BERACHOS 27 (16 Adar) - Dedicated by Mr. Avi Berger of Queens, NY, in memory of his father, Reb Pinchas ben Reb Avraham Yitzchak, on the day of his Yahrzeit.
Why did they stone a cock in Yerushalayim?
It drove on Shabos.
It pecked a baby to death.
They didn't, it was a mistake.
It was ruining Tefilin.
It disturbed Davening by crowing.
What is the Halachah regarding Maariv at Plag ha'Minchah?
'de'Avid ke'Mar Avid, u'de'Avid ke'Mar Avid'
How were Rebbi Ami and Rebbi Asi allowed to pass in front of people who were Davening?
The Rabbis are permitted.
It was Pikuach Nefesh.
They were more than 4 Amos away.
They were 3 Tefachim away.
They were involved in learning.
What is the penalty for being disrespectful to ones Rebbi?
He gets thrown out of Yeshivah.
Makus Mardus.
He causes the Shechinah to leave.
How could Abaye permit Rav Dimi bar Livai to smoke baskets after he had Davened Kabalas Shabbos early?