BAVA BASRA 19 (8 Tamuz 5784) - Today's Dafyomi study is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Moshe Gottlieb, Moshe Ze'ev ben Chaim Shlomo Yosef ha'Levi z'l, who healed the sick of Jerusalem and Israel with Chesed. Dedicated by his loving family on the day of his Yahrzeit.


STONE WALLS, MILLSTONES AND OVENS (Yerushalmi Halachah 1 Daf 3b)

תני בצונם מותר


Beraisa: It is permitted (to urinate) on a stone wall.

והיך אמרין


This is clear from the following story...

ר' יוחנן נפק מכנישתא ושפך מים לחודי תרעא ולא ידעין אי משום דהוה צונם ואין משום דהוה ביה צער ולא הוה יכיל מסיבר.


R. Yochanan left the Beis Knesses and urinated behind the gate, next to the wall. The students were unsure if it was because the wall was made of stone or because he was not able to hold himself back.

הדא דתימר בריחיא דתמן [דף ד עמוד א] ברם בריחיא דידן שלשה מן האיצטרוביל שהן ארבעה מן הקלת:


(The Mishnah taught that one must distance millstones from his neighbor's wall - three tefachim from the lower stone, which is four tefachim from the upper stone). This is referring to millstones in Bavel, which are ground by man; however, in Eretz Yisrael they are usually rotated using donkeys, so more space (4 tefachim) is needed around the millstone for the donkey to walk.

ואת התנור שלשה מן הכיליא שהן ד' מן השפה.


The Mishnah taught that an oven must be distanced from his neighbor's wall - three tefachim from the oven's base, which is four tefachim from the edge of the oven.

ר' יודן בן פזי אמר מן השפה החיצונה ולפנים


R. Yehudah ben Pazi: This is measured from the outer edge of the oven (meaning that the thickness of its wall is not included in the measurement).

ורבנן אמרי מן השפה הפנימית ולחוץ.


Rabbanan: From the inner side of the wall of the oven (meaning that the thickness of its wall is included in the measurement). (Note: Many Rishonim write that the rest of the text in this section is out of place in the Gemara and should in fact be printed at the beginning of the Gemara that follows the next Mishnah, which discusses setting up an oven. See later.)

(היה עשוי כשובך מהו נישמעינ' מהדא רבי יהודה אומר עד שתהא תחתיו מעזיבה שלשה טפחים ובכירה טפח. וכירה לא כמין שובך היא עשויה ותימר בין מלמעלן בין מלמטן טפח. וכא בין מלמעלן בין מלמטן שלשה טפחים)