Is it prohibited to place perfume on a silk garment on Yom Tov?
- Yes, may come to Sechita.
- Molid a fragrance. Assur.
- No, no diiferent than rolling the branch of an aromatic tree.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes B&C.
It is permitted to smoke fruit on coals.
- True.
- No. Kibuy.
- No. Hav'ara
- Only meat.
- Machlokes B&C.
קרצוף has large teeth will not cause a חבורה may one use it on יו"ט ?
- Yes. but only קרצוף
- Yes, anything.
- No, גזרינן for small toothed ones.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes B&C.
עגלה של קטן A childs wagon, may it be pushed on the ground בשבת ?
- Yes, any groove is a דבר שאינו מתכוין .
- Yes, it can't actually plow.
- No.
- Machlokes all the above.
- Sofeik.
הדרן עלך יום טוב
- !!!!!TRUE!!!!!
Animals in a Bibar may be fed.
- True. So long as they have no ready food.
- False.
- Only in the summer.
- Only in the winter.
- Machlokes A&D.