PESACHIM 47 (30 Av) - Today's study material has been dedicated by Al and Sophie Ziegler of Har Nof, Yerushalayim, in honor of the Yahrzeit of Al's father Bernard B. Ziegler, Binyamin Baruch ben Avraham (and Miryam), which occurs on 30 Menachem Av.

[47a - 29 lines; 47b - 28 lines]

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We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 47b [line 2]:

"b'Avanim Mekurzalos" באבנים מקורזלות

Rashi is not Gores the word Mekurzalos מקורזלות (see Tosfos DH b'Avanim Mekurzalos)


1)[line 14]שתי הלחםSHTEI HA'LECHEM

The Shtei ha'Lechem is an offering of two loaves of bread (that are Chametz) which is brought on Shavuos. It is baked from the newly grown wheat (Vayikra 23:17). One loaf is given to the Kohen Gadol and the other is divided among the rest of the Kohanim in the Mikdash at the time. They are eaten on the day of Shavuos and the night afterwards, until midnight (RAMBAM Hilchos Temidin u'Musafin 8:11).

2)[line 21]דיום טוב ביום טוב מיבעיאD'YOM TOV B'YOM TOV MIBA'I- that is, it is certainly permitted to cook something which is prohibited during this part of Yom Tov, if it will become permitted later on during this Yom Tov.

3)[line 27]תלםTELEM- furrow


4)[line 1]אבית הטומאהA'BEIS HA'TUM'AH- in a cemetery

5)[line 2]הואיל וחזי לכיסוי דם ציפורHO'IL V'CHAZI L'KISUY DAM TZIPOR- (it is not clear how the principle of "Ho'il" applies here — see Insights)

6)[line 3]לכיסוי דם ציפורKISUY DAM TZIPOR

There is a Mitzvah to cover the blood of all birds and wild animals (Chayos) that are slaughtered, as it states in Vayikra (17:13), "v'Ish Ish... Asher Yatzud Tzeid Chayah O Of Asher Ye'achel, v'Shafach Es Damo v'Chisahu b'Afar." The blood must be covered from above and below with earth or any similar granular substance.

7)[line 4]באבנים מקורזלותAVANIM MEKURZALOS- soft stones

8)[line 6]צונמאTZUNMA- very hard soil

9)[line 7]ותיפוק ליה משום עפר תיחוחV'TEIPUK LEI MISHUM AFAR TICHO'ACH- why can't the principle of Ho'il be applied because of the soft dirt under the hard dirt, which can be used for covering the blood of a bird?

10)[line 8]בטינאTINA- mud

11)[line 9]במתונתאMESUNTA- moist land (which does not crumble into powder when crushed)

12)[line 10]גיד הנשהGID HA'NASHEH

(a)The Gid ha'Nasheh is the sciatic nerve — the large main nerve of the lower extremity — which runs down the back of the rear leg. Eating the part of the Gid ha'Nasheh located on the rounded part of flesh ("Kaf") which sits upon the hipbone is prohibited by the Torah (Bereishis 32:33).

(b)Rebbi Yehudah is of the opinion that this prohibition applies to only one leg. He then says that "knowledge determines" that this is the right leg. It is unclear if his intention was that it may be inferred from the Torah that only the Gid ha'Nasheh of the right leg is prohibited, or if it is most likely that the Gid which is prohibited is the right one, although we cannot be absolutely certain. According to all other Tana'im, this prohibition applies equally to the Gid ha'Nasheh of both rear legs (Chulin 90b).

(c)This prohibition applies to both wild and domesticated four-legged animals, but does not apply to birds.

(d)Aside from the Gid, which is prohibited by the Torah, certain nearby fats and nerves are prohibited mid'Rabanan.

13)[line 26]מאפרME'AFAR- from a pasture-ground, meadow

14)[line 26]ושחטו תמידU'SHECHATO TAMID- and he slaughtered it as a Korban Tamid

15)[line 27]"[ו]שה אחת מן הצאן מן המאתים ממשקה ישראל למנחה ולעולה ולשלים לכפר עליהם""[V']SEH ACHAS MIN HA'TZON MIN HA'MASAYIM MI'MASHKEH YISRAEL L'MINCHAH UL'OLAH VELI'SHELAMIM L'CHAPER ALEIHEM"- "And one lamb out of the flock, out of two hundred, out of the well watered pastures of Yisrael, for a Korban Minchah and for a Korban Olah and for Korbenos Shelamim, to atone for them." (Yechezkel 45:15) - The Beraisa that expounds this verse teaches various Halachos about: (a) different Korbanos (RASHI — see MAR'EH KOHEN); (b) the Korban Pesach (RI, cited in TOSFOS DH Seh); (c) a voluntary Korban brought for the dedication of the Beis ha'Mikdash (RASHI, RADAK to Yechezkel ibid.)

16)[last line]הפלגסPALGAS- a lamb in its thirteenth month. During its first year it is called a Keves. After a month of its second year has passed, it is called an Ayil.