One brings a חגב as a sacrifice to an עבודה זרה is he חייב?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only if it has a very long neck.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
If one breaks a stick in front of an Avodah Zarah,. is he חייב?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only if it has a very long neck.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
If one throws a stick in front of an Avodah Zarah,. is he חייב?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only if it has a very long neck.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
If one throws a stick in front of an Avodah Zarah,. is the stick נאסרת?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only if it has a very long neck.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
If a cluster of grapes is found on top of a Markolis is it forbidden?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only if it has a very long neck.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
An Avodah Zarah becomes forbidden only after it is worshipped.
- True.
- False.
- Only a Jew's.
- Only a Goy's.
- Machlokes C&D.