in Mishlei "Al Tavoz ki Zaknah Imecha" - in case one thinks that there is no proof from the angel, who was merely informing Gid'on that Hash-m was with him (but was not greeting him.
(b)This Pasuk is coming to teach us - that one should not despise the rulings of the sages, even if they sometimes seem unconventional, as the Pasuk says in Tehilim ...
(c)... "Eis La'asos la'Hashem, Heiferu Torasecha" - meaning that sometimes the Chachamim find it necessary to issue rulings even when they contravene the Torah.
(d)One of the two ways of explaining the latter Pasuk is "Eis La'asos la'Hashem"(Hash-m sometimes needs to punish the people) because "Heifeiru Torasecha" (they have nullified the Torah); the other is "Heifeiru Torasecha" (the Chachamim sometimes need to nullify the Torah) because "Eis La'asos la'Hashem" (in order to sanctify Hash-m's Name).
(e)An example of the latter is - when Eliyahu brought a Korban on Har ha'Carmel in order to sanctify Hash-m's Name, even though it was a time when Bamos were forbidden,.
(a)What did Hillel ha'Zakein mean when he said ...
1. ... 'be'Sha'as ha'Machnisin Pazer'?
2. ... 'be'Sha'as ha'Mefazrim Kaneis'?
(b)What is the reason for the latter statement?
(c)What has this to do with the previous Pasuk "Eis La'asos la'Hashem")?
(d)Similarly, what did Hillel say about a generation that ...
1. ... loves the Torah, based on the Pasuk in Mishlei "Yesh Mefazer ve'Nosaf Od"?
2. ... does not love Torah?
(e)On which Pasuk is the latter ruling base?
(a)When Hillel ha'Zakein said ...
1. ... 'be'Sha'as ha'Machnisin Pazer', he meant - when the Chachamim are not teaching Torah, then one should go and teach.
2. ... 'be'Sha'as ha'Mefazrim Kaneis', he meant that - when the Chachamim are teaching Torah, one should refrain from doing so.
(b)The reason for the latter statement is - the obligation to be humble.
(c)The connection with the previous Pasuk "Eis La'asos la'Hashem") is - that here too, one must sometimes hold back from performing a Mitzvah for the sake of Hash-m.
(d)Similarly, Hillel said that if a generation ...
1. ... loves the Torah, then, based on the Pasuk in Mishlei "Yesh Mefazer ve'Nosaf Od" - one shouold teach it to them, but that ...
2. ... if they do not - then one should refrain from doing so ...
(e)... based on the Pasuk in Tehilim "Eis La'asos la'Hashem, Heifeiru Torasecha".
(a)What did bar Kapara say about ...
1. ... goods that are cheap?
2. ... a town where there is not a man (to teach Torah)?
(b)What did Abaye extrapolate from there?
(c)How do we answer the Kashya 'P'shita' (that one should not Pasken in front of one's Rebbe)?
(d)Why should one then refrain from teaching?
(a)bar Kapara said that ...
1. ... goods that are cheap - one should purchase them, and sell them when the price goes up.
2. ... a town where there is not a man (to teach Torah) - one should be a man (and teach it).
(b)Abaye extrapolated from there - that if there is someone to teach, them one should refrain from teaching (like bar Kapara said).
(c)We answer the Kashya 'P'shita' (that one should not Pasken in front of one's Rebbe) - by establishing it even where one is on a par with those who are teaching ...
(d)... when one should refrain from teaching out of humility, as we explained.
(a)What does the Pasuk in Mishlei mean when it says...
1. ... "be'Chol Derachecha D'eihu"?
2. ... "ve'Hu Yeyasher Orchosecha"?
(b)What did bar Kapara comment on this Pasuk?
(c)What did Rava comment on that (presumably based on the word "be'Chol")?
(d)What is an example of 'Afilu li'Devar Aveirah"?
(a)When the Pasuk in Mishlei says ...
1. ... "be'Chol Derachecha D'eihu", it means - that 'Whatever one does should be for the sake of Hashem' ...
2. ... "ve'Hu Yeyasher Orchosecha" - that Hash-m will then sere to it that your path is straight' (i.e. He will remove all problems).
(b)bar Kapara commented on this Pasuk - that 'It is a small Parshah on which most major parts of Torah depend'.
(c)Rava commented on that (presumably based on the word "be'Chol") - that this applies even to an Aveirah ...
(d)... such as the Korban that Eliyahu brought on Har ha'Carmel (to which we referred earlier).
(a)bar Kapara also maintains that a person should pick a profession that contains two specifications, one of them is that it should be clean. What does 'clean' mean?
(b)What is the other specification?
(c)An example of this is 'Machta de'Talmiyusa'. What profession is that?
(a)bar Kapara also maintains that a person should pick a profession that contains two specifications, one of them is that it should be 'clean' - i.e. that does not involve theft ...
(b)... the other - that it is easy to perform (or that it is not too costly to run [Aruch]).
(c)An example of this is 'Machta de'Talmiyusa' - embroidery.
(a)bar Kapara further advises a person not to invite too many friends to one's house, based on the Pasuk in Mishlei "Ish Re'im Lehisro'ei'a". What does "Lehisro'ei' mean?
(b)What does Rebbi in a Beraisa, say about appointing a manager who lives in the house to look after one's affairs?
(c)What was his source for this?
(d)And how does he explain the juxtaposition of the Parshah of Nazir to that of Sotah in Parshas Naso?
(a)bar Kapara further advises a person not to invite too many friends to one's house, based on the Pasuk in Mishlei "Ish Re'im Lehisro'ei'a" - which means that too many friends (in the house) cause damage to the house.
(b)Rebbi in a Beraisa, advises against appointing a manager who lives in the house to look after one's affairs.
(c)His source for this is - Yosef, whom Potifera purchased to manage his household and to whom his wife took a fancy.
(d)And he explains that the Torah juxtaposes the Parshah of Nazir to that of Sotah in Parshas Naso to teach us - that 'Someone who sees a Sotah in disgrace should take a Nazarite vow'.
(a)How does Chizkiyah b'rei de'Rebbi Parnach quoting Rebbi Yochanan explain the juxtaposition of the Pasuk "ve'Ish es Kodashav lo Yih'yu' (in connection with T'rumos and Ma'asros to that of "Ve'heivi ha'Ish es Ishto" (in connection with Sotah [in Parshas Naso])?
(b)What does he add to the D'rashah, based on the earlier Pasuk concerning the earlier Pasuk?
(c)And what does Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak Darshen from the continuation of the Pasuk "Ish asher Yiten la'Kohen lo Yih'yeh"?
(a)Chizkiyah b'rei de'Rebbi Parnach quoting Rebbi Yochanan explains that the juxtaposition of the Pasuk "ve'Ish es Kodashav lo Yih'yu' (in connection with T'rumos and Ma'asros to that of "Ve'heivi ha'Ish es Ishto" (in connection with Sotah [in Parshas Naso]) comes to teach us - that anyone who fails to give T'rumos and Ma'asros to the Kohen will be forced to go to him with his wife who is a Sotah.
(b)Based on the earlier Pasuk, he adds that - moreover, he himself will eventually have to come on to the Ma'asros (i.e. Ma'aser Ani) that he failed to give.
(c)Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak Darshens from the continuation of the Pasuk "Ish asher Yiten la'Kohen lo Yih'yeh" - that if he does give his dues to the Kohen, he will become wealthy.
(a)When Rebbi Huna bar B'rechyah in the name of Rebbi Elazar ha'Kapar talks about someone who is 'Meshatef Hash-m be'Tza'aro', he might be referring to someone who recites a B'rachah "Baruch dayan ha'Emes' over 'bad' things. What else might he mean?
(b)Based on the Pasuk in Iyov "ve'Hayah Shakai be'Tzarecha ve'Chesef To'afos (doubled) lach", what does he say will happen to someone who does this?
(c)On what basis does Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeni learn from the same Pasuk that his Parnasah will fly in like a bird?
(a)When Rebbi Huna bar B'rechyah in the name of Rebbi Elazar ha'Kapar talks about someone who is 'Meshatef Hash-m be'Tza'aro', he is referring, either to someone who recites a B'rachah "Baruch dayan ha'Emes' over 'bad' things or to someone - who Davens to Hash-m when he is in trouble.
(b)Based on the Pasuk in Iyov "ve'Hayah Shakai be'Tzarecha ve'Chesef To'afos (doubled) lach", he says that if someone does this - Hash-m will respond by doubling his Parnasah.
(c)Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeni learn from the same Pasuk that his Parnasah will fly in like a bird - based on his translation of "ke'So'afos" - from the word 'la'Uf', to fly).
(a)Based on the Pasuk in Mishlei "Hisrapisa be'Yom Tzarah, Tzarah Tzar ke'Chakeh", what does Rebbi Tavi quoting Rebbi Yashiyah say about someone who is lax in 'words of Torah'?
(b)And what does Rebbi Ami bar Masna quoting Shmuel add, bearing in mind that the Pasuk simply says "Hisrapisa"?
(a)Based on the Pasuk in Mishlei "Hisrapisa be'Yom Tzarah, Tzarah Tzar ke'Chakeh", Rebbi Tavi quoting Rebbi Yashiyah says that someone who is lax in 'words of Torah' - will not have the strength to stand on the day of trouble.
(b)And Rebbi Ami bar Masna quoting Shmuel add, bearing in mind that the Pasuk simply says "Hisrapisa" - that this will happen even if he is lax in only one Mitzvah.
(a)Rav Safra quoted Rebbi Avahu, in connection with something that Rebbi Chananyah did. Who was Rebbi Chananyah?
(b)Which two things did he do after he went to the Golah?
(c)What was wrong with that, based on the Pasuk in Re'ei "le'Shichno Sidr'shu u'Va'sa Shamah"?
(d)What do Rebbi Yossi ben Kipar and the grandson of Zecharyah ben Kevutal have to do with the story?
(a)Rav Safra quoted Rebbi Avahu, in connection with something that Rebbi Chananyah - the son of Rebbi Yehoshua's brother, did.
(b)After he went to the Golah - he declared leap-years (See Ritva) and fixed Roshei Chodashim ...
(c)... in spite of the Pasuk in Re'ei "le'Shichno Sidr'shu u'Va'sa Shamah" - which teaches us that that must be done in Eretz Yisrael.
(d)Rebbi Yossi ben Kipar and the grandson of Zecharyah ben Kevutal - were the two Talmidei-Chachamim that the Sanhedrin sent to him to reprimand him.
(a)What did the two above Talmidei-Chachamim reply when Rebbi Chananyah asked them why they had come?
(b)What title did he confer upon them, and what did he say their ancestors used to do?
(c)What did Zecharyah ben Kevutal testify about himself, in connection with the Kohen Gadol on the night of Yom Kipur?
(d)What happened in the ensuing Torah discussion?
(e)What did they comment when he then accused of being men of no consequence?
(a)When Rebbi Chananyah asked the two above Talmidei-Chachamim why they had come - they replied 'to learn Torah'.
(b)He confer upon them the title of 'leaders of the generation, serve in the Beis-ha'Mikdash.
(c)What did Zecharyah ben Kevutal testified - that he used to read in front of the Kohen Gadol Kohen Gadol on the night Yom Kipur in Seifer Daniel.
(d)In the ensuing Torah discussion - whenever Rebbi Chananyah rules Tamei, they ruled Tahor, and whenever he said Asur, they said Mutar.
(e)When he then accused of being men of no consequence, they commented - that having built (them up), he cannot then demolish (them).
(a)What did Rebbi Yossi ben Kipar and the grandson of Zecharyah ben Kevutal answer when Chananyah asked them why they were declaring Tahor whatever he declare Tamei, and permitting whatever he forbade.
(b)What did he reply when they ...
1. ... accused him of declaring leap-years and fixing Roshei Chodashim in Chutz la'Aretz?
2. ... pointed out that when Rebbi Akiva went to Chutz la'Aretz, he left behind nobody who could compare with him?
(c)And what did they mean when they countered 'Gedayim Na'aseh Teyashim'?
(d)Why did they add the words 'Ba'alei Karnayim'?
(e)What in fact did these 'goats with horns' instruct them to warn Chananyah?
(a)When Chananyah asked Rebbi Yossi ben Kipar and the grandson of Zecharyah ben Kevutal why they were declaring Tahor whatever he declare Tamei, and permitting whatever he forbade.
(b)When they ...
1. ... accused him of declaring leap-years and fixing Roshei Chodashim in Chutz la'Aretz - he replied that when Rebbi Akiva went to Chutz la'Aretz, he did exactly the same thing.
2. ... pointed out that when Rebbi Akiva went to Chutz la'Aretz, he left behind nobody who could compare with him - he replied that he too, left behind nobody who could compare with him.
(c)When they countered 'Gedayim Na'aseh Teyashim' - they meant that the budding Talmidei-Chachamim whom had left behind when he left have meanwhile become his equals.
(d)And they added the words 'Ba'alei Karnayim' - to warn him that they would him unless he relented.
(e)In fact these 'goats with horns' instructed them to warn Chananyah - that should he decline to relent, they would place him in Cherem.
(a)What did the two Talmidei Chachamim mean when, following instructions, they said to 'their brother in the Golah' 've'Im Lo, Ya'alu la'Har; Achiyah Yivneh Mizbe'ach, Chananya Yenagen be'Chinor'?
(b)Why would specifically Chananya play the harp?
(c)And what would all the people of the Golah proclaim?
(a)What the two Talmidei Chachamim meant when, following instructions, they said to 'their brother in the Golah' 've'Im Lo, Ya'alu ba'Har' was - that if the people of the Golah wished to continue along that path, then Achyah (one of the leaders of the Golah) may as well go and build an altar on one of the mountain tops - like the other nations of the world. Chananya will play the harp ...
(b)...because, not only was Chananya a Levi - but he was also from the family of singers.
(c)And all the people of the Golah would proclaim - that they have no portion in the G-d of Yisrael.
(a)How did the people of the Golah react when they heard the stern warning of the two Talmidei-Chachamim?
(b)What is the source of the Din that the leap-years and the months must be fixed in Eretz Yisrael (i.e. Yerushalayim')?
(c)What does the Beraisa say about a Chacham declaring Tahor what his colleague has declared Tamei, or Mutar what he has declared Asur?
(d)On what grounds did the two Talmidei-Chachamim do precisely that to Chananya?
(a)When the people of the Golah heard the stern warning of the two Talmidei-Chachamim - they burst into tears, and acknowledged their belief in Hash-m.
(b)The source for prohibition of fixing leap-years and Roshei-Chodoshim outside Yerushalayim - is the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Ki mi'Tziyon Teitzei Torah ... ".
(c)The Beraisa rules - that a Chacham is not permitted to declare Tahor what his colleague has declared Tamei, or Mutar what he has declared Asur.
(d)The two Talmidei-Chachamim did precisely that to Chananya - to prevent people from following his rulings.
(a)The Beraisa relates what happened when Rebbi Yehudah, Rebbi Yossi, Rebbi Nechemyah and Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Yossi entered Kerem be'Yavneh. What is 'Kerem be'Yavneh'?
(b)Why is it called a 'Kerem'?
(c)Each one made a D'rashah. What did all the D'rashos have in common?
(d)What is 'Achsanyah' referring to?
(a)The Beraisa relates what happened when Rebbi Yehudah, Rebbi Yossi, Rebbi Nechemyah and Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Yossi entered 'Kerem be'Yavneh' - i.e. the Sanhedrin ...
(b)... which is called a 'Kerem' - because it consisted of three rows of Dayanim (resembling the rows of trees in a vineyard).
(c)Each one made a D'rashah - all of which began 'in honor of the host' (by honoring the people who host ...
(d)... Talmidei-Chachamim in their homes).
(a)Rebbi Yehudah was the first to Darshen. Who conferred upon him the title 'Rosh ha'Medabrim be'Chol Makom'?
(b)What did he do to earn it?
(c)In whose honor did he now Darshen?
(d)He learned a Kal va'Chomer from the Pasuk in Ki Sissa "u'Moshe Yikach es ha'Ohel ve'Natah lo mi'Chutz la'Machaneh". How far outside the camp did he place the Ohel Mo'ed?
(a)Rebbi Yehudah was the first to Darshen. It was - the Romans who conferred upon him the title 'Rosh ha'Medabrim be'Chol Makom' ...
(b)... because on another occasion - he praised the them, whilst his colleagues derided them (as we learned in Shabbos).
(c)He now Darshened in honor of - the Talmidei-Chachamim who studied Torah and whom the hosts invited into their homes.
(d)He learned a Kal va'Chomer from the Pasuk in Ki Sissa "u'Moshe Yikach es ha'Ohel ve'Natah lo mi'Chutz la'Machaneh". How placed the Ohel Mo'ed - three Parsah (twelve Mil) outside the camp
(a)He Darshened a Kal va'Chomer from the people who traveled the three Parsah to the Ohel Mo'ed. What does the Pasuk refer to them as?
(b)What is the Kal va'Chomer?
(a)He Darshened a Kal va'Chomer from the people who traveled the three Parsah to the Ohel Mo'ed - whom the Pasuk describes as 'Kol Mevakesh Hashem'.
(b)The Kal va'Chomer is - that if the Torah refers to someone who travels only three Parsah to hear the word of Hash-m, then how mush more so Talmidei-Chachamim, who travel from town to town and from country to countrey.
(a)Rebbi Yitzchak explains the Pasuk there "ve'Diber Hash-m El Moshe Panim El Panim" to mean that Hash-m said to Moshe 'Come, let us learn Halachah together'. What is his alternative explanation?
(b)In connection with the Pasuk there "ve'Shav el ha'Machaneh", how did Rebbi Avahu explain Hash-m's concern that Moshe should return to the camp?
(c)What threat did Hash-m issue Moshe with should he decline to conform with Hash-m's request to return the Ohel Mo'ed to the camp?
(d)What did Rava extrapolate from the conclusion of the Pasuk "u'Meshorso Yehoshua ben Nun Na'ar Lo Yamush mi'Toch ha'Ohel"?
(a)Rebbi Yitzchak explains the Pasuk there "ve'Diber Hash-m El Moshe Panim El Panim" to mean either, that Hash-m said to Moshe 'Come, let us learn Halachah together' or - 'Just as I learnt openly with you, so should you learn openly with Yisrael - Go and return the Tent to its former place!'.
(b)In connection with the Pasuk there "ve'Shav el ha'Machaneh", Rebbi Avahu explained Hash-m's concern that Moshe should return to the camp - that, otherwise, seeing as both the Rebbe and the Talmid are angry, what will happen to Yisrael?
(c)He therefore threatened Moshe that - should he decline to conform with Hash-m's request to return the Ohel Mo'ed to the camp - Yehoshus would take over leadership of Yisrael.
(d)Rava extrapolated from the conclusion of the Pasuk "u'Meshorso Yehoshua ben Nun Na'ar Lo Yamush mi'Toch ha'Ohel" - despite the fact that Moshe did comply with Hash-m's request, the 'prediction' that Yehoshua would take over from Moshe (albeit later) had already begun to materialize.
(a)Rebbi Yehudah now Darshens the Pasuk in Ki Savo "Haskes u'Shema Yisrael, ha'Yom ha'Zeh Niheyesa le'Am", again in honor of the Torah and those who study it. How does he explain the Pasuk, bearing in mind that the Torah had been given forty years earlier?
(b)How does Rebbi Tanchum bar Chiya Ish K'far Acco support Rebbi Yehudah from someone who recites the Sh'ma twice a day and who forgets to it one night?
(c)What is "Haskeis" the acronym of?
(a)Rebbi Yehudah now Darshens the Pasuk in Ki Savo "Haskes u'Shema Yisrael, ha'Yom ha'Zeh Niheyesa le'Am", again in honor of the Torah and those who study it. Bearing in mind that the Torah had been given forty years earlier, he explains - that the Toah is as dear to those who study as the day on which it was given.
(b)Rebbi Tanchum bar Chiya Ish K'far Acco supports Rebbi Yehudah from someone who recites the Sh'ma twice a day and who forgets to it one night - who feels as bad as if he had never receited the Sh'ma in his entire life.
(c)"Haskeis" is the acronym of - 'Has' (Make) 'Kitos Kitos' (groups [i.e. one should learn in groups]).
(a)Rebbi Yehudah's latter statement conforms with a statement of Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina. What does Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina say, based on the Pasuk in Yirmiyahu "Cherev el ha'Badim ... "?
(b)How does he explain the next word in the Pasuk "ve'Noalu"?
(c)And he bases this in turn, on the Pasuk in Beha'aloscha (in connection with the Lashon ha'Ra that Aharon and Miriam spoke about Moshe) "asher No'alnu ... " or from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "No'alu Sarei Tzo'an". What does he learn from the next two words in the Pasuk in Beha'aloshca?
(a)Rebbi Yehudah's latter statement conforms with a statement of Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina, who, based on the Pasuk in Yirmiyahu "Cherev el ha'Badim ... " said - that a sword will be at the neck of a person who learns on his own ('Bad be'Vad').
(b)He explains the next word in the Pasuk "ve'Noalu" to mean - that that person will also become foolish (by misunderstanding what he learns).
(c)And he bases this in turn, on the Pasuk in Beha'aloscha (in connection with the Lashon ha'Ra that Aharon and Miriam spoke about Moshe) "asher No'alnu ... " or from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "No'alu Sarei Tzo'an". From the next two words in the Pasuk in Beha'aloshca - "va'asher Chatanu" he learns that he is also bound to sin.
(a)Alternatively, Rebbi Yehudah explains the Pasuk in Ki Savo ("Haskeis u'Shema") as 'Katsu Atzmechem al Divrei Torah'. What does he mean by that?
(b)And we supprt this with a statement of Resh Lakish. What did Resh Lakish say based on the Pasuk in Chukas "Zos ha'Torah, Adam ki Yamus be'Ohel"?
(c)Another interpretation of "Haskeis" is that it is the acronym of 'Has (ve'achar-kach) Kateis', in keeping with a statement of Rava. What did Rava say?
(a)Alternatively, Rebbi Yehudah explains the Pasuk in Ki Savo ("Haskeis u'Shema") as 'Katsu Atzmechem al Divrei Torah', by which he means - that one should be prepared to suffer in order to learn Torah.
(b)And we supprt this with a statement of Resh Lakish. who said, based on the Pasuk in Chukas "Zos ha'Torah, Adam ki Yamus be'Ohel" - that the Torah a person learns will only remain with him if he is willing to 'kill himself' over it.
(c)Another interpretation of "Haskeis" is that it is the acronym of 'Has (ve'achar-kach) Kateis', in keeping with a statement of Rava, who said - that one should first learn the entire text (superficially) before studying it in depth.
(a)Bei Rebbi Yanai Darshens the Pasuk in Mishlei "For the juice of milk will produce butter, the juice of anger (Af), blood, and the juice of great anger (Apayim), arguments (in words of Torah)". How does he explain ...
1. ... " ... the juice of milk will produce butter"?
2. ... "the juice of anger (Af), blood"?
3. ... "the juice of great anger (Apayim), arguments "?
(b)We connect the latter explanation with a statement of Rebbi Yishmael in a Mishnah in Bava Basra. What did he say there about someone who wishes to become wise?
(c)Why is that?
(d)To what does the Tana compare them?
(a)Bei Rebbi Yanai Darshens the Pasuk in Mishlei ...
1. ... "For the juice of milk will produce butter" to mean - that 'One will only find the butter of Torah with someone who first vomits out the milk that he drank at his mother's breast'.
2. ... "the juice of anger (Af), blood" - that 'A Talmid who remains silent the first time his Rebbe is angry with him will eventually merit to distinguish between Tamei blood and Tahor blood (i.e. the intricacies of Hilchos Nidah), ... and ...
3. ... "the juice of great anger (Apayim), arguments" - that if he continues to accept the rebukes of his Rebbe, he will merit the complex intricacies between Dinei Mamonos and Dinei Nefachos.
(b)We connect the latter explanation with the statement of Rebbi Yishmael in a Mishnah in Bava Basra that 'Someone who wishes to become wise - should study the Dinim of Dinei Mamomos ...
(c)... because there is no area of Torah that is more intricate than them ...
(d)... since they are comparable to a spring drawing water from its source.
(a)Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeni, still in honor of Torah and its Talmidim, explains the Pasuk there "Im Navalta, be'Hisnasei" to mean that a Talmid who causes himself embarrassment will eventually be elevated. What does he mean by 'causes himself embarrassment'?
(b)And how does he explain the continuation of the Pasuk "ve'Im Zamosa, Yad le'Peh"?
(a)Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeni, still in honor of Torah and its Talmidim, explains the Pasuk there "Im Navalta, be'Hisnasei" to mean that a Talmid who causes himself embarrassment - by asking questions (even though hios friends may sometimes laugh his naivete) will eventually be elevated.
(b)And he explains the continuation of the Pasuk "ve'Im Zamosa, Yad le'Peh" - to mean that if he places a bit in his mouth (i.e. remains silent when he fails to understand something, he will end up placing a finger on his lips (like a dunce).
(a)The next Tana to begin his D'rashah 'in honor of the host' Rebbi Nechemyah, cited a Pasuk in Shmuel (in connection with King Shaul's instructions to the Keini). Who were the 'Keini'?
(b)What did Shaul instruct them to do and why?
(c)On what grounds did he tell them to do so?
(d)What Kal va'Chomer did Rebbi Nechemyah learn from there?
(a)The next Tana to begin his D'rashah 'in honor of the host' Rebbi Nechemyah, cited a Pasuk in Shmuel (in connection with King Shaul's instructions to the Keini - descendants of Yisro).
(b)Shaul instructed them - to move away from the Amaleki, before he attacked them (the Amaleki) ...
(c)... because they (Yisro) did Chesed with Yisrael (when he instigated the concept of appointing judges to assist Moshe.
(d)Rebbi Nechemyah learned from there that - if Yisro, who brought Moshe close for his own benefit is praised, how much more praiseworthy is someone who hosts a Talmid-Chacham in his home, feeds him, gives him to drink, and benefits him with his money.
(a)The third Tana, Rebbi Yossi, Darshened from a Pasuk in Ki Seitzei. Why does the Pasuk command us not to reject ...
1. ... an Edumite?
2. ... an Egyptian?
(b)Rebbi Yossi Darshened from the Pasuk in Vayigash that the Egyptians accepted our fathers in Egypt for their own benefit. Which Pasuk in Vayigash?
(c)What Kal va'Chomer did Rebbi Yossi learn from there?
(a)The third Tana, Rebbi Yossi, Darshened from a Pasuk in Ki Seitzei, which commands us not to reject ...
1. ... an Edumite - because he is our brother, and ...
2. ... an Egyptian - because the Egyptians hosted us in their land.
(b)Rebbi Yossi Darshened from the Pasuk in Vayigash - where Par'oh instructed Ya'akov to appoint any expert shepherds from his family to oversee his flocks, that the Egyptians accepted our fathers in Egypt for their own benefit ...
(c)... how much more praiseworthy is someone who hosts a Talmid-Chacham in his home, feeds him, gives him to drink, and benefits him with his money.
(a)Rebbi Eliezer, son of Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili, the last of the four Tana'im to begin in honor of the host, Darshened from a Pasuk in Shmuel, which discusses Hash-m's blessing of Oveid Edom ha'Giti, who housed the Aron (which neither eats nor drinks) for a few months. What did he do for the Aron?
(b)Based on Pesukim in Divrei ha'Yamim, what reward did Oveid Edom receive?
(c)How does the Pasuk arrive at the number sixty-two?
(d)What Kal va'Chomer did Rebbi Eliezer, son of Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili make?
(a)Rebbi Eliezer, son of Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili, the last of the four Tana'im to begin in honor of the host, Darshened from a Pasuk in Shmuel, which discusses Hash-m's blessing of Oveid Edom ha'Giti, who housed the Aron (which neither eats nor drinks) for a few months - during which time he swept the floor in front of it and settled the dust.
(b)Based on Pesukim in Divrei ha'Yamim, Oveid Edom was rewarded - with his wife and eight daughters-in-law all giving birth to sextuplets (fifty-four babies) ...
(c)... which, together with their eight fathers, makes a total of sixty-two.
(d)And if one receives such a reward for hosting the Aron, which, as we explained, does not require food and drink, how much more so does someone who hosts a Talmid-Chacham, who does, deserve a rich reward.