Mishnah 1
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Who, besides Nochrim (see Tos. Yom-Tov), does the Mishnah list as not being subject to Nega'im?

(b)In connection with this ruling, what is the significance of the Pasuk ...

1. ... "Ish Tzaru'a ... "?

2. ... "Adam ki Yih'yeh be'Or Besaro"?

(c)What does the Tana mean when he says that everybody is eligible to examine Nega'im?

(d)How can a Kohen who is not familiar with both the practical and the Halachic aspects of Nega'im examine them?

(e)So what is the procedure?


(a)Besides Nochrim (see Tos. Yom-Tov), the Mishnah lists - Ger Toshav (who is also a Nochri, but who has undertaken not to worship Avodah-Zarah [see Tos. Yom-Tov]) as not being subject to Nega'im.

(b)In connection with this ruling, from the Pasuk ...

1. ... "Ish Tzaru'a ... ", we would have learned that a Katan is not subject to Nega'im either (see Tos. Yom-Tov), were it not for the Pasuk ...

2. ... "Adam ki Yih'yeh be'Or Besaro" - which teaches us that he is.

(c)When the Tana says that everybody is eligible to examine Nega'im, he means that - any Kohen may do so, even though he is familiar with neither the practical nor the Halachic aspect of Nega'im.

(d)And he examines Nega'im - with the help of a Talmid-Chacham, whom he takes with him and whom he asks for guidance (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(e)The Talmid-Chacham examines the Nega, and instructs the Kohen what to say (see Tos. Yom-Tov).


(a)What does the Mishnah say about a Kohen examining simultaneously, two Nega'im that appear ...

1. ... on one man?

2. ... on two men?

(b)What is the reason for this ruling?

(c)What should the Kohen then do in such a case?


(a)The Mishnah prohibits a Kohen from examining simultaneously, two Nega'im that appear ...

1. ... on one man or ...

2. ... on two men.

(b)The reason for this is - because he cannot concentrate on two Nega'im at the same time (see also Tos. Yom-Tov).

(c)In such a case - the Kohen examines the one and finishes with it, until he has either declared it Musgar, Muchlat or Tahor, and then deals with the other one.


(a)If a second Nega appears whilst the Metzora is either a Musgar or a Muchlat, what status does the second Nega have in the interim?

(b)What does the Tana mean when he says ve'Lo Machlitin es ha'Musgar (see Tiferes Yisrael)?

(c)In which case is the Kohen permitted to examine the second Nega and to include it in the Din of Musgar or Muchlat, even before the first one has healed?

(d)What will be the Din if, in the latter case, the first Nega is ...

1. ... Tamei (and needs a declaration of Musgar or Muchlat), whereas the second one is Tahor?

2. ... Tahor, and the second is Tamei?


(a)Should a second Nega appear whilst the Metzora is either a Musgar or a Muchlat, the second Nega - the Kohen ignores until he has finished with the first one (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(b)When the Tana says ve'Lo Machlitin es ha'Musgar, he means that - if, during the week that a Metzora is locked up, a Nega appears that is fit to be declared a Muchlat, the Kohen does not examine it.

(c)The Kohen is permitted to examine the second Nega and to include it in the Din of Musgar or Muchlat, even before the first one has healed - there where he has not yet locked up the first one.

(d)If, in the latter case, the first Nega is ...

1. ... Tamei (and needs a declaration of Musgar or Muchlat), whereas the second one is Tahor, or if the first one is ...

2. ... Tahor, and the second one, Tamei - then that is what the Kohen declares.

Mishnah 2
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What happens if a Nega appears on the skin of a Chasan during the seven days of Sheva B'rachos?

(b)From where does the Tana learn this?

(c)What will the Kohen do if the Nega appears on the Chasan's garment or house during that week?


(a)If a Nega appears on the skin of a Chasan during the seven days of Sheva B'rachos - the Kohen declines even to look at it until the day after the Sheva B'rachos (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(b)The Tana learns this - from the word "u've'Yom" in the Pasuk "u've'Yom Hera'os bo ... " (implying that there are days on which the Kohen does not look at it). And the same applies to ...

(c)... a Nega which appears on the Chasan's garment or house during that week.

Mishnah 3
Hear the Mishnah


(a)For a Nega on the skin, what is the ...

1. ... maximum time span (how many days)?

2. ... minimum time span?

(b)What are the three possible signs of Tum'ah?

(c)Which three time periods do all three have in common?

(d)Which fourth time period applies to two of the three?


(a)For a Nega on the skin, the ...

1. ... maximum time span is - two weeks (thirteen days).

2. ... minimum time span is - immediately.

(b)The three possible signs of Tum'ah are - two white hairs, Michyah (a raw patch of skin) and Pisyon (spreading [see Tos. Yom-Tov]).

(c)The three time periods that all of them have in common are - one week, two weeks and after the Metzora has been declared Tahor.

(d)The fourth time period that applies to the first two is - immediately.

Mishnah 4
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What is the maximum time span for a Nega on the place of a boil or a burn?

(b)Which of the above three signs of Tum'ah do not apply to it?

(c)What are the possible time-periods that pertain to the sign of ...

1. ... two white hairs?

2. ... spreading?

(d)What happens if neither of the two Simnei Tum'ah appear at the end of one week?


(a)The maximum time span for a Nega on the place of a boil or a burn is - one week (seven days).

(b)Of the above three signs of Tum'ah - Michyah does not apply to this Nega.

(c)The possible time-periods that pertain to the sign of ...

1. ... two white hairs are - immediately, after one week and after the Metzora has been declared Tahor.

2. ... Pisyon is - only that of after one week.

(d)If neither of the two Simnei Tum'ah appear at the end of one week - then he is Tahor (see Tos Yom-Tov DH 'be'Shavu'a Echad').

Mishnah 5
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Nesakin become Tamei in two weeks and with two Simanim. What are Nisakin?

(b)What are the two signs of Tum'ah?

(c)Which two weeks is the Mishnah referring to with regard to ...

1. ... the two yellow hairs?

2. ... spreading?

(d)How many days does two weeks incorporate?


(a)Nesakin - Nega'im on the location of the hair or the beard, where some hair fell out [which will be explained in more detail in the tenth Perek]), become Tamei in two weeks and with one of two Simanim.

(b)The two signs of Tum'ah are - two yellow hairs and spreading (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(c)The yellow hairs are a sign of Tum'ah - immediately, after one week and after two weeks as regards both ...

1. ... the two yellow hairs and ...

2. ... spreading.

(d)Two weeks incorporates - thirteen days (like the two weeks on the skin).

Mishnah 6
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The final category of Nega'im on the skin of a person is Karachas and Gabachas (which, like Nesakim, will be explained in more detail in the tenth Perek). What is the difference between Karachas and Gabachas?

(b)They too, have a maximum time span of two weeks. What are their two joint signs of Tum'ah?

(c)What are the possible time-periods that pertain to the sign of Michyah?


(a)The final category of Nega'im on the skin of a person is Karachas and Gabachas (which, like Nesakim, will be explained in more detail in the tenth Perek). Karachas is Tzara'as on a bald patch at the back of the head - whereas Gabachas is Tzara'as on a bald patch at the front of the head.

(b)They too, have a maximum time span of two weeks. Their two joint signs of Tum'ah are - Michyah and Pisyon.

(c)Michyah is a sign of Tum'ah - immediately, after one week and after two weeks (like Nesakim).

Mishnah 7
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What is the maximum time span of Tum'as Begadim?

(b)Which three Simanim render them Tamei?

(c)Why does the Mishnah refer to the Simanei Tum'ah of a garment as Yerakrak and Adamdam, whereas by the Simnei Tum'ah of the skin, it referred to them as Mar'os Nega'im?

(d)What happens to a garment once it is declared Tamei?


(a)The maximum time span of Tum'as Begadim is - two weeks (thirteen days).

(b)The three Simanim that render them Tamei are - Yerakrak (bright green), Adamdam (bright red) and Pisyon.

(c)The Mishnah refers to the Simanei Tum'ah of a garment as Yerakrak and Adamdam, whereas by the Simnei Tum'ah of the skin, it referred to them as Mar'os Nega'im - because the latter will never become Tamei without a sign of Tum'ah, whereas Yerakrak and Adamdam per se, become Tamei, after two weeks.

(d)Once a garment is declared Tamei - it must be burned.


(a)Like the Simanim of the skin, Yerakrak and Adamdam have four possible time periods, whereas Pisyon has three. What are they?

(b)What are the ramifications of the last one? What is the case?

(c)What is the difference between bi'Techilah (the initial Mar'eh) on the skin and bi'Techilah on a garment?

(d)What does the Kohen do if the green or red mark remains unchanged at the end of the first week?


(a)Like the Simanim of the skin, Yerakrak and Adamdam have four possible time periods, whereas Pisyon has three - after one week, after two weeks and after the garment has been declared Tahor.

(b)The ramifications of the last Siman is that - if the Kohen declares the garment Tahor (after it became paler) and then reappears on an enlarged area, the garment is Tamei.

(c)The difference between bi'Techilah (the initial Mar'eh) on the skin and bi'Techilah on a garment is that - unlike the former, the latter can never be Tamei Muchlat immediately.

(d)If the green or red mark remains unchanged at the end of the first week - the Kohen locks him up for a second week.


(a)The Tana lists Pisyon only after one or two weeks. How might it apply even at the beginning?

(b)On what conditions will the Kohen declare the garment Tahor after one or two weeks (see Tiferes Yisrael 37)?


(a)The Tana lists Pisyon only after one or two weeks - though it might apply even at the beginning, if it spreads to a different location of the garment (appearing there for the first time).

(b)The Kohen will declare the garment Tahor after one or two weeks - provided it has either become paler or disappeared completely.

Mishnah 8
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What is the maximum time span for Nig'ei Batim?

(b)How many days is that?

(c)On what condition will this happen?

(d)Besides Pisyon, what are the two Simnei Tum'ah of a house (which will be discussed in more detail in the twelfth and thirteenth chapters)?


(a)The maximum time span for Nig'ei Batim - is three weeks ...

(b)... nineteen days.

(c)This will happen - even if the Nega remains unchanged for the entire period.

(d)Besides Pisyon, the two Simnei Tum'ah of a house (which will be discussed in more detail in the twelfth and thirteenth chapters) are - marks that are very green or very red (like by Begadim).


(a)Like the Simanim of the skin and garments, Yerakrak and Adamdam of a house have four possible time periods, whereas Pisyon has five. What are they?

(b)The Tana lists both minimum time span of all Nega'im and the maximum. What is ...

1. ... the minimum (see Tos. Anshei Sheim)?

2. ... the maximum?


(a)Like the Simanim of the skin and garments, Yerakrak and Adamdam of a house have five possible time periods, whereas Pisyon has four - after one week, after two weeks, after three weeks and after the house has been declared Tahor.

(b)The Tana lists both the minimum time span of all Nega'im and the maximum. The ...

1. ... minimum - is one week (Sh'chin and Michvah [see Tos. Anshei Sheim]).

2. ... maximum - is three weeks (Nig'ei Batim).

Hadran alach 'ha'Kol Mitam'in'