[154a - 23 lines; 154b - 37 lines]

1)[line 13]אכשריהACHSHEREI- pronounced him to be a Kosher Jew (and not a Mamzer, etc.)

2)[line 14]מנייהMANYEI- and appointed him

3)[line 14]פורסיה דבבלPURSEI D'VAVEL- (O.F. menestrel) the officers of Bavel


4)[line 8]קרני דאומנאKARNEI D'UMNA- the "horns" of the blood-letters (blood-letters use a sharp glass utensil called "Karna")

5)[line 10]שליפי זוטריSHELIFEI ZUTREI- small pouches (saddlebags) on an animal's back

6)[line 11]עששיותASHASHIYOS- (O.F. masses) lumps, masses

7)[line 12]כולסאKULSA- wide glass lumps used to make windows

8)[line 16]שליף של תבואהSHLIF SHEL TEVU'AH- a pouch of grain [of Tevel]

9)[line 18]לפורקהL'FORKAH- to unload it

10)[line 19]הדבישHIDVISH- it spoiled

11)[line 19]כתיתא דגמליKETITA D'GAMLEI- (O.F. redoissedure) a graze or wound on the back of a camel

12)[line 20]מיצטרו זיקיMITZTARU ZIKEI- the leather bottles of honey would burst open

13)[line 20]מטנפיMITANFEI- the cushions would become dirty

14)[line 22]קא משפשף ליה לבריה אגבא דחמראKA MESHAFSHEF LEI L'BREI A'GABA D'CHAMRA- he was lifting his son along the sides of a donkey and letting him slide down

15)[line 23]משתמש מר בבעלי חייםMISHTAMESH MAR B'BA'ALEI CHAYIM

The Rabanan made a decree not to support oneself on live animals, for fear that the person will rip off a branch to use as a prod for the animal, and thus transgress the Melachah of Kotzer. (Beitzah 36b)

16a)[line 24]חבר גוולקיCHEVER GEVALKEI- a knot used when sacks of equal weight which hang from either side of an animal are tied together by straps across the animal's back. In order to unload them, one must lift the knot and open it, leaning against the animal to lift the sacks in the process.

b)[line 25]חבר אגלווקיCHEVER AGALAVKEI- a knot used when sacks of equal weight which hang from either side of an animal are held together by straps with a slip knot across the animal's back. This is accomplished by a metal ring at the end of one of the straps, through which the other strap is inserted and held in place by a small nail at the other side of the ring. In order to unload the sacks, one need only pull out the nail, and the strap will slip out of the ring.

17)[line 26]לכתאLECHTA- in order to carry two sacks or barrels on either side of a donkey, the ropes which were attached to the sacks ended in rope loops. The Lechta is a small, curved piece of wood which is inserted in one rope loop, after this loop has been inserted halfway through the other rope loop. One only needs to extract the Lechta to unload the donkey.

18)[line 27]חק ביהCHAK BEI- he made many holes in the tree for the reeds or poles upon which he placed the Sechach

19)[line 28]כפייה לאילןKAFYEI L'ILAN- he bent the branches of a tree and tied them to the branches of another bent tree, to become a wall of the Sukah, upon which he placed the Sechach

20)[line 31]גואזא פרסכנאGAVAZA PARSACHNA- low and spreading branches forming the fourth wall of the Sukah (upon which he did not put any Sechach)