
TOSFOS DH Hachi Garsinan bi'Shnei Chilulim ha'Kasuv Medaber Echad Pesul Nosar

úåñôåú ã"ä äëé âøñéðï áùðé çéìåìéï äëúåá îãáø àçã ôñåì ðåúø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that elsewhere it connotes that this does not refer to Nosar.)

úéîä ìé ìòéì âáé ÷ãùé òåáãé ëåëáéí àúé ðåúø çéìåì çéìåì îèåîàä äìà çéìåì ãèåîàä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ðîé áðåúø àééøé


Question #1: Above regarding Kodshei Nochrim, we learn Nosar from "Chilul-Chilul" from Tum'ah. Also Chilul of Tum'ah discusses Nosar!

åòåã úéîä ãáô' äðùøôéï (ñðäãøéï ãó ôâ.) îùîò ãìà ëúéá áðåúø çéìåì ãøáéí åäëà îùëçú ìä îãúðé ìåé (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)


Question #2: In Sanhedrin (83a) it connotes that Chilul is not written in the plural regarding Nosar, and here we find this from Levi's Beraisa!

åìòéì áøéù ôø÷ ùðé (ãó èå:) ôéøùúé:


Reference: Above (15b DH Ela) I explained this. ("Lo Yechalelu" in the verse of va'Yinazru discusses a Tamei who ate, and also Nosar. However, we find a punishment written explicitly about Chilul of Nosar only in "Ki Es Kedosh Hash-m Chilel v'Nichresah.")


TOSFOS DH Hu Lifnei Kaparah ki'Le'acher Kaparah

úåñôåú ã"ä äåà ìôðé ëôøä ëìàçø ëôøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with sources that Me'ilah applies to blood.)

ä÷ùä ø''ú ãáîòéìä ôø÷ [åìã] çèàú (ãó éá:) àîøéðï äî÷éæ ãí ìáäîú ÷ãùéí îåòìéï áå àìîà éù îòéìä áãí


Question (R. Tam): In Me'ilah (12b), we say that if one let blood from a Kodesh animal, Me'ilah applies to it. This shows that Me'ilah applies to blood!

åúéøõ ãäúí îçééí ãìà ùééëà ëôøä àáì ìàçø ùçéèä àó ìôðé ëôøä àéï îåòìéï


Answer (R. Tam): That is in its lifetime, for Kaparah does not apply then. However, after Shechitah, even before Kaparah Me'ilah does not apply.

åà''ú ãäúí úðé (ãó éá.) åîééúé áôø÷ ëì ùòä ãí áúçéìä àéï îåòìéï áå éöà ìðçì ÷ãøåï îåòìéï


Question: It was taught there (12a), and brought in Pesachim (22a) that initially, Me'ilah does not apply [to blood]. When it goes to Nachal Kidron (the stream that goes through the Azarah takes it to there), Me'ilah applies!

åé''ì ãîòéìä ãäúí ãøáðï


Answer #1: That Me'ilah is mid'Rabanan.

åà''ú à''ë áøéù îòéìä (ãó á:) ããçé÷ ìàùëåçé îé àéëà îòéìä ãøáðï ìééúé îäê îùðä


Question #1: In Me'ilah (2b) [the Gemara] struggles to find Me'ilah mid'Rabanan. It should bring this Mishnah!

åòåã ÷ùä áñåó úîåøä (ãó ìá:) âáé î÷ãéù òåìä ìáã÷ äáéú ã÷àîø ùîåòìéï áä ùúé îòéìåú åôøéê àé îãøáðï àîàé á' îòéìåú


Question #2: In Temurah (32b), regarding one who is Makdish an Olah to Bedek ha'Bayis, it says one transgresses two Me'ilos for it, and it asks "if it is mid'Rabanan, why are there two Me'ilos?"

îàé ÷ùä äà àéëà îòéìä ããí ùäéà ãøáðï åëï á÷ãùéí ùîúå áøéù îòéìä (ãó á.)


What was the question? There is Me'ilah of blood, which is mid'Rabanan, and also of Kodshim that died, in Me'ilah (2a)!

åé''ì ãäúí ùéù îòéìä ãàåøééúà îùåí òåìä áãéìé îéðéä åáãí ãìéëà îòéìä ãàåøééúà ìà áãéìé îéðéä ú÷éðå øáðï îòéìä


Answer: There that there is Me'ilah mid'Oraisa, due to Olah, people refrain from it (so there was no need to enact Me'ilah mid'Rabanan). There is no Me'ilah mid'Oraisa for blood, so people do not refrain from it, Rabanan enacted Me'ilah.

åáøéù îòéìä à÷ãùéí ùùçèï áãøåí ÷àé ãëîàï ãçð÷éðåï ãîé åòì ëä''â ãçé÷ ìàúåéé øàéä ãú÷åï øáðï îòéìä àò''â ãáãéìé îéðééäå (ëîå) áîúå


In Me'ilah (2a) it discusses Kodshim slaughtered in the south. It is as if he choked them. In such a case, [the Gemara] struggled to bring a proof Rabanan enacted Me'ilah, even though people refrain from them when they died.

åîééúé îøáé éåçðï ã÷ãùéí ùîúå


It brings a proof from R. Yochanan's teaching about Kodshim that died.

åä''ø çééí äéä îôøù ãéåöà ìðçì ÷ãøåï îåòìéï ãàåøééúà ùá''ã î÷ãùéï àåúå ùìà éäðå îîðå áìà ôãéåï


Answer #2 (R. Chaim): Blood that goes to Nachal Kidron, Me'ilah applies to it mid'Oraisa. Beis Din is Makdish it, lest people benefit from it without Pidyon.

åãåç÷ äåà


Rebuttal #1: This is difficult.

åòåã àëúé àîàé ìà îééúé áøéù îòéìä îääéà ãñåó äúëìú (îðçåú ãó ðá.) âáé àôø ôøä ãàîø ùúé ú÷ðåú äåå îòé÷øà ú÷éðå áä îòéìä


Rebuttal #2: Why didn't [the Gemara] in Me'ilah bring from Menachos (52a) regarding ashes of Parah Adumah. It says that there were two enactments. Initially they enacted Me'ilah;

åàéï ìåîø ãîòé÷øà ðîé äéúä îòéìä ãàåøééúà ãú÷åï ùéäéå á''ã î÷ãùéï àåúå


Implied suggestion: Also initially, Me'ilah was mid'Oraisa, for they enacted that Beis Din is Makdish it.

à''ë äéàê äéå îæéï


Rejection: If so, how could they sprinkle [on people]?!

åòåã ãáîòéìä áøéù åìã çèàú (ãó éá.) ãàîø øáé éåçðï ÷ãùéí ùîúå éöàå îéãé îòéìä ãáø úåøä àáì îãøáðï àéëà îòéìä


Rebuttal #3: In Me'ilah (12a), R. Yochanan said that Kodshim that died, Me'ilah ceased to apply to them mid'Oraisa, but mid'Rabanan there is Me'ilah;

åôøéê îé àéëà îéãé ãîòé÷øà ìéú áéä îòéìä åìáñåó àéú áéä îòéìä åìà åäøé ãí ãúðï áúçéìúå ëå'


[The Gemara] asks, do we ever find that initially there is no Me'ilah, and at the end there is Me'ilah?! [It counters] do we not?! There is blood, for a Mishnah teaches at the beginning...

åàé îòéìä ãðçì ÷ãøåï ùáéú ãéï î÷ãùéï àåúå îàé ÷åùéà


If the Me'ilah of Nachal Kidron is because Beis Din is Mekadesh it, what was the question?!


TOSFOS DH Ein Lecha Davar she'Na'asis Mitzvaso u'Mo'alin Bo

úåñôåú ã"ä àéï ìê ãáø ùðòùéú îöåúå åîåòìéï áå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why R. Yochanan does not expound oppositely.)

åà''ú àãøáä ìà ðîòè ìôðé ëôøä ãàéï ìê [ãáø] ùìà ðòùéú îöåúå ùìà éîòìå


Question: Just the contrary, we should exclude before Kaparah, for we do not find that anything [Hekdesh] whose Mitzvah was not done and Me'ilah does not apply to it!

åàò''â ãàéëà ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí


Implied question: There are Kodshim Kalim (before their Mitzvah was done, Me'ilah does not apply to them)!

äééðå îùåí ãìà àé÷øå ÷ãùé ä'


Answer: That is because they are not called Kodshei Hash-m.

åé''ì ãàùëçðï èåáà ãëåúä ãàéï îåòìéï òã ùòú îöåúï úøåîú äãùï åòâìä òøåôä òã àçø éøéãúä


Answer: We find many cases like this in which there is no Me'ilah until the time of their Mitzvah - Terumas ha'Deshen, and Eglah Arufah [is forbidden] only after it is brought down [to Nachal Eisan].


TOSFOS DH v'Lo v'Harei Terumas ha'Deshen

úåñôåú ã"ä åìà åäøé úøåîú äãùï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses Me'ilah of ashes.)

åäà ãúðï áîòéìä ô' åìã çèàú (ãó éà:) ãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé åäîðåøä ìà ðäðéï åìà îåòìéï


Implied question: A Mishnah in Me'ilah (11b) teaches that ashes of the inner Mizbe'ach and the Menorah, one may not benefit, and Me'ilah does not apply to them!

äééðå îæáç äæäá îï ä÷èøú ùðùøó òìéå åäëà îæáç äçéöåï ùäéä çåúä îìà äîçúä îï äîàåëìåú äôðéîéåú åðåúï áîæøçå ùì ëáù


Answer: That refers to [ashes] of the gold Mizbe'ach, from the Ketores that is burned on it. Here we discuss from the outer Mizbe'ach. He would scoop a full pan of consumed [Eimurim] on the inside [of the ash-heap] and put them to the east of the ramp.

åîéäå áâî' îùîò äúí ãàó áçéöåï àéï îåòìéï ã÷àîø áùìîà îæáç äçéöåï ãëúéá áéä åùîå àìà ôðéîé îðà ìï


Question: However, the Gemara connotes there that Me'ilah does not apply even to [ashes] of the outer Mizbe'ach, for it says "granted, there is no Me'ilah for [ashes of] the outer Mizbe'ach, for it says "v'Samo". What is the source for the inner Mizbe'ach?

îùîò ãîåùîå ãøéù ãàéï îåòìéï åáùîòúà àãøáä îåùîå îùîò ìéä ãîåòìéï


Inference: It expounds from "v'Samo" that there is no Me'ilah. Our Sugya says oppositely, that "v'Samo" connotes that Me'ilah applies!

åé''ì ãîúðé' ãäúí îùîò ãìà îåòìéï áãéùåï äôðéîé ùäãéùåï îåöéàå îéãé îòéìä àáì ÷åãí ãéùåï îåòìéï à''ë àéëà îöåä ìãùï


Answer: Our Mishnah there connotes that Me'ilah does not apply to ashes of the inner Mizbe'ach, because Dishun (removing the ashes) uproots from Me'ilah, but before Dishun, Me'ilah applies. If so, there is a Mitzvah to remove the ashes;

åòì æä ÷àîø áùìîà çéöåï ãëúéá åùîå åìëê îöåä ìãùï åî''î (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) àó ìàçø äøîä àéëà îòéìä ëããøùéðï áñåó úîåøä (ãó ìã.) åùîå áðçú åùîå ëåìå åùîå ùìà éôæø


About this, it says "granted, [regarding] the outer Mizbe'ach it says "v'Samo", and therefore there is a Mitzvah of Dishun, and in any case even after taking the ashes, there is Me'ilah, like we expound in Temurah (34a) v'Samo - gently. V'Samo - all of it. V'Samo - so it should not scatter (this shows that Genizah is required);

àìà ôðéîé îðà ìï ãîöåä ìãùï ùàúä àåîø ùäãéùåï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) îåöéàå îéãé îòéìä åîùðé ãàîø ÷øà åäñéø àú îåøàúå åäùìéê àì î÷åí äãùï


However, the inner Mizbe'ach, what is the source that there is a Mitzvah of Dishun, that you say that Dishun uproots Me'ilah? It answers "v'Hesir Es Mur'aso v'Hishlich El Mekom ha'Deshen."

åáô' ùðé ãéåîà áéøåùìîé îùîò ëï ÷öú ãáòé áøéùà îðìï ãòáãéðï ãéùåï ëìì áôðéîé åäãø áòé îðìï ùäãéùåï àñåø áäðàä


Support: The Yerushalmi in Yoma connotes like this a little. First it asks what is the source that we do Dishun at all on the inner Mizbe'ach, and then it asks what is the source that the ashes removed are Asur b'Hana'ah.

åàí úàîø à"ë îåøàä åðåöä éîòìå áäí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) òã ùéòùå îöåúï ùéåùìëå àöì îæáç ëãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé


Question: If so, Mur'ah (the innards of Olas ha'Of) and the [attached] feathers, Me'ilah should apply to them until their Mitzvah is done, that they are thrown next to the Mizbe'ach, like Dishun of the inner Mizbe'ach;

åáúîåøä (âæ''ù) àîøéðï òåìú äòåó ùðúîöä ãîä îåøàä åðåöä éöàå îéãé îòéìä


In Temurah (34a), we say that Olas ha'Of whose blood was squeezed (through pressing the bird against the Mizbe'ach), Me'ilah is uprooted from Mur'ah and the feathers!

åé''ì ùàðé ãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé ãäééðå îöåúå àáì òåìú äòåó òáåãú ãí îúéø îåøàä åðåöä


Answer: Dishun of the inner Mizbe'ach is different, for that is its Mitzvah. However, Olas ha'Of, Avodas ha'Dam permits Mur'ah and the feathers.

åà''ú á÷ãåùéï (ãó ðä.) ãàîø àéï îåòì àçø îåòì àìà áäîä åëìé ùøú äà àéëà úøåîú äãùï ãìà ðôé÷ ìçåìéï ò"é îòéìä ëãîåëç áñåó úîåøä


Question: In Kidushin (55a) it says that the only case of Mo'el after Mo'el is an animal (Korban) or Kli Shares. There is also Terumas ha'Deshen. It does not become Chulin through Me'ilah, like is proven at the end of Temurah!

åé"ì ãäåé áëìì áäîä ãäééðå ëîå àéîåøéí ãìà ðôé÷ ìçåìéï.


Answer: It is included in an animal, i.e. like Eimurim, which do not become Chulin.


TOSFOS DH Mishum d'Havi Terumas ha'Deshen u'Vigdei Kehunah...

úåñôåú ã"ä îùåí ãäåé úøåîú äãùï åáâãé ëäåðä...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is explained more in Me'ilah.)

áîòéìä ô' åìã çèàú (ãó éà:) îàøéê éåúø åîñ÷ðà ëãäëà


Reference: In Me'ilah (11b) it elaborates more, and the conclusion is like here.


TOSFOS DH Eglah Arufah

úåñôåú ã"ä òâìä òøåôä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the source that Me'ilah applies to it.)

ôé' øù''é îåòøôå ùí ð''ì áô''÷ ãëøéúåú (ãó å.)


Explanation #1 (Rashi): We learn from "v'Arfu Sham" in Kerisus (6a).

åäàé ãð'ì áô' àéï îòîéãéï (ò''æ ãó ëè:) îãëúéá áä ëôøä ë÷ãùéí


Implied question: In Avodah Zarah (29b) we learn from that Kaparah is written [regarding Eglah Arufah], like [it is written about] Kodshim!

é''ì ãùí öøéê ìàñåø ìàçø òøéôä ùìà ìåîø àéï ìê ãáø ùðòùéú îöåúå åîåòìéï áå


Answer: There we need to forbid after beheading, lest we say that Me'ilah does not apply to anything whose Mitzvah was done.


TOSFOS DH Trei Mi'utei Kesivi

úåñôåú ã"ä úøé îéòåèé ëúéáé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks why we need two exclusions.)

÷ùéà ãáçã ñâé


Question: One [exclusion] would suffice!

åëï âáé äòæéí áôø÷ ëì äáùø (çåìéï ãó ÷éâ:)


Observation: Similarly [it is difficult] regarding "ha'Izim" in Chulin (113b. Why do we need two exclusions to teach that elsewhere, Gedi need not be a goat? In Yoma (60a DH Trei), Tosfos answered that had the Torah written one Mi'ut regarding one of the Shenei Kesuvim, it would be like three exclusions, and since two of the three are written in one place, this is like Mi'ut Achar Mi'ut, which includes.)


TOSFOS DH Chad Lemi'utei mi'Nosar v'Chad Lemi'utei mi'Tum'ah

úåñôåú ã"ä çã ìîòåèé îðåúø åçã ìîòåèé îèåîàä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why two exclusions are needed.)

úéîä ìðåúø åèåîàä ñâé áçã îéòåè ãéìôéðï îäããé çéìåì çéìåì åàó ì÷åìà ëãìòéì âáé ÷ãùé òåáãé ëåëáéí


Question: One exclusion should suffice for Nosar and Tum'ah, for we learn from each other "Chilul-Chilul", and even to be lenient, like above, regarding Kodshei Nochrim!

åé''ì ãäåä ãîå÷îéðà îéòåèà áðåúø ãå÷à àáì îùåí èåîàä äåä àîéðà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) çééá


Answer: I would establish the exclusion only for Nosar, but I would think that he is liable for Tum'ah;

ëé äéëé ãàéï ìå îúéøéï ëâåï ÷åîõ åîðçú ëäðéí àò''â ãàéï áäï ôéâåì éù áäï àéñåø èåîàä ãîøáéðï îàùø äí î÷ãéùéí äëé äåä îøáéðï ðîé ìâáé ãí:


This is just like [something] without Matirin, e.g. a Kometz or Minchas Nesachim. Even though Pigul does not apply to it, there is an Isur Tum'ah, for we include it from "Asher Hem Makdishim..." Here we would include [an Isur of Tum'ah] also for blood.



TOSFOS DH Achas li'Chlal v'Achas li'Ferat

úåñôåú ã"ä àçú ìëìì åàçú ìôøè

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how we expound this.)

ìàå ëìì åôøè îîù ãîøåç÷éí æä îæä äï àìà ãáø ùäéä áëìì åéöà îï äëìì ììîã òì äëìì ëåìå éöà ëããøùéðï òìä áô''÷ ãéáîåú (ãó æ.)


Explanation: This is not truly a Klal u'Ferat, for they are far from each other. Rather, it is something that was in a Klal and left the Klal to teach about the entire Klal, like we expound in Yevamos (7a);

åîøáéðï ëì ÷ãùé îæáç åîîòèéðï ÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú


We include all Kodshei Mizbe'ach and exclude Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis.

åà''ú ÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú ðîé úéôå÷ ìé îé÷øá ããøùé' áëùø ìé÷øá


Question: Also Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis, I should know from "Yikrav", which we expound to teach something Kosher to be offered!

åé''ì ãäåä àîéðà ëé áòéðï ëùø ìé÷øá äðé îéìé á÷ãùé îæáç


Answer: One might have thought that we require something Kosher to offer only regarding Kodshei Mizbe'ach!

åà''ú äà ãàîø áä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ãó ëä:) ëì èäåø éàëì áùø äðéúø ìèäåøéí çééáéï òìéå îùåí èåîàä ëå' ìîòåèé áùø ìôðé æøé÷ä


Question: It says in Menachos (25b) "Kol Tahor Yochal Basar" - what is permitted to Tehorim, one is liable for it for Tum'ah... This excludes meat before Zerikah;

úéôå÷ ìéä îé÷øá ããøùéðï ìòéì áëùø ìé÷øá äà ëéöã éù ìå îúéøéï îùé÷øáå îúéøéï ëå'


We should know this already from "Yikrav", which we expound to teach something Kosher to offer. What is the case? If it has Matirim, [one is liable only] after the Matirim were offered!

åé''ì ãöøéëé ãàé ëúá øçîðà ëì èäåø åìà ëúá é÷øá äåä àîéðà ã÷åãí æøé÷ä çùéá ðéúø ìèäåøéí ëéåï ãéëåì ìæøå÷ ìëúçéìä


Answer: We need [both of these]. Had the Torah written [only] "Kol Tahor", and not Yikrav, one might have thought that before Zerikah is considered that it was permitted to Tehorim, since he can do Zerikah l'Chatchilah;

åìà äåä îîòèé' àìà èîà ìôðé æøé÷ä àå ìï åéåöà ìäëé àéöèøéê é÷øá ìéù ìå îúéøéï îùé÷øáå îúéøéï (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí)


We would exclude only what became Tamei before Zerikah (it was never permitted), or Lan and Yotzei. Therefore we need "Yikrav", for something that has Matirim, [one is liable for it for Tum'ah only] after the Matirim were offered.

åòåã àéöèøéê é÷øá ìàéï ìå îúéøéï îùé÷ãù áëìé


Also, we need Yikrav to teach that something without Matirim, [one is liable for it for Tamei] from when he is Mekadesh it in a Kli.

åàé ëúá øçîðà é÷øá åìà ëúá ëì èäåø äåä àîéðà àôéìå ôéâåìéï åðåúøåú åìà äåä àîéðà îæáç äùìîéí îéòåè àé ìàå ÷øà ãðéúø ìèäåøéí


Had the Torah written [only] Yikrav, and not Kol Tahor, one might have thought [that one is liable for] even Pigul and Nosar. I would not say that "mi'Zevach ha'Shelamim" is an exclusion, if not for the verse [that teaches that one is liable only for what is] permitted to Tehorim.


TOSFOS DH Aval b'Tum'as ha'Guf Divrei ha'Kol Eino Lokeh

úåñôåú ã"ä àáì áèåîàú äâåó ãáøé äëì àéðå ìå÷ä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks whether or not there is Kares.)

åà''ú åäà àîø ø' éåçðï (äâäú äøù"ù) ìòéì ùìù ëøéúåú áùìîéí çã ìãáøéí ùàéðï ðàëìéï åèåîàú äâåó äåà ìëì äôçåú úôùåè ãø' éåçðï äåà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ãàîø ëîçìå÷ú áæå ëê îçìå÷ú áæå


Question #1: R. Yochanan said above (46a-b) that three Kerisos were written about Shelamim. One is [to obligate] for matters that are not eaten, at least for Tum'as ha'Guf. We can resolve that R. Yochanan said that just like they argue about [Tum'as Basar], they argue about [Tum'as ha'Guf]!

åòåã úðéà áîòéìä (ãó é.) âáé ìáåðä åçééáéí òìéä îùåí ôéâåì åðåúø åèîà


Question #2: A Beraisa in Me'ilah (10a) teaches that one is liable for Levonah for Pigul, Nosar and Tamei!

åé''ì ããå÷à îì÷åú ÷àîø ãàéðå ìå÷ä ãìà àéúøáå àìà ìòðéï ëøú


Answer: [The one who exempts here] means that he is not lashed. [Things not normally eaten] are included only for Kares.

åîéäå ìà îùîò äëé îã÷àîø ëéåï ã÷øéðï áéä åäáùø àùø éâò ÷øéðï áéä åèåîàúå òìéå îùîò ãàééøé ðîé ìòðéï ëøú


Objection: It does not connote like this, for it says 'since we apply "veha'Basar Asher Yiga", we apply "v'Tum'aso Alav."' This connotes that [the one who exempts] discusses also Kares!


TOSFOS DH Machlokes b'Tum'as Basar

úåñôåú ã"ä îçìå÷ú áèåîàú áùø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is unlike the argument on 34a.)

äê ôìåâúà ãäëà áéï ììéùðà ÷îà áéï ììéùðà áúøà ìà ùééëà ìôìåâúà ãøáé éåçðï åø''ì ãèîà ùàëì áùø ÷ãù ìôðé æøé÷ä áô' ëì äôñåìéï (ìòéì ãó ìã.)


Observation: The argument here, both according to Version #1 and Version #2, does not pertain to the argument of R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish about a Tamei who ate Kodesh meat before Zerikah, above (34a);

åáéï ìàáéé åáéï ìøáà ãäúí éù ìééùá. å÷''ì:


We can resolve [the versions here] both according to Abaye and Rava there. (Tzon Kodoshim - both say that Reish Lakish and R. Yochanan argue only about Tum'as Guf. Abaye says that both agree that he is lashed for Tum'as Basar, and Rava says that both exempt. Abaye can say that there is more reason to obligate there, for one could have done Zerikah and the meat would be permitted to Tehorim. Rava can say that there is more reason to obligate here, for the wood or Levonah became Kodesh in a Kli.) This is easy to understand.