Sheep קדם הקדשן למומן gives birth to a בכור does it have the status of a בכור?
- Yes.
- No.
- איבעיא דלא איפשטא.
- Only Chumros.
- מחלוקת A&C.
Sheep קדם הקדשן למומן can one do תמורה with it?
- Yes.
- No.
- איבעיא דלא איפשטא.
- Only Chumros.
- מחלוקת A&C.
Sheep קדם הקדשן למומן dies what do we do with it?
- Use it for any purpose.
- Burn it.
- Bury it.
- It may be given to a Goy to eat but not as dog food.
- מחלוקת A&C.
One slaughters a קדם מום קבוע להקדשה Outside does he get כרת?
- Yes.
- No.
- איבעיא דלא איפשטא.
- מחלוקת A&B.
- מחלוקת A&C.
Sheep קדם מום קבוע להקדשן dies what do we do with it?
- Use it for any purpose.
- Burn it.
- Bury it.
- It may be given to a Goy to eat but not as dog food.
- מחלוקת A&C.
Sheep קדשי בדק הבית dies what do we do with it?
- Use it for any purpose.
- Burn it.
- Bury it.
- It may be given to a Goy to eat but not as dog food.
- מחלוקת A&C.