[78a - 43 lines; 78b - 54 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 78a [line 1]:

The words "v'Leisa d'Rebbi Yanai" וליתא דרבי ינאי

should be "v'Leisa led'Rebbi Yanai" וליתא לדרבי ינאי

(This is the Girsa of RASHI and the manuscripts)

[2] Rashi 78a DH b'Motzi Shofchin ד"ה במוציא שופכין:

The words "ked'Lekaman l'Gabel Tit" כדלקמן לגבל טיט

should be "l'Gabel Tit ked'Lekaman" לגבל טיט כדלקמן

[3] Mishnah 78b [line 7]:

The words "v'Gofris Kedei La'asos Nekev" וגפרית כדי לעשות נקב

should be "v'Gofris Kedei La'asos Nekev Katan" וגפרית כדי לעשות נקב קטן

(This is the Girsa of RASHI and DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #3. See the BACH's emendation on Daf 80:3.)

[4] Mishnah 78b [line 12]:

The words "Kedei La'asos Kilkul" כדי לעשות כלכל

should be "Kedei Lasud Kilkul" כדי לסוד כלכל

(DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #5, RASHASH, Gemara 80b when quoting our Mishnah, Gemara Nazir 3a, ROSH here)

[5] Mishnah 78b [line 13]:

The word "Undepi" אונדפי

should be "Andipi" אנדפי

(DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #5, Mishnayos, Yerushalmi, Gemara 80b when quoting from our Mishnah)

[6] Gemara 78b [line 16]:

The words "Ozen l'Sal Kefifah Mitzris" אוזן לסל כפיפה מצרית

should be "Ozen l'Kefifah Mitzris" אוזן לכפיפה מצרית

(DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #7, RIF, ROSH, and the Oxford manuscript)


1)[line 19]בגלילא שנוB'GELILA SHANU- this Mishnah refers to the Galil (where the people were poor and used only water for the salve)

2)[line 20]שקייניSHAKYANEI- liquids

3)[line 21]מסוMASU- cure

4)[line 21]מטלליMETALELEI- veil the eye, impairing vision

5)[line 25]ברקיתBARKIS- - (O.F. maille) an eye ailment consisting of a protrusion from the eye

6)[line 25]תרנגולת בראTARNEGOLES BARA- (a) a species of wild hen (RASHI); (b) the female hoopoe (RABEINU CHANANEL)

7)[line 27]יארודYAROD- a pathological condition in which a white line extends from the white of the eye into the iris (or a black line extends from the iris into the white of the eye) (called "Tevalul" in Vayikra 21:20); alt., white dots on the cornea (Chavarvar)

8)[line 28]כרושתינאKERUSHTEINA- (O.F. talpe) a mole (RASHI); alt., a bat

9)[line 28]גוא לגוא, ברא לבראGAVA L'GAVA, BARA L'VARA- the blood of the animal found within populated areas (moles, bats) is beneficial for Yarod, which is an ailment within the eye, whereas the blood of the animal found outside populated areas (the wild hen) is beneficial for Barkis, which protrudes from the eye

10)[line 36]פנה לי המקוםPANEH LI HA'MAKOM- clear a place for a meal

11)[line 39]לגבלL'GABEL- to mix, blend

12)[line 42]גמיGEMI- bulrushes, reed-grass

13)[line 42]תלאיTELAI- a loop for hanging

14)[line 42]נפהNAFAH- a sieve for sifting flour

15)[line 42]לכברהKEVARAH- a sieve for sifting grain (TIFERES YISRAEL)

16)[last line]קשר מוכסיןKESHER MUCHSIN- a tax collector's seal. It was customary at the time that the Rosh ha'Nahar (the person in charge of collecting taxes from anyone who traveled on his river) would appoint a tax collector to collect the fees instead of him. If someone actually paid or received an exemption from the Rosh ha'Nahar, he would need proof to show the tax collector that he was indeed exempt from paying the tax.


17)[line 1]נייר מחוקNEYAR MACHUK- erased paper

18)[line 2]צלוחית קטנה של פלייטוןTZELOCHIS KETANAH SHEL POLYATON- a small flask of balsam oil

19)[line 2]קמיעKAMEI'A- amulet, charm

20)[line 5]כחולKECHOL- a blue or tinted powder used for painting the eyelids

21)[line 6]שפשףSHAFSHAF- a plank spread with glue used by bird catchers

22)[line 6]זפתZEFES- pitch, melted tar

23)[line 7]גפריתGAFRIS- sulfur

24)[line 7]לעשות נקבLA'ASOS NEKEV- to make a covering with an opening for a flask of mercury

25)[line 7]שעוהSHA'AVAH- wax

26)[line 8]חרסיתCHARSIS- ground pieces of pottery used as paste

27)[line 8]לעשות פי כורLA'ASOS PI KUR- to make a covering with an opening for the bellows of a smelting pot

28)[line 9]צורפי זהבTZORFEI ZAHAV- gold refiners

29)[line 10]פיטפוטPITPUT- (O.F. trepied) tripod

30)[line 10]סוביןSUBIN- bran that adheres to the wheat kernel that is separated out in the last stages of sifting; alt. coarse bran that comes off the wheat when it is pounded

31)[line 11]כדי לסוד קטנהKEDEI LASUD KETANAH- sufficient to put on the small finger of a girl

32)[line 12]לעשות כלכלLA'ASOS KILKUL- to place on the temples

33)[line 13]לסוד אונדפיLASOD UNDEFI- (a) to place on the area of the sideburns; (b) to make markings on a measuring cup; (c) to place on the forehead

34)[line 14]חריק במנאCHARIK B'MANA- [rope] would scratch these utensils

35)[line 15]הוציןHUTZIN- the palm leaves that spread from the stem

36)[line 16]סיבSIV- the fibrous substance just under the surface of the date palm

37)[line 17]משפךMASHPECH- (O.F. entonedoir) a funnel

38)[line 17]לסנןL'SANEN- to filter

39)[line 18]רבבRAVAV- a thick viscous mass, e.g. fat or wax

40)[line 18]אספגיןISPAGIN- a wafer

41)[line 19]כגרוגרתK'GROGERES- the size of a dry fig

42)[line 20]מוכיןMUCHIN- soft substances such as combed wool, rag, lint, etc.

43)[line 21]כדורKADUR- (O.F. pelote) a ball

44)[line 24]נייר חלקNEYAR CHALAK- blank paper

45)[line 28]בית אחיזהBEIS ACHIZAH- a place to hold it

46)[line 30]לובן שלוLOVEN SHELO- its margin

47)[line 36]הכא בית אחיזה לא צריךHACHA, BEIS ACHIZAH LO TZARICH- That is, the Beraisa does not hint in the least that more than the space for two regular letters is necessary, since two regular letters can be written on these papers without allowing extra, clear, paper for a Beis Achizah. (The written part of these papers serves as their Beis Achizah.)

48)[line 41]רהיטי מוכסאREHITEI MUCHSA- the employees of the tax collector, whose job it was to catch people who evade the tax.

49a)[line 41]מוכס גדולMOCHES GADOL- a tax collector with more authority

b)[line 42]מוכס קטןMOCHES KATAN- a tax collector with less authority

50)[line 44]גברא דמוכסGAVRA D'MOCHES- a person who pays his taxes