[62a - 37 lines; 62b - 35 lines]

1)[line 1]îçéìåúMECHILOS- tunnels

2)[line 4]÷øà àùëç åãøùKERA ASHKACH V'DARASH- they found a verse and expounded it (and deduced the proper actions to take)

3)[line 8]áéú îéðëøà öåøúåBAYIS MINKERA TZURASO- [they were able to rebuild the actual building of] the Beis ha'Mikdash, its outline (of its foundations) was discernible

4)[line 9]åîéëàì äùø äâãåìU'MICHAEL HA'SAR HA'GADOL- and Michael, the great angel

5)[line 22]òì äúåøä ùúëúá àùåøéúAL HA'TORAH SHE'TIKASEV ASHURIS- [and one testified] that the Torah should be written in Assyrian script (the script of today's Sifrei Torah). Kesav Ashuris is the script in which the Torah was given to Moshe Rabeinu, and refers to the modern form of Hebrew (block) letters, which was reinstated by the returning Babylonian captives and made to supersede Kesav Ivri, the older "Hebrew" (Syriac or Samaritan) characters, which had been substituted for it over the years. This does not refer to the Assyrian script used by the Assyrian people, which is completely different from the Hebrew Kesav Ashuris. Rather, this Kesav, which was revealed to Ezra in Bavel, was later studied and adopted by the Jews living in Ashur, Assyria. After Belshatzar was killed on the night of the "Handwriting on the Wall," the kingdom was taken over by Persian-controlled Mede, the capital of which was Eilam which was adjacent to Ashur, and thus the entire kingdom was known as Ashur (ETZ YOSEF, Sanhedrin 21b).

6)[line 25]"åðúúä àÉúÈäÌ úçú ëøëåá äîæáç îìîèä [åäéúä äøùú òã çöé äîæáç]""V'NASATAH OSAH TACHAS KARKOV HA'MIZBE'ACH MIL'MATAH [V'HAYESAH HA'RESHES AD CHATZI HA'MIZBE'ACH]"- "You shall place it under the surrounding border of the Mizbe'ach from below, [and the meshwork shall go to the midpoint of the Mizbea'ch]" (Shemos 27:5).

7)[line 28]áåì ùì îìçBUL SHEL MELACH- a lump of salt

8)[line 33]ðùúø÷åNISHTARKU- they would slip

9)[line 35]îçëå òìéäMECHECHU ALEI- they laughed at (scoffed, derided) him

10)[line 37]÷øé òìééäåKARI ALAIHU- he pronounced about them


11)[line 1]áðé ÷èåøäBENEI KETURAH- the descendents of Avraham Avinu through his wife Keturah (Bereishis 25:1-5)

12)[line 6]âæéøéïGEZIRIN- smooth blocks of wood that are an Amah by Amah and as thick as the block used to level a heaping Se'ah

13)[line 7]ëîç÷ âåãù ñàäK'MACHAK GODESH SE'AH- like the rod used to even off a measure of a Se'ah. It has a standard thickness; if it would be too heavy (or light), it would sag too much (or not enough) into the measure.

14)[line 8]áàîä âãåîäB'AMAH GEDUMAH- with a short Amah; i.e. the Amah used in measuring these blocks was shorter than usual, comprised of five Tefachim instead of six

15)[line 15]øîé âáøà ààôéäRAMI GAVRA A'APEI- put the man on his face; i.e. the verse is drawing an analogy to a person lying on his face, whose thigh and face point in opposite directions

16)[line 15]úøéõ åàåúéá âáøàTERITZ V'OSIV GAVRA- sit the man up straight

17)[line 17]øáåõRAVUTZ- crouching

18)[line 33]ãòâéì îòâìD'AGIL ME'AGEL- that it should be in the shape of a circle