Why would one think I could interupt Shema but not Megilla?
- The Rabannan were more machmir by their gezairos.
- Tircha detzabura.
- פרסומי ניסא takes precedence
- You might confuse the bal korei.
According to Raba what is the difference between the 21 days Hallel is completed and the days on which it is not?
- Issur Melacha
- Full hallel can't be interupted.
- Full hallel can only be interupted bein haperakim.
- An Avel can daven for the amud
If you meet your friend on the way to shul you ______ say hello.
- may
- may not
What is good for bad dreams?
- Torah
- Tefila
- Tzedaka
- Warm milk
Why don't we stop between אלהיכם לאמת ?
- It is all one pasuk.
- To show that it is true.
- To have 613 words.
- Because it is similar to a pasuk in Yermiyahu.
Why did Rav wash his hands say Shema then put on his Tefilin and daven?
- He thought it was Shabbos.
- He argues on our Mishna. (tana upalig)
- It wasn't yet time for tefillin.
- He was going to miss zeman