BERACHOS 21 - Dedicated by Dr. Alain Bitton of Geneva, Switzerland, towards a Refu'ah Sheleimah for his mother, Rina bat Fibi Kaddosh, and in memory of his aunt, Mazal bat Freha, who passed away on 7 Adar.
What is the source for ברכת התורה ?
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
Someone in the middle of the Amidah remembers that he has already Davened what should he do?
FInish whole Amidah.
Finish that brochoh.
Stop immediately.
Only finish if he is in the first three.
Undecided Machlokes.
Someone has a doubt if he were קרא קריאת שמע or not does he repeat it?
Only Shacharis.
Only Maariv.
According to Shmuel one who entered Shule and found them Davening the Amidah, may not Daven again in order to Daven Tefilah be'Tzibur unless ________ .
It is Shabos
He can except for Maariv (it is a Reshus)
He can add something to the previous Davening
He has a new pair of Tefilin.
He was an Ones when he Davened by himself.
According to רב הונא one who enters a בית הכנסת finds them in Amida and can finish by the time the ש"ץ gets to ______ he can Daven with them.
Birchas Kohanim
The Limud of Semuchin applies in which Sefer according to all?