

תוספות ד"ה אבל

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Rabah earlier was only discussing Bitul Kli mei'Heichano, not carrying.)

והא דאמר רבה בפרק כירה (לעיל דף מג.) טבל מוכן הוא אצל שבת שאם עבר ותיקנו מתוקן


Implied Question: Rabah says earlier (43a) that Tevel is considered "prepared" for Shabbos, as if a person transgressed and took off Terumos and Ma'aseros, it is valid. (How can he say this if our Mishnah seems to say it is Muktzah?)

ה"מ לענין ביטול כלי מהיכנו שלא החמירו כמו לענין טלטול בידים


Answer: Rabah's statement was regarding removing a vessel from its purpose of being used, as they were not stringent regarding this prohibition like they were regarding the carrying of Muktzah.



תוספות ד"ה שפדאו

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara says the case is regarding a token.)

הא דנקט אסימון היינו דלא כרבי דוסא דפרק הזהב (ב"מ דף מז:)


Observation: By the Gemara saying that the case is redeeming Ma'aser Sheini on a token, it is excluding the opinion of Rebbi Dosa in Bava Metzia (47b, who says this is permitted).

והוה מצי למימר מעות הניתנות סימן לבית המרחץ לד"ה


Implied Question: It could have said the case is regarding coins that are giving as a sign that one paid in the bathhouse, and this would be according to everyone. (Why didn't it say this?)

אלא משום דאם כן מאי קמ"ל אבל השתא קמ"ל כרבנן


Answer: However, if this is the case there is no novelty to the case. Now that it is regarding a token the novelty is that we rule according to the Rabbanan (and unlike Rebbi Dosa).



תוספות ד"ה ונתן

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Gemara is not quoting an actual Pasuk, nor is it quoting the exact source of the law.)

אין הפסוק כן אלא ויסף חמישית כסף ערכך עליו וקם לו (ויקרא כז)


Implied Question: The Pasuk does not actually say these words, rather it says, "And he will add a fifth of its value in silver and it will be established for him" (Vayikra 27:19). (Why does it quote the Pasuk differently?)

ודרך הש"ס לקצר ולומר בלשון אחר קצר


Answer: The way of the Gemara is to shorten the Pasuk and to say it in a different and shorter way.

כי ההיא דפרק הדר (עירובין דף סה.) רבי חנינא ביומא דרתח לא מצלי שנאמר בצר אל יורה ובפרק הרואה (ברכות דף נה:) שנאמר כל החלומות הולכים אחר הפה


Proof: This is as we find in Eiruvin (65a) that Rebbi Chanina did not pray on a day that he got angry, as the Pasuk says, "in pain he should not pray." (See Tosfos in Eiruvin 65a, DH "ba'Tzar" who presents different possibilities to explain this quote, with one being that it refers to the Pasuk in Iyov 36:19.) A similar Gemara is found in Berachos (55b) regarding all dreams being dependent on how they are interpreted.

וקשה לר"י נימא כסף דוקא


Question: The Ri asks, why don't we say that this specifically refers to silver?

וכ"ת דשוה כסף ככסף


Answer: You might say that this is because we have a principle that what is worth silver (i.e. money) is considered silver.

חדא דגבי נזקין מצרכינן קרא ישיב לרבות שוה כסף


Question #1: Firstly, we see regarding damages that we require a Pasuk, "he shall return" to include paying with things that are worth silver instead of silver (implying that in general money means actual money not what is worth money).

ועוד דאם כן אפילו קרקע נמי ומנלן למעוטי קרקע


Question #2: Secondly, if so we should include land? How do we know land is excluded?

ואומר ר"י דמכלל ופרט נפקא כדתנן בבכורות בפרק יש בכור לנחלה (דף נא.) אין פודין לא בעבדים ולא בקרקעות ולא בהקדשות ומפרש בגמרא דבעי למימר ולא הקדשות בכל אלו


Answer: The Ri says that this is derived from a Klal u'Perat in Bechoros (51a). The Mishnah there says that one does not redeem with servants, land, or Hekdaishos. The Gemara there (51b) explains that this means that Hekdesh cannot be redeemed with servants or land.

לענין פדיון בכור דרשינן התם כלל ופרט ופדויו מבן חדש כלל כסף פרט תפדה חזר וכלל מה הפרט מפורש דבר המיטלטל כו' ה"נ איכא למימר בפדיון הקדשות ונתן כלל כסף פרט וקם לו חזר וכלל כו'


Answer (cont.): The Gemara there (51a) explains that regarding redemption of a firstborn we derive a Klal u'Perat. "And his redemption from one month old" is a Klal, "Kesef" is a Perat, and "you should redeem" is a Klal making this a Klal u'Perat u'Klal. We therefore derive that just as the Perat is something that is carried etc. So too we can apply this to redeeming Hekdesh and say, "v'Nasan" is a Klal, "Kesef" is a Perat, and "v'Kam Lo" makes a (similar) Klal u'Perat u'Klal.

מיהו בת"כ דריש ליה מקרא אחרינא וכל ערכך יהיה בשקל הקדש מה ת"ל לפי שנאמר תפדה יכול בעבדים ושטרות וקרקעו' ת"ל בשקל הקדש אין לי אלא סלעים מניין לרבות כל דבר המיטלטל ת"ל ופדה בערכך א"כ למה נאמר בשקל פרט לעבדים ושטרות וקרקעות


Implied Question: However, the Toras Kohanim derives this from a different Pasuk. It says: "And all your value should be using the holy Shekel." What does this teach us? This is because the verse says, "You should redeem." Perhaps this means one can use servants, (loan) documents, and land? This is why the Pasuk teaches, "With the holy Shekel." This implies that only money can be used. How do we know that anything that can be carried (and is worth money) can be used? The Pasuk says, "And he will redeem with its value." If so, why does the Pasuk say, "With the holy Shekel?" It is to exclude servants, documents, and land." (Does our Gemara have to argue with the Toras Kohanim? It seems it does, as our Gemara discusses the Pesukim that the Ri discussed, not these Pesukim, as the source of this law!)

אלא כן דרך הש"ס שאינו מביא עיקר הדרשה


Answer: (The Bavli does not have to argue with the Toras Kohanim.) Rather, it is normal for our Gemara to shorten a derivation and not quote the actual derivation.

כמו שרגיל להביא (כתובות דף מו:) בנעוריה בית אביה כל שבח נעורים לאביה אע"ג דההוא בהפרת נדרים הוא דכתיב וכן הרבה


Proof: This is similar to the Gemara in Kesuvos (46b) that often quotes the Pasuk, "b'Neurehah Beis Avihah" to say that whatever benefits she has in this time go to her father, even though that Pasuk is referring to negating her vows (and is not discussing benefits, and is therefore not the actual source of this law). There are may other examples.



תוספות ד"ה רשב"ג

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Rabban Shimon permits mustard.)

משמע דמודה לת"ק דמתיר חרדל


Explanation: This implies that he admits to the Tana Kama who permits mustard.

והא דתנן רשב"ג מתיר בלוף


Implied Question: The Mishnah says that Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel permits Lof (a type of legume). (Doesn't this imply he does not admit to mustard?)

וכל שכן דמתיר בחרדל


Answer: It means he certainly would permit mustard.



תוספות ד"ה הכניסן

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that without specific intent it is considered animal food.)

איכא למימר דה"ק הא סתמא נעשה כמי שהכניסן למאכל בהמה כי היכי דלא תקשה רישא לסיפא


Explanation: It is possible to say that he means as follows: If he merely brought them in without a specific intent, they are presumed to be as if he brought them to be animal food. This explanation helps to ensure one should not say the first part of the Beraisa is contradicting the second part of the Beraisa.



תוספות ד"ה דחזי לאומצא

(SUMMARY: Tosfos notes the Gemara is proof that blood of limbs can possibly be permitted.)

מכאן ראיה דדם האברים שלא פירש מותר דקאמר דחזי לאומצא אע"ג דלא מליח


Opinion: This is proof that blood from limbs that did not leave the limbs is permitted, as we say that it is fit to be eaten raw even though it was not salted.



תוספות ד"ה דג תפל

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the difference between unsalted fish and meat in regards to Muktzah.)

תימה מדשרי בשר תפל אלמא כר"ש אתיא אם כן דג תפל נמי לישרי כמו בשר תפל


Question: This is difficult. Since he permits meat that is not salted, it implies he holds like Rebbi Shimon. If so, why shouldn't fish that is not salted be similarly permitted?

וי"ל דדג תפל אינו ראוי לכלבים


Answer #1: Fish that is not salted is not even fit for dogs.

אי נמי כר' יהודה אתיא ודג תפל אע"פ שראוי לכלבים אסור לטלטלו דכל מידי דחזי לאינש לא מקצה לכלבים בשר תפל מותר לטלטלו לרבי יהודה מפני שהוא מאכל לחיה


Answer #2: Alternatively, he holds like Rebbi Yehudah. Even though unsalted fish is fit for dogs, it is forbidden to carry it. This is because anything that is fit for a person is not set aside for dogs. Unsalted meat is permitted to carry according to Rebbi Yehudah because it is food that is fed specifically to animals.



תוספות ד"ה מטלטלין

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the case according to Rebbi Yehudah.)

לר' יהודה דאית לי' מוקצה מיירי כגון שלא הי' עליה' בשר מאתמול


Explanation: According to Rebbi Yehudah who holds of Muktzah this is referring to a case where they already did not have meat on them on the previous day.




תוספות ד"ה בשר

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the reason that it is dog food is not given.)

תימה לימא מפני שהוא מאכל לכלבים


Question: This is difficult. Why doesn't he say it is because it is dog food?

וי"ל דכרבי יהודה אתיא ואינו מסריח כפירוש הקונטרס אלא חזי ליה וכל מידי דחזי ליה לאינש לא מקצה לכלבים אבל מפני שהוא מאכל לחיה מותר לטלטלו דכל ישראל בני מלכים הם


Answer: This is according to Rebbi Yehudah. It does not smell bad, as explained by Rashi, rather it is fit for a person. Anything that is fit for a person is not set aside as being for dogs. However, because it is animal food in general it is permitted to carry it, as all Jews are (considered like) sons of Kings.

ורב חסדא דלא שרי בשר תפל מהאי טעמא


Implied Question: Rav Chisda does not permit unsalted meat for this reason. (Why not?)

לית ליה כל ישראל בני מלכים


Answer: This is because he does not hold of the logic that all Jews are (considered like) sons of kings.



תוספות ד"ה אין עוקרין

(SUMMARY: Tosfos notes there are two versions of the text of the second Beraisa.)

לספרים דגרסי רה"ר הך ברייתא פליגא אקמייתא בתרתי דדייקינן הא דדויי מדדינן אפילו ברה"ר ולעיל קתני דווקא בחצר


Text #1: According to the Sefarim that have the text, "public domain," this Beraisa argues on the previous Beraisa in two ways. This is because we deduce that one can lead it even in the public domain, as opposed to the previous Beraisa that implies that this can only be done in a yard.

ותו סיפא דמוקמת לתרנגולת דאין מדדין ברה"ר ולעיל קתני דאפי' בחצר לא


Text #1 (cont.): Additionally, the second Beraisa states that this cannot be done to a chicken in the public domain, and the first Beraisa says it cannot even be done in a yard.

ולספרים דגרסי אין עוקרין בהמה חיה ועוף בחצר אתי שפיר


Text #2: According to the Sefarim that have the text "One cannot uproot an animal or bird in a yard" these two Beraisos are better (i.e. closer in understanding).



תוספות ד"ה קמ"ל

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we are exceptionally concerned about the mindset of a woman who is about to give birth.)

אע"ג דבפרק בתרא דיומא (דף פג.) אמר חולה אין מאכילין אותו ביוה"כ אלא ע"פ מומחה והכא שריא משום יתובי דעתא


Implied Question: This is despite the fact that in Yoma (83a) it says that we only give a sick person food to eat on Yom Kippur if an expert (i.e. doctor) says he should eat. In our Gemara, we permit a woman giving birth to eat just to put her mind at ease. (Isn't this a contradiction?)

היינו שיותר יכולה היולדת להסתכן על ידי פחד שתתפחד שמא אין עושין יפה מה שהיא צריכה ממה שיסתכן החולה ברעב


Answer: This is because a woman giving birth is more likely to be in grave danger if she is very frightened that people are not doing what needs to be done for her than an average sick person who feels he is very hungry.