
TOSFOS DH ha'Nicha l'Man d'Amar l'Nidvas Tzibur Azlei

úåñôåú ã"ä äðéçà ìî''ã îåúøåú ìðãáú öéáåø àæìé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions this opinion, and defends it.)

úéîä ìãéãéä î''ù ãîîòè îåúøåú èôé îòåìú úîéã


Question: According to him, what is the difference that we exclude Mosros more than Olas Tamid?

åé''ì ãñáøà äåà ìîòåèé èôé îåúøåú îùåí ãäéå îòé÷øà ìàéù


Answer: It is logical to exclude Mosros more, because initially there were of a person.


TOSFOS DH Ela l'Man d'Amar l'Nidvas Yachid Mai Ika Lemeimar

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà ìî''ã ìðãáú éçéã îàé àéëà ìîéîø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that the Makshan had not heard the Beraisa below.)

úéîä îàé ÷ùéà ìéä äà øáé éäåãä ãîîòè äëà òåìú ä÷ãù äåà ã÷àîø áñîåê ìðãáú öéáåø àæìé


Question: What was the question? R. Yehudah, who excludes here Olas Hekdesh, he said below that it goes to Nidvas Tzibur!

ã÷úðé ùùä ìðãáä åàé ìðãáú éçéã ìà äéä îùéîä áùåôø ã÷øáï éçéã áòé ñîéëä


It teaches that there were six boxes for Nedavah. (The Kohanim buy Korbanos with the coins and offer them.) If it is for Nidvas Yachid, he would not put [the money] in a box, for [the owner of] a Korban Yachid needs [to do] Semichah [on it]!

åé''ì ãìà ùîéò ìéä ääéà áøééúà


Answer: [This Makshan] had not heard that Beraisa.

úãò ãàé ùîéò ìéä äà äãø áéä øáé éäåãä îîãøùå ùì éäåéãò


Proof: Had he heard it, [he would not have asked, for he would know that] R. Yehudah retracted due to the Drashah of Yehoyada!


TOSFOS DH Lo Miba'i l'Man d'Amar Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis Tafsei mid'Oraisa

úåñôåú ã"ä ìà îéáòéà ìî''ã ÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú úôñé îãàåøééúà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions the need for a verse according to this opinion.)

úéîä ìãéãéä àîàé àéöèøéê ÷øà äëà ãàí ùçè ÷åãí ôãééä àéï òåøä ìëäðéí ôùéèà ã÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú äéå áëìì äòîãä åäòøëä


Question: According to that opinion, why do we need a verse here [to teach that] if he slaughtered before redemption, the skin does not go to Kohanim? This is obvious, for Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis need Ha'amadah and Ha'arachah (evaluation of the animal in its lifetime)!


TOSFOS DH Ein Li Ela Olas Ish Gerim Nashim v'Avadim Minayin

úåñôåú ã"ä àéï ìé àìà òåìú àéù âøéí ðùéí åòáãéí îðéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why one verse could suffice for women and slaves.)

îùîò îçã ÷øà äåä îîòèéðï ðùéí åòáãéí


Inference: We would exclude women and slaves from one verse [had the Torah not included them from "Ohr ha'Olah"].

åãéï äåà ãäà éìôéðï îäããé áâ''ù ãìä ìä îàùä


Support: This is proper, for we learn them from each other through a Gezeirah Shavah "Lah-Lah" [Shichrur of a slave] from [a Get of] a woman.

åä÷ùä äø''ø çééí ãáôø÷ äçåáì (á''÷ ãó ôç.) îöøéê úøé ÷øàé âáé òãåú çã ìîòåèé ðùéí åçã ìîòåèé òáãéí


Question (R. Chaim): In Bava Kama (88a) we require two verses for testimony - one to exclude women, and one to exclude slaves!

åé''ì ãâáé îöåú äåà ãéìôéðï îäããé áâ''ù ãìä ìä àáì âáé òãåú ìà ùééê ìîéìó ãàéï úìåé áðàîðåú


Answer: Regarding Mitzvos we learn them from each other through the Gezeirah Shavah Lah-Lah, but for testimony, it is not applicable to learn, for it does not depend on believability;

ùäøé îùä åàäøï ìà îòéãéï ìà îùåí ãìà îäéîðé äìëê äéëà ãâìé âìé:


Source: Moshe and Aharon cannot testify [together]. It is not because they are not believed! (Rather, it is a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv.) Therefore, where the Torah revealed (that one cannot testify), it revealed [and we do not learn to elsewhere].



TOSFOS DH u'Modeh Rebbi she'Ein Hefshet Kodem Zerikah

úåñôåú ã"ä åîåãä øáé ùàéï äôùè ÷åãí æøé÷ä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara in Bava Kama.)

îùîò äëà ãìë''ò äéëà ãðåìã ôñåì ÷åãí äôùè å÷åãí æøé÷ä àéï äãí îøöä òì äòåø


Inference: Here according to everyone, when a Pesul arose before Hefshet and before Zerikah, the blood is not Meratzeh for the hide.

åúéîä ãáñåó äâåæì ÷îà (á''÷ ãó ÷éà.) àîø âáé ðúï àùí ìéäåéøéá åëñó ìéãòéä ãàí ÷ãîå áðé éäåéøéá åä÷øéáå àú äàùí æëå áîä ùáéãí


Question: In Bava Kama (111a) it says regarding [Gezel ha'Ger, that if] one who gave his Asham to [Mishmar] Yehoyariv and the money to Yadayah, if people of Yehoyariv prematurely offered the Asham, they merited what is in their hands;

åôøéê ìîàé çæé àùí ôñåì äåà àîø øáà ìòåøå


[The Gemara] asks for what is [the Asham] proper? It is Pasul! Rava said, [they merited] the hide.

åäùúà òåøå âåôéä äà ìà çæé ãäééðå ÷åãí äôùè åæøé÷ä ãúçìú äáàúå áôñåì


The hide itself is not proper, for the Pesul was before Hefshet and Zerikah, for from the beginning it was brought in a Pasul way!

åé''ì ãäúí ìàçø ùçéèú äàùí éëåì ìäáéà ëñó ÷åãí æøé÷ä ÷øéðà áéä îìáã àéì äëôåøéí àùø éëôø áå ëéåï ãòãééï ìà (ðëôø) (ö"ì ëéôø - ùéèä î÷åáöú) äìëê ìà çùéá ôñåì ã÷åãí æøé÷ä


Answer: There, after Shechitah of the Asham he can bring money [to Yehoyariv] before Zerikah, so this is called "Milvad Eil ha'Kipurim Asher Yechaper Bo", since he did not atone yet. Therefore, it is not considered Pasul before Zerikah.

åîéäå ÷ùä ëéåï ãàéëà äôñåì (áéãí) (ö"ì áãí - ùéèä î÷åáöú) îä ìé ÷åãí æøé÷ä åîä ìé ìàçø æøé÷ä


Question: Since there is a Pasul in the blood, what is the difference if it is before or after Zerikah?

åé''ì ãäåé ëîå ùðîöà èøéôä ááðé îòééí ìøáé çðéðà ñâï äëäðéí äåàéì åìà äåëø ôñåìå ÷åãí äôùè ìøáé å÷åãí æøé÷ä ìøáé àìòæø îøöä òì äòåø


Answer: This is like if it was found to be Tereifah in the intestines, according to R. Chanina Segan ha'Kohanim, since the Pesul was not recognized before Hefshet according to Rebbi, and before Zerikah according to R. Eliezer, it is Meratzeh for the hide.

(äâ''ä) å÷ùä ãúðéà áúåñôúà (ãôñçéí) (ö"ì ãááà ÷îà) äáéà àú àùîå ÷åãí âæéìå ìà éäà àçø îîøñ áãîå òã ùéáéà âæéìå àìà úòåáø öåøúå åúöà ìáéú äùøéôä


Question: A Tosefta in Bava Kama (10:18) teaches that if he brought his Asham before [the money] of his theft, one may not mix the blood until he brings his theft. Rather, after Ibur Tzurah (we wait until it is Nosar) it is burned in Beis ha'Sereifah.

àìîà àéï ú÷ðä ìäáéà äâæì (÷åãí) (ö"ì àçø - ùéèä î÷åáöú) ùðùçè


Inference: There is no solution to bring the theft after Shechitah.

åàéï ìåîø äééðå îãøáðï


Suggestion: Perhaps this is mid'Rabanan (but mid'Oraisa, one may bring it even after Shechitah)!

äà úðéà áñéôà âáé îöåøò ä÷ãéí çèàúå ìàùîå ìà éäà àçø îîøñ áãîå àìà úòåáø öåøúå åúöà ìáéú äùøéôä


Rejection: The Seifa teaches regarding a Metzora "if he [slaughtered] his Chatas before his Asham, one may not stir the blood (until offering the Asham). Rather, after Ibur Tzurah it is burned in Beis ha'Sereifah."

åîäëà îåëç ô' ÷îà ãîðçåú (ãó ä.) éù îçåñø æîï ìáå áéåí


From here we learn from in Menachos (5a) that Mechusar Zman applies on the same day;

åàò''â ãîï äúåøä ôñåì öøéê òáåø öåøä ëãúðéà ôø÷ ëéöã öåìéï (ôñçéí ãó ôá:) ëì ùôñåìå áâåôå éùøó îéã áãí åááòìéí úòåáø öåøúå


Even though it is Pasul mid'Oraisa, it requires Ibur Tzurah, like a Beraisa teaches in Pesachim (82b) "any Pesul b'Gufo (in the Korban itself) is burned immediately. [If the Pesul is] in the owner, it requires Ibur Tzurah;

åôñåìå áâåôå äåé ëîå ôéâåì åèøéôä åðáìä àáì ä÷ãîä ìà. áøåê:


Pesul b'Gufo is like Pigul, Tereifah or Neveilah, but not if it was offered too early. This is from R. Baruch.