(a)The Mishnah now discusses someone who doesn't know whether the animal that he purchased from a Nochri has given birth before or not. On what condition does Rebbi Yishmael declare the baby a Vaday B'chor if it is ...
1. ... a she-goat?
2. ... a ewe?
3. ... a cow or a donkey?
(b)What is his reason?
(c)What is the status of the animal if it is older than that?
(d)What does the owner then do with the baby if it is ...
1. ... a goat, a lamb or a calf?
2. ... a donkey?
(a)The Mishnah now discusses someone who doesn't know whether the animal that he purchased from a Nochri has given birth before or not. Rebbi Yishmael declares the baby a Vaday B'chor if it is ...
1. ... a she-goat - provided it is within its first year ...
2. ... a ewe - in its second year, and ...
3. ... a cow or a donkey - in their third year.
(b)His reason is - because we can be sure that the animal concerned did not give birth before that.
(c)The status of the animal if it is older than that is - that of a Safek B'chor (See Tos. Yom Tov) ...
(d)... in which case, if it is ...
1. ... a goat, a lamb or a calf - the owner applies the Din of 'Ro'eh' until it obtains a blemish, at which point he may eat it.
2. ... a donkey - he redeems it with a Taleh, with which he may do as he pleases.
(a)Rebbi Akiva would agree with Rebbi Yishmael if it was only a matter of birth. What other criteria does he claim is involved that renders a birth even before the given time-period a Safek B'chor?
(b)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)Rebbi Akiva would agree with Rebbi Yishmael if it was only a matter of birth. The other criterion which, he claims, is involved that renders a birth even before the given time-period a Safek B'chor - is a sign that it gave birth to a Nefel (a stillborn baby).
(b)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Akiva.
(a)If Rebbi Akiva's sign by a small species of animal is a blood-clot (Tinuf), what is it by a large one?
(b)How could the owner ascertain whether it is a birth or not?
(c)The same sign by a woman is a Sh'fir or a Shilya. What is a 'Sh'fir'?
(d)Others translate 'Sh'fir' as a piece of flesh that is shaped like a person. How do yet others translate it, based on the word itself?
(a)Rebbi Akiva's sign by a small species of animal is a blood-clot (Tinuf), by a large one - a Shilya (a placenta).
(b)The owner could ascertain whether it is a birth or not - by showing it to a learned shepherd to inspect.
(c)The same sign by a woman is a 'Sh'fir' - a membrane filled with blood that covers the Shilya.
(d)Others translate 'Sh'fir' as a piece of flesh that is shaped like a person, whilst yet others, based on the word itself, translate it as - a tube-shaped (Shefoferes) piece of flesh (filled with blood - Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)In the triple K'lal presented by the Tana, on what condition does the Kohen receive ...
1. ... nothing?
2. ... the baby?
(b)What if it is a Safek?
(c)What does Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov say about a large animal that exudes a lump of congealed blood?
(d)Why do they do that?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)In the triple K'lal presented by the Tana (See Tos. Yom Tov), the Kohen receives ...
1. ... nothing - wherever it is known that the mother gave birth before.
2. ... the baby - wherever it is known that she did not.
(b)If it is a Safek - then the Din is 'Ro'eh'.
(c)Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov says that if a large animal exudes a lump of congealed blood (before ever having given birth) - the lump must be buried (See Tos. Yom Tov DH 'she'Shaf'ah ... ' & 'Harei Zu Tikaver').
(d)They do that - in order to publicize that the animal is Patur from the Bechorah from now on.
(e)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov.
(a)What does Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel say about someone who purchases from a Nochri an animal together with its feeding baby?
(b)Why is this not obvious, since if the baby was not its own, how would it have milk?
(c)What are the ramifications of this ruling?
(a)Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel rules that if someone who purchases from a Nochri an animal together with its feeding baby - he need not suspect that the baby is the child of another mother.
(b)This is not obvious, in spite of the fact that if the baby was not its own, how would it have milk? - because some animals have milk even though they are not feeding (See Tos. Yom Tov).
(c)The ramifications of this ruling are that - the mother is definitely no longer subject to the Bechorah.
(a)And what does he say about a case where a person enters his field and finds both the first-time mothers and those that are not, feeding their babies?
(b)What are the ramifications of this ruling?
(c)What would be the Din if we did suspect that the babies are feeding from different mothers?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)He also rules that if someone enters his field and finds both the first-time mothers and those that are not, feeding their babies - we do not suspect that perhaps the babies are feeding from animals that are not their mothers.
(b)Consequently - all the babies that are feeding from the former are Vaday Bechorim, and all those feeding from the latter are Vaday not Bechorim.
(c)If we did suspect that the babies are feeding from different mothers - then they would all be Safek Bechorim.
(d)The Halachah is - like Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel.
(a)What does Rebbi Yossi ben Meshulam say one should do before Shechting a B'chor (See Tos. Yom Tov DH 'Oseh Makom ... ')?
(b)What does he mean when he writes 'Oseh Makom be'Kupitz?
(c)Why does one not then transgress the prohibition of shearing a B'chor?
(d)What may he not do after pulling it out?
(e)Why is that (See Tos. Yom Tov)?
(a)Rebbi Yossi ben Meshulam says that, before Shechting a B'chor (See Tos. Yom Tov, end of DH 'Oseh Makom ... ') - one should clear the location of the Shechitah by pulling out the hair (See Tos. Yom Tov DH 've'Tolesh ha'Se'ar) around it.
(b)When he writes 'Oseh Makom be'Kupitz, he means (not with the hatchet, but) 'for the hatchet' ('le'Kupitz, with a 'Lamed') to facilitate the Shechitah [see Tos. Yom Tov]).
(c)The reason that one does not then transgress the prohibition of shearing a B'chor is - because he detaches it with his hands and not with an implement.
(d)He may not however, remove the detached hair after pulling it out ...
(e)... to avoid people from suspecting him of having shorn a B'chor.
(a)In which other case do the same Dinim apply?
(b)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The same Dinim apply - in the case of a B'chor Ba'al-Mum that one is showing to an expert (to ascertain as to whether it is a blemish that renders it subject to Shechitah or not [See Tos. Yom Tov DH 've'Chein ... ']).
(b)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Yossi ben Meshulam.
(a)What do we learn from the word "Tizbach" (in the Pasuk in Re'ei in connection with B'chor "Tizbach ve"Achalta Basar")?
(b)If the hair of a blemished B'chor falls out and is placed on the window-sill, according to Rebbi Yehudah, Akavya ben Mahalalel permits it be'Hana'ah. On what grounds do the Chachamim forbid it?
(c)According to Rebbi Yossi, Akavya is not referring to a case where the animal is subsequently Shechted. To which case is he then referring?
(d)In fact, he maintains that the Machlokes is confined to where the animal dies, and that, where it is Shechted, the Chachamim concede that the Shechitah permits the hair. Why is that?
(a)From the word "Tizbach" (in the Pasuk in Re'ei in connection with B'chor "Tizbach ve"Achalta Basar") - "Tizbach", 've'Lo Gizah' (that one may not shear the wool of a B'chor Ba'al-Mum (or any other Pesulei ha'Mukdashin).
(b)If the hair of a blemished B'chor falls out and is placed on the window-sill, according to Rebbi Yehudah, Akavya ben Mahalalel permits it be'Hana'ah. The Chachamim forbid it however - because permission to use it would encourage the Kohen to refrain from Shechting it immediately (which in fact, he is obligated to do), in order to continue benefiting from the wool that comes out by itself.
(c)According to Rebbi Yossi, Akavya is not referring to a case where the animal is subsequently Shechted - but to where it dies.
(d)In fact, he maintains that the Machlokes is confined to where the animal dies, and that, where it is Shechted, the Chachamim concede that the Shechitah permits the hair that fell out - since ('Migu') it permits the hair that is still attached.
(a)The Tana now discusses Tzemer ha'Meduldal. What is 'Tzemer ha'Meduldal'?
(b)On what condition does it become permitted after the Shechitah?
(c)With which of the above opinions does this ruling concur?
(d)On what grounds is it therefore Halachah.
(a)The Tana now discusses 'Tzemer ha'Meduldal' - wool that became detached and that is lying loose on the sheep's back.
(b)It becomes permitted after the Shechitah - provided it looks as if it is part of the wool that is still attached.
(c)This ruling concurs with - the Chachamim in the Reisha, according to Rebbi Yehudah (See Tos. Yom Tov) ...
(d)... which is Halachah because it is a S'tam Mishnah.