How must a fish be inspected before eating it?
- Every fish must be inspected for both fins and scales.
- Every fish must be inspected for either fins or scales.
- A fish that we clearly recognize as kosher needs no specific inspection. Otherwise, it must be inspected for fins and scales.
- A fish that we clearly recognize as kosher needs no specific inspection. Otherwise, it must be inspected for fins or for scales.
- We may only eat fish with a tradition that it is kosher.
What may be eaten based on finding scales on a boat laden with fish?
- The fish in the boat.
- Only the brine from the fish.
- Nothing.
- Opinions in the Gemara say answers A and B.
- Opinions in the Gemara say answers A, B, and C.
What are the Simanim of kosher fish eggs?
- The same as kosher bird eggs; one side is pointy, and one side is rounded.
- The same as kosher bird eggs; both sides are pointy.
- The same as kosher bird eggs; both sides are rounded.
- Unlike kosher bird eggs where both sides are rounded, by kosher fish both sides are pointy.
- Unlike kosher bird eggs where both sides are pointy, by kosher fish both sides are rounded.
Which food does wine preserve for a long time?
- Grasshoppers.
- Olives.
- Apple mead.
- Olives and apple mead.
- Grasshoppers and olives.
Which statues are forbidden in Hana’ah according to everyone?
- A statue of someone wearing a cape.
- A statue of a lion.
- A statue of a warrior on a horse.
- A statue of someone holding a bird.
- All statues are always forbidden in Hana’ah.