One who is משמר a dead body is patur from davening and Teffilin.
- True.
- False.
- Machlokes
- He must put on teffilin. Its de'oraiso
What may one not do when transporting the bones of a corpse for re-burial?
- Daven
- Kerias Shema
- Sit on the sack.
- Teffilin.
- Eat.
What is the Din of someone transporting a Torah ?
- Same as a meis.
- He is doing a Mitzvah so patur.
If two people are guarding a corpse on a boat and the time of Keri'as Shema comes they _________ .
- Take turns.
- Can go to a corner together and say it.
- Patur
- Machlokes A&B
- Machlokes A&C
Why did שמואל go to the cemetary to speak to his father?
- He wanted to know where to plant.
- His father was a gravedigger.
- Find out where the orphans money was.
- He had Yartzeit.
- It was Tisha b'Av
ר' יונתן realized that the dead do know what happens in this world from what?
- ר' יונתן stiil holds they don't.
- Story of שמואל .
- זעירי 's innkeeper.
- Avos.
- Dovid.