One sees a תלמיד חכם take money at what point must you assume he did Teshuva?
- Immediately.
- Yom Kippur.
- When he returns it.
- When you see him fasting.
- If he has Yessurin.
If חוני המעגל were not so great what punishment would שמעון בן שטח have given him?
- Kenas.
- Makos Mardus.
- Demoted him from being Rosh Yeshiva.
- Stoning.
- Nidui
העוסקים בהספד בזמן שהמת מוטל לפניהם and it comes time for ק"ש . What should they do?
- Leave individually (unobstrusively) and say ק"ש .
- They are Patur.
- They stay where they are and say the first Pasuk only.
- They leave and say the first Pasuk only.
- They leave as a group because Kavod Shomaim is greater than Kavod Ha meis.
Why is it a Mitzvah to run to see non-Jewish kings?
- It is a Chilul Hashem not to.
- They will be nicer if we show them respect.
- There was a tax if you were caught avoiding the procession.
- He will see the difference between them and jewish ones.
- To see their clothing.
גדול כבוד הבריות שדוחה [את] לא תעשה שבתורה refers to ______ .
- Every לאו
- Only Lo Sasur
- Only those that are Nidche Leasay
- Only those that do not have Makos
- All that do not have death penalty
A Rov finds a basketball in the street he may pass by and not pick it up.
- True.
- False.