
TOSFOS DH Toleh b'Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom

úåñôåú ã"ä úåìä áùåîøú éåí ëðâã éåí.

(SUMMARY: Tosfos is unsure whether a Tamei may attribute to one with a greater Tum'ah.)

îñô÷à ìéä ìäø''é àí èîà ÷ì ëâåï ñåôøú î÷öú àå äëì åìà èáìä úåìä áìà ñôøä ëìì áéï áðãä áéï áèîà îú åùáéìé


Question: The Ri was unsure if a person with a light Tum'ah, e.g. she counted part [of the seven clean days] or all, but did not immerse, attributes to one who did not count at all, both regarding Nidah, and a Tamei Mes regarding people who walked on two paths;

ãùîòúéï ìà àééøé àìà áèäåø åèîà


[He was unsure, for] our Sugya discusses only a Tahor and a Tamei.


TOSFOS DH Yosheves Mah Li Amar R. Shimon (pertains to Daf 59b)

úåñôåú ã"ä éåùáú îä ìé àîø ø''ù (ùééê ìãó ðè:)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not learn from our Mishnah.)

îãìà ÷àîø ø''î åø' ùîòåï îèîàéí


Implied question: We should infer from the fact that the Mishnah did not say "R. Meir and R. Shimon are Metamei" [that R. Shimon is Metaher]!

ìéëà ìîôùè ãìøáé éåçðï îèäø ø''î áñô÷ ñô÷à


Answer: We cannot resolve from there, for according to R. Yochanan, R. Meir is Metaher a Sefek-Sefeka. (Therefore, even if R. Shimon is Metamei, we could not say that both are Metamei.)

åîéäå îøéùà ä''î ìîôùè îãìà ÷àîø ø' îàéø åø''ù àåîøéí òåîãú èîàä éåùáú èäåøä


Implied question: We could resolve from the Reisha, from the fact that the Mishnah did not say "R. Meir and R. Shimon say, if she stands she is Temei'ah, and if she sits she is Tehorah"!

àìà ãòãéôà îééúé îáøééúà


Answer: We brought a better proof from a Beraisa.


TOSFOS DH Tamei v'Tahor she'Halchu bi'Shnei Shevilin

úåñôåú ã"ä èîà åèäåø ùäìëå áùðé ùáéìéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Tamei counted part of the seven days.)

äê èîà ìà îééøé áèîà ùñôø åäæä àìà ùìà èáì


Suggestion: This "Tamei" discusses a Tamei who counted and sprinkled [with Mei Chatas on days three and seven], but he did not immerse.

îã÷àîø øá àãà äúí ëé äããé ðéðäå äëà îàé ðô÷à ìéä îéðä îùîò ãìàå ãåîéà ãôìåâúà ìòéì äåà


Rejection: Rav Ada said "there, they are the same. Here, what difference does it make to him?" This implies that it is unlike the argument above (of R. Shimon ben Gamliel and Rebbi, about a woman who is ready to immerse).

åáèîà ùìà ñôø ëìì ðîé ìà àééøé


Suggestion: It discusses a Tamei who did not count at all.

ãàôéìå øáé îåãä ãúåìä ëãàîø åùåéï ëå' åàîàé ÷àîø øá çñãà áàðå ìîçìå÷ú


Rejection: Even Rebbi admits that he attributes, like it says "and they agree..." Why did Rav Chisda say "the same argument applies here"?

àìà îééøé áèîà ùñôø ÷öú åñ''ì ìøá çñãà ãìøáé àôé' áñôøä ÷öú àéðä úåìä åøá àãà ã÷àîø îàé ðô÷à ìéä îéðä ìà ÷øé äôñã ëéåï ãìà ñúø äëì


Explanation: Rather, we discuss a Tamei who counted part [of the seven days]. Rav Chisda holds that even if she counted part, she does not attribute to her. Rav Ada, who said "what difference does it make to him?", does not consider it a loss, since he does not cancel everything.

åäà ãð÷è ñåôøú æ' ùìà èáìä


Implied question: Why did [the Tana'im] discuss a woman who counted seven days and did not immerse? [They argue even about one who counted part!]

ìøáåúà ãøùá''â ð÷èéä ãàô''ä úåìä


Answer: This is for a Chidush according to R. Shimon ben Gamliel. Even so, [the Tahor] attributes to her.


TOSFOS DH Banu l'Machlokes d'Rebbi v'R. Shimon ben Gamliel

úåñôåú ã"ä áàðå ìîçìå÷ú ãøáé åøùá''â

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies equating them.)

åà''ú åøá çñãà àîàé ìà ð÷è îéìúéä áæáä âåôä åìéîà æáä ùñôøä î÷öúä áàðå ìîçìå÷ú ëå'


Question: Why didn't Rav Chisda teach about a Zavah herself, and teach that a Zavah who counted part [of the seven days], the same argument applies to her?

åé''ì ãðéçà ìéä ìàùîåòéðï ãàôé' áá' ùáéìéï îèîà ãàò''â ãäåé ñô÷ èåîàä áøä''ø


Answer: He prefers to teach that even regarding two paths, he is Metamei, even though it is Safek Tum'ah in Reshus ha'Rabim.

åà''ú àí ëï îä òðéï ëúîéí ìùáéìéï ãàò''â ãáúøåééäå àúøò çæ÷ú èäøä ãéãäå ÷öú î''î éù ìèäø éåúø áùáéìéï îùåí ñô÷ èåîàä áøä''ø


Question: If so, what is the connection of Kesamim to paths? Even though in both of them, Chezkas Taharah was weakened a little, there is more reason to be Metaher regarding paths, due to Safek Tum'ah in Reshus ha'Rabim!

åé''ì ãâáé ëúí ðîé àéëà ìîéîø ãìà àúøò çæ÷úä ëìì ãàéëà ìîúìé áçáøúä ëîå áùå÷ ùì èáçéí


Answer: Also regarding a Kesem, we can say that her Chazakah is not weakened at all, for we should attribute to her friend, just like [one who passed through] a butcher's market;

åàô''ä ìøáé àéðä úåìä îùåí ãî''ù æå îæå ëéåï ùùðéäí èäåøéï ùñôøä ëáø æ' éîéí


Even so, according to Rebbi she does not attribute, because one is no different than the other, since both are Tehorim, since she already counted seven days;

äëé ðîé îàé çæéú ãúìéðï áèîà ùñôø î÷öú èôé îáèäåø âîåø åàò''â ãàéú ìéä çæ÷ä ãèäøä îéçæé ëé çåëà åàèìåìà


Also here, why do you attribute to a Tamei who counted part more than one who is totally Tahor? Even though he has Chezkas Taharah, it looks ridiculous!

ãîäàé èòîà îèîéðï á' èäåøéï ùäìëå áùðé ùáéìéï åáàå ìùàåì ááú àçú ãèäåøéï îãéðà åîèîéðà ìäå ëé äéëé ãìà ìéäåé ëé çåëà


For this reason we are Metamei two Tehorim who walked on two paths and came to ask together. According to letter of the law, they are Tehorim, but we are Metamei them, lest it look ridiculous.

åàò''â ãìà ãîé ãäúí àé îèäøéï ìúøåééäå äåé çåëà ãàé àôùø ìäéåú ùùðéäí èäåøéï àáì äëà àôùø ãèäåø äìê áèäåø


Implied question: These are different! There, if we are Metaher both of them, it looks ridiculous, for it is impossible that both of them are Tehorim. However, here it is possible that the Tahor went on the Tahor path!

î''î äåé çåëà ãàîàé úìéðï èôé áèîà îáèäåø ëãàîø ìòéì âáé ðùéí


Answer: Even so, it looks ridiculous. Why do we attribute to the Tamei more than to the Tahor, like it says above about women?

åà''ú î''ù îùðé ÷åôåú ãàîøéðï çåìéï ìúåê çåìéï ðôìå


Question: Why is this unlike two boxes [of Terumah and Chulin, and a Se'ah of Terumah fell in one, and a Se'ah of Chulin fell in the other, and we do not know which fell in which]. We say that the Chulin fell into the Chulin!

åé''ì ãäúí àéðå îôñéã ìçáøúä áúìééúå ëìåí åäëà ðîé àôéìå øáé îåãä ùúåìä áðãä âîåøä ùìà èáìä ëìì


Answer: There, there is no loss to the other [box] through this assumption. Also here, even Rebbi admits that we attribute to a total Nidah who did not immerse at all.


TOSFOS DH Mahu Litlos Kesem b'Kesem

úåñôåú ã"ä îäå ìúìåú ëúí áëúí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains R. Yochanan's question.)

àåîø äø''é ãìéëà ìîéîø ãáòé ìúìåú áñåôøú ùáòä ùìà èáìä àáì áøàùåï ôùéèà ìéä ãúåìä


Suggestion (Ri): He asks to attribute to one who counted seven days and did not immerse, but [if she is] on the first day, obviously she attributes!

ãàí ëï îàé ÷àîø ì÷îï î''î ÷ùéà äà àéëà ìùðåéé áéï ìøáé áéï ìøùá''â áøàùåï ùìä àééøé áøééúà


Rejection #1 (Ri): If so, why does it say below "in any case, it is difficult"? We can answer, both according to Rebbi, and according to R. Shimon ben Gamliel. The Beraisa discusses the first day!

åòåã ãàìéáà ãøáé ðîé ä''ì ìîáòé áøàùåï ùìä ëéåï ãìà çæéà îâåôä


Rejection: #2: Also according to Rebbi, we should ask on the first day, since she did not see from her body!

àìà àôé' áøàùåï ùìä îáòé ìéä åôùéèà ìéä ãàéï úåìéï àôé' ìøùá''â àìà ìçæéà îâåôä


Conclusion: Rather, he asks even on her first day, and it is obvious to him that we do not attribute, even according to R. Shimon ben Gamliel, only if she saw from her body.

åäùúà ìëåìäå ùéðåéé ÷ùä ìø' éäåãä áø ìéåàé


Support: Now, according to all answers, it is difficult for R. Yehudah bar Livai.

åäà ã÷îùðé äà åäà øáé äà áøàùåï ùìä åäà áùðé ùìä


Implied question: It answers "both of them are Rebbi. This is on her first day, and this is on her second!"

äù''ñ äåà ã÷îäãø ìùðåéé áëì òðéï ùéëåì ìúøõ


Answer: The Gemara endeavors to answer in every way it can answer;

åìà áùéèúéä ãø''é ãäà ÷àîø àìéáà ãøáé ìà úáòé ìê åàå÷éîðà áòéà ùìå àôéìå áøàùåï ùìä å÷àîø ëéåï ãäéëà ãîâåôä çæéà ìà úìéðï áùðé ùìä ìøáé áëúí ìà úìéðï àôéìå áøàùåï ùìä:


This is not according to R. Yochanan, for he said that according to Rebbi, there is no question, and we established his question even on her first day, and [R. Yochanan] said that since when she saw from her body, we do not attribute on her second day according to Rebbi, regarding a Kesem, we do not attribute even on her first day.



TOSFOS DH Kan Lemafre'a Kan leha'Ba

úåñôåú ã"ä ëàï ìîôøò ëàï ìäáà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what is "retroactively".)

ôøù''é ìîôøò úåìä ãìà î÷ì÷ìä ìä áäëé åìà úèîà ìîôøò


Explanation #1 (Rashi): Retroactively she attributes, so she is not ruined through this, and she is not Tamei retroactively;

ìäáà àéðä úåìä ááòìú ëúí áùðé ùìä ãî÷ì÷ìä ìä åîàé çæéú ãî÷ì÷ìä ìä ìäê èôé îéðä


For the future she does not attribute to Ba'alas (the one who found) ha'Kesem on her second day, for this harms her. Why should we ruin her (create a Safek about when she may immerse) more than the other woman?!

åæäå úéîä ùðúìä æä äëúí áçáøúä ìçöàéï


Objection: This is astounding, to attribute the Kesem to her half-way (only retroactively)!

åîôøù äø''é ìîôøò àí áòìú äëúí äëéøä áëúîä åàç''ë ìáùä äéà åçáøúä çìå÷ åðîöà áä ëúí úåìä áä ëéåï ùëáø äëéøä áèåîàä ÷åãí ùáà äñô÷ áùúéäï


Explanation #2 (Ri): "Retroactively" means that Ba'alas ha'Kesem found it, and afterwards she and her friend wore the robe and a Kesem was found on it. She attributes to her, since she already recognized her Tum'ah before the Safek came to both of them;

ëàï ìäáà ùìáùå ùúéäï çìå÷ åðîöà áå ëúí åìà ðåãò îîé äåà åàç''ë ìáùä çìå÷ åðîöà áå ëúí


Here is afterwards - both of them wore the robe and a Kesem was found on it. And it is not known from whom, and afterwards [one] wore a robe and a Kesem was found on it;

àò''â ùæàú åãàé èîàä ò''é ëúí ùìä äåàéì åìà ðåãò áä òã àçø ùàéøò áä åáçáøúä äñô÷ àéðä úåìä


Even though this one is Vadai Temei'ah through her Kesem, since it was not known until the Safek arose for her and her friend, she does not attribute.

åéù ìôøù ìùåï äù''ñ àéôëà ìîôøò àéï úåìéï åìäáà úåìéï å÷àé ìîôøò åìäáà àùàìú äçìå÷


Explanation #3: We can explain the Gemara's words oppositely. Retroactively she does not attribute, and for the future she attributes. "Retroactively" and "for the future" refer to lending the garment;

àí ùàìú äçìå÷ äéä ìîôøò ÷åãí ùáòìú äëúí (äâäú îäø"î) âäëéøä ëúîä åìäáà ùùàìú äçìå÷ ùîîðå àéøò äñô÷ áùúéäï äéúä àçø îöéàú äëúí ùì áòìú äëúí úåìéï åäéà äéà


If the garment was lent retroactively, before Ba'alas ha'Kesem knew about her Kesem, for the future is when the garment, through which a Safek came to both of them, was lent after Ba'alas ha'Kesem found her Kesem. In this case she attributes. This is the same [as Explanation #2 regarding the Halachah and the reasoning, just the words are explained oppositely].


TOSFOS DH b'Matlaniyos she'Ein Bahen Shalosh Al Shalosh

úåñôåú ã"ä áîèìðéåú ùàéï áäï ùìù òì ùìù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not ask that this is obvious.)

åäëà ìà ôøéê ôùéèà ëîå ìòéì ãáæáçéí ôø÷ ãí çèàú (ãó öã.) îùîò ãàé çùéá òìééäå åéçãí î÷áìéí èåîàä


Observation: Here we do not ask "this is obvious!", like above, for in Zevachim (94a) it connotes that if he intended for [using] them and designated them, they receive Tum'ah.


TOSFOS DH v'Hu she'Badkah Atzmah k'Shi'ur Veses

úåñôåú ã"ä åäåà ùáã÷ä òöîä ëùéòåø åñú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that that was not a real Bedikah.)

ìàå ãå÷à áã÷ä àìà ÷ðçä ëãàîø áô''÷ (ìòéì ãó éá.) ãìà îùëçú áãé÷ä ëùéòåø åñú


Explanation: She did not truly do a Bedikah. Rather, she cleaned herself, like it says above (12a) that we do not find a Bedikah (in which the cloth must enter cracks in the walls inside) within Shi'ur Veses (the time needed for the Ever to leave, and for the Bedikah cloth to enter immediately).


TOSFOS DH Ba'alah Patur Taharoseha Tehoros

úåñôåú ã"ä áòìä ôèåø èäøåúéä èäåøåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives four explanations why the Taharos are Tehoros.)

ô''ä åìéú ìéä èåîàä îòú ìòú ëùîàé


Explanation #1 (Rashi): He holds that there is no Tum'ah me'Es la'Es, like Shamai.

àé ðîé áã' ðùéí ùãééï ùòúï


Explanation #2 (Rashi): This refers to one of the four women who are Dayan Shaitan.

åòåã é''ì áàùä ùéù ìä åñú


Explanation #3: This refers to a woman who has a Veses.

àé ðîé áçåìéï ùàéï áäï èåîàä îòú ìòú


Explanation #4: This refers to Chulin, which do not have Tum'ah me'Es la'Es.


TOSFOS DH Eima Shamash Akvei l'Dam Aval Hacha v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä àéîà ùîù òëáéä ìãí àáì äëà ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he brings a Chatas even though it is not Vadai.)

åà''ú ëéåï ãéëåì ìäéåú ãàò''â ãðîöà ëùéòåø åñú ùìà äéä ãí áùòú áéàä àí ëï àîàé áòìä áçèàú äà ñô÷ äåà


Question: Since it can be that even though she found within Shi'ur Veses, that the blood was not there at the time of Bi'ah, why does her husband bring a Chatas? It is a Safek!

åé''ì ëéåï ãøåá ôòîéí áà î÷åãí åáúùîéù ãàéëà ìîúìé áòéëåá ùîù èîà îï äúåøä


Answer: Since most times it comes before and during Bi'ah, we can attribute the delay to the Ever, and he is Tamei mid'Oraisa.


TOSFOS DH Ubrah vesh'Einah Ubrah v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä òåáøä åùàéðä òåáøä ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that these are the only cases.)

àåø''é ããå÷à áäê òðéðà ã÷àîø äù''ñ úåìéï


Explanation (Ri): We attribute only in this case that the Gemara says (one woman was pregnant, nursing, old or Besulah);

àáì éù ìä åñú ãîñåì÷ú áãîéí ãäà àîøéðï áä ãéä ùòúä àéðä úåìä áàéï ìä åñú


Distinction: However, if she has a Veses, [even though not at the time of her Veses] she is Mesulekes Damim, for we say that Dayah Shaitah, [even so,] she may not attribute to a woman who does not have a Veses.

åëï éù ìä åñú åìà äâéò ùòú åñúä àéï úåìä áäâéò ùòú åñúä:


Similarly, if she has a Veses, and the time of her Veses did not come, she may not attribute to a woman for whom the time of her Veses came.