

תוספות ד"ה התם

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that drinking regarding Duchaning is not the same as drinking regarding Davening.)

וא"ת דבריש פ' בתרא דתענית (דף כו: ושם) אמרינן שחרית ומוסף דכל יומא לא שכיח שכרות לא גזרינן מנחה ונעילה דשכיח שכרות חיישינן אלמא גם במנחה שכיח שכרות


Question: In Ta'anis (26b), we say that at the time of Shacharis and Musaf when people are not usually drunk, we do not make this decree. During Minchah and Neilah, which are during times when people do (drink alcoholic beverages and can) become drunk, we do have this suspicion. This implies that Minchah time is a time when people commonly become drunk!

וי"ל דהתם לענין נשיאת כפים שאני דאפילו לא שתה אלא רביעית אסור לישא את כפיו


Answer: The Gemara in Ta'anis (ibid.) regarding Duchaning (the blessing given by the Kohanim) is different, as there even if one has drunk one Revi'is of wine he is unfit to Duchan. (In other words, being drunk there actually means it was common during that time of day to drinking a Revi'is of wine.)



תוספות ד"ה טריחותא

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses wearing a "gartel," meaning a belt for prayer.)

ולא חייש לשנויי קושיא קמייתא


Observation: The Gemara does not bother to answer the first question.

מכאן שצריך לאזור חלציו כשמתפלל


Opinion: This teaches us that one must wear a belt before he prays.

ובמחזור ויטרי מפרש דטעם דבעינן אזור שלא יהא לבו רואה את הערוה


Explanation: The Machzor Vitri explains that the reason for putting on a belt is in order that his heart should not see his private parts.

ודוקא להן שלא היה להם מכנסים לכך היו צריכים לאזור בשעת תפלה אבל לדידן שיש לנו אבנט של מכנסים אין אנו צריכין לאזור


Explanation (cont.): Therefore, this law specifically refers to their times when they did not wear pants. This is why they needed to wear a belt when they prayed. However, since we wear a belt on our pants, we do not have to wear a special belt for prayer.



תוספות ד"ה רמי

(SUMMARY: Tosfos notes that one should not pray barefoot.)

מכאן יש להוכיח שאין להתפלל יחף אלא בט' באב ויו"כ


Opinion: We see from our Gemara that one should not pray barefoot unless it is the ninth of Av or Yom Kippur (when we are not allowed to wear leather shoes).



תוספות ד"ה אי איכא

(SUMMARY: Tosfos says it is better to truthfully judge a case than to learn Torah.)

משמע דעדיף דין מתלמוד תורה


Observation: This implies that it is better to judge a case than to learn Torah.

והא דאמרי' בפ' בתרא דמ"ק (דף יז.) גבי ההוא דטרקיה זיבורא ושכיב עיילוהו למערתא דחסידי ולא קבלוהו למערתא דדייני וקבלוהו


Implied Question: The Gemara in Moed Katan (17a) states regarding a person who was stung by a wasp and died that when they brought him to the cave of the pious ones to be buried, the cave did not accept him. They brought him to cave of judges, and he was accepted (implying those who learn Torah are greater than judges).

התם בדיינין שאינן מומחין שפעמים נוטין אחר השוחד


Answer: The Gemara (ibid.) is referring to judges who were not expert judges, as they sometimes took bribes. (See the Chidushei Chasam Sofer who explains that Tosfos does not literally mean they took bribes, as this would make them evildoers.)



תוספות ד"ה דין אמת

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains what is excluded by judging a "true judgment.")

לאפוקי דין מרומה


Explanation: This is as opposed to a case where the judgment is twisted.




תוספות ד"ה שאני

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why our Gemara implies Ravina did not ask regarding a bathhouse, as opposed to the Gemara in Nedarim.)

תימה בסוף פ"ק דנדרים (דף יז.) גרס בעי רבינא הזמינו לבית הכסא והזמינו לבית המרחץ מהו אלמא במרחץ נמי מיבעי ליה


Question: This is difficult, as in the end of Nedarim (17a) the text states, "Ravina asked, if someone prepared an area to be a bathroom or bathhouse, what is the law?" This indicates that he is also asking his question regarding a bathhouse.

ויש שמוחקין אותו שם מן הספרים משום הך דהכא


Answer #1: Some indeed erase the question regarding a bathhouse from that Gemara due to our Gemara.

ומיהו יש לקיים שם הגיר' והכא ה"פ מאי לאו כי היכי דלא איפשיטא ליה מבית הכסא ה"נ לא איפשיטא ליה מבית המרחץ ומשני שאני בית הכסא דנפיש זוהמיה להכי לא איפשיטא ליה אבל מרחץ בתר דבעיא הדר פשטא


Answer #2: However, it is possible to uphold the text (ibid.). Our Gemara means as follows: It must be that just as we cannot extrapolate an answer regarding a bathroom, we cannot extrapolate an answer regarding a bathhouse. The Gemara answers that a bathroom is different, as it is very dirty. This is why Ravina did not answer his question regarding a bathroom. However, regarding a bathhouse, after Ravina asked the question he answered it leniently.

א"נ הזמינו לבית המרחץ אינו מדברי רבינא אלא הש"ס הוא דמסיק שאינו רוצה לחלק וכן יש בכמה מקומות


Answer #3: Alternatively, when the Gemara (ibid.) asks about someone who prepared an area to be a bathhouse, it is not a quote from Ravina but rather it is a statement of the Gemara that there is no difference. We find similar added comments or questions by the Gemara in other places.



תוספות ד"ה דמתרגמינן

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we know "Shalom" is a name of Hash-m. )

תימה דשלום נמי מתרגמינן דעבד ליה שלום


Question: This is difficult, as "Shalom" also translates into that He makes peace for him!

וי"ל דהתם קראו שלום על שם שהוא עושה שלום דאי לא קראו שלום אלא בעי למימר ה' שלום ה' העושה לו שלום א"כ ה"ל למימר ה' שלומו


Answer: Gideon called the altar "Shalom" because Hash-m makes peace for the entire world, otherwise he would not have said "peace." If he did not mean to call Hash-m "Shalom" in this fashion, but rather meant when he said, "Hash-m Shalom" that Hash-m makes peace for him personally, he should have said, "Hash-m is his peace."



תוספות ד"ה הנותן

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Gemara is referring to a person who receives a present from someone he is close to. )

ודוקא במתנה שנותן לו ע"י אהבה שאין המקבל מתבייש אבל הנותן צדקה שהמקבל מתבייש מתן בסתר יכפה אף (משלי כא)


Explanation: This is specifically referring to a present that is given to him by someone because of their close relationship, as the recipient is not embarrassed to receive it. However, if someone gives charity in a way that the recipient is embarrassed, the Pasuk says regarding him, "One who gives in secret covers anger" (and the present should be given in secret, without informing the recipient).



תוספות ד"ה יהבה

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Matanos are permitted to non-Kohanim.)

דמותרת לזרים כפירוש הקונטרס


Explanation: The Matanos are permitted to non-Kohanim, as explained by Rashi.

והכי מוכח בפרק הזרוע (חולין קלב.)


Proof: This is also apparent from the Gemara in Chulin (132a).

והא דאמר בפ"ב דכתובות (דף כה.) חזקה לכהונה חילוק מתנות


Implied Question: The Gemara in Kesuvos (25a) says that dividing these Matanos shows one has a status of being a Kohen. (How can this be if he does not have to be a Kohen to eat Matanos?)

כגון שמעיד לו דבתורת כהונה יהבה ניהליה


Answer: This is only if he brings witnesses that he received the Matanos because he was a Kohen.



תוספות ד"ה ה"ג

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that perhaps Yaakov's behavior caused added affliction in Egypt.)

ואע"ג דבלאו הכי נגזר דכתיב (בראשית טו) ועבדום וענו אותם


Implied Question: This is despite the fact that it had already been decreed that they would serve the Egyptians, as the Pasuk states, "And they will cause them to work and afflict them." (How, then, can Rav attribute this to Yaakov's actions?)

שמא לא היה נגזר עליהם עינוי כ"כ אלא ע"י זה שהרי ארבע מאות שנה התחילו קודם שנולד יצחק ל' שנים


Answer: Perhaps it would not have been decreed that they should be afflicted so much were it not for this, as the four hundred years started thirty years before Yitzchak was born (see Maharshal who changes this text of Tosfos, and Maharsha who defends it).



תוספות ד"ה ושל סדום

(SUMMARY: Tosfos reconciles the Seder Olam with our Gemara.)

כמו שמוכיח בקונ' שהיה אברהם בן מ"ח שנה כשנבנית סדום ושלותה כ"ו שנים משמע שהיה אברהם בן ע"ג כשהרג את המלכים


Explanation: This is as Rashi proves that Avraham was forty eight when Sedom was built, and it was peaceful there for twenty six years. This implies that Avraham was seventy three when he killed the kings.

ובסדר עולם משמע שהיה בן ע"ה שנה כשהכה את המלכים דקאמר התם אברהם אבינו כשנדבר עמו בין הבתרים בן ע' שנה היה שנאמר ויהי מקץ שלשים שנה וגו' וחזר לחרן ושהה שם ה' שנים שנאמר ואברם בן חמש שנים ושבעים שנה בצאתו מחרן וגו'


Implied Question: The Seder Olam implies that he was seventy five when he killed the kings, as he says that he was seventy during the Bris Bein ha'Besarim. This is as the Pasuk states, "And it was at the end of thirty years etc." He then returned to Charan and stayed there for five years, as the Pasuk states, "And Avraham was five years and seventy years old when he left Charan etc."

ואותה שנה שיצא מחרן שנת רעב היתה ירד למצרים ושהה שם ג' חדשים בא וישב לו באלוני ממרא היא שנה שכבש את המלכים ולפ"ז לא היתה שלותה אלא כ"ד


Implied Question (cont.): The year that he left Charan was a year of famine. He left Egypt, and stayed there for three months. He then went to Eilonei Mamrei. This was during they year that he killed the kings. According to this account, Sedom would only have been peaceful for twenty four years. (How can we reconcile these opinions?)

וצריך לומר שהיתה בשלוה ב' שנים בתחלה


Answer: It must be that it was peaceful two years earlier (before they started serving Kedar'laomer).