
TOSFOS DH uva'Shevi'is Nami Ya'avod

úåñôåú ã"ä åáùáéòéú ðîé éòáåã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how this shows that the years are me'Es la'Es.)

åà"ú äà úéðç ùðú ùùéú àìà áúçìä àéîà ì' éåí ìôðé øàù äùðä éäéå çùåáéí ùðä åîùí åàéìê ä' ùðéí ùìîéí


Question: Granted, the sixth year [must be complete]. However, at the beginning, we should say that 30 days before Rosh Hashanah are considered a year, and after that [he works only] five full years! (Maharsha -"uva'Shevi'is" teaches that 30 days in the sixth year do not count like a full year, for if so, he would not leave in the seventh! Rather, he works the entire sixth year, and leaves at the start of the seventh. However, what is the source that the first year is complete? Perhaps a month before Rosh Hashanah suffices to be considered the first year, and Rosh Hashanah begins the second year!)

åéù ìåîø ëéåï ãâìé ÷øà ãùùéú äåéà ùðä ùìîä äåà äãéï ãøàùåðä áòéðï ùìîä.


Answer: Since the Torah revealed that the sixth is a full year, likewise the first year must be complete.


TOSFOS DH Rav Gidal Amar Rav l'Erchin

úåñôåú ã"ä øá âéãì àîø øá ìòøëéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how Rav Gidal can explain Rav.)

åà"ú ëéåï ãáòøëéï îå÷é ìä à"ë äãøà ÷åùéà ìãåëúéï ãìøá âéãì ìà îùëç øá úðà ëååúéä


Question: Since he establishes it for Erchin, the question returns. According to Rav Gidal, there is no Tana [who requires full years for Seris and Ailonis] like Rav!

åé"ì ã÷ñáø øá úðà äåà åôìéâ.


Answer: He holds that Rav is a Tana, and he argues [with the Beraisa].


TOSFOS DH Amar R. Elazar Halachah k'R. Yosi ben Kiper

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø ø"à äìëä ëø' éåñé áï ëéôø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is not counted among the places where we rule like R. Eliezer.)

åà"ú åäà øáé àìòæø âåôéä ôñé÷ áô"÷ (ìòéì ç.) ëøáé àìéòæø áã' åúå ìà


Question: R. Elazar himself ruled above (8a) like R. Eliezer in four places, but no where else!

åë"ú ãäê ãäëà ìà çùéá îùåí ãø' éåñé áï ëéôø ÷àé ëååúéä


Suggestion: This is not counted, because R. Yosi ben Kiper holds like him. (He counts only places in which no other Tana taught like R. Eliezer.)

äà çùéá ðîé äúí ääéà ãã' ðùéí àò"â ãøáé éäåùò ÷àé ëååúéä


Rejection - Question: There, he counts also the law of four women [who are Dayan Shatan], even though R. Yehoshua holds like him (R. Eliezer)!

àìà îùåí ãøáé éäåùò îøáé àìéòæø ÷áìä


Answer: Rather, [you must say that he counts four women] because R. Yehoshua received the law from R. Eliezer.

äëà ðîé øáé éåñé îùîéä ãøáé àìéòæø ÷àîø ìä


Summation of rejection: Also here, R. Yosi ben Kiper said his law in the name of R. Eliezer!

åé"ì îùåí ãäëà ÷àé øáé ëååúéä ëã÷àîø åëï äåøä øáé áìåã åìà îëç øáé àìéòæø ôñé÷


Answer #1: Here, it is because Rebbi holds like him, like it says "and so Rebbi ruled in Lud." He did not rule [like this] due to R. Eliezer.

à"ð ãå÷à áîùðéåú àîø áô"÷ ãäìëúà ëååúéä áàøáò.


Answer #2: Only regarding Mishnayos, [R. Elazar] said above (8a) that the Halachah follows him in [only] four places.


TOSFOS DH Ba Siman, R. Meir Omer Lo Choletzes v'Lo Misyabemes

úåñôåú ã"ä áà ñéîï, ø"î àåîø ìà çåìöú åìà îúéáîú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the significance of the upper Siman according to R. Meir.)

åà"ú åìø' îàéø ìîä äåæëø ñéîï äòìéåï ëéåï ãìà ñîëéðï òìéä


Question #1: According to R. Meir, why was the upper Siman mentioned, since we do not rely on it?

åìòéì ðîé ãúðà àéæäå ñéîðéí åîôøù ø"ú ãàáåçì ÷àé


Question #2: Also above (47a), it taught "which are Simanim?", and R. Tam explained that this refers to Bochel (a Siman of Na'arus, and presumably also here the Tana'im discuss this)!

åé"ì ãàéöèøéê ìòðéï òåðùéí å÷éãåùéï åîéìé èåáà ãøåá ôòîéí úçúåï àúé áøéùà ëã÷àîø áâîøà


Answer: We need this regarding punishments and Kidushin and many other things, for most of the time the lower Siman comes first, like it says in the Gemara;

åà"ð (ö"ì åà"ë - òøåì ìðø) àé çæéðï òìéåï îñúîà ëáø áà äúçúåï åâãåìä äéà åöøéëä âè ì÷ãåùéï åâí àñåø áàçåúä.


If so, if we see the upper Siman, presumably the lower Siman already came, and she is an adult, and she needs a Get [if she wants to marry someone else] for Kidushin [that she received herself], and he (the Mekadesh) is forbidden to her sister.


TOSFOS DH v'Chachamim Omrim Oh Choletzes Oh Misyabemes

úåñôåú ã"ä åçë"à àå çåìöú àå îúéáîú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is unlike R. Yosi.)

àôéìå äéà ÷èðä îúéáîú ìøáðï ãø"î ãìà çééùé ìîéòåèà âáé ääéà ã÷èï å÷èðä ìà çåìöéï ëå'


Explanation: Even if she is a minor, she [may] do Yibum according to Rabanan who argue with R. Meir, who are not concerned for the minority [of minors who are Ailoniyos], regarding "a Katan and Ketanah do not do Chalitzah..."

àáì ìçìéöä áòéðï ùúäà âãåìä ëãàîø ðîé äúí éôä àîøú ùàéï çåìöéï àéù ëúéá áôøùä åî÷ùéðï àùä ìàéù


However, regarding Chalitzah we require that she is an adult, like it says also there 'you said properly that a Katan cannot do Chalitzah, for "Ish" is written in the Parshah', and we equate a woman (Yevamah) to a man (Yavam)

åìéú ìäå ãøáé éåñé ãàîø áôø÷ îöåú çìéöä (ùí ãó ÷ä:) àùä áéï âãåìä áéï ÷èðä.


They do not hold like R. Yosi, who said in Yevamos (105b) that the woman (Yevamah) can be an adult or minor.



TOSFOS DH R. Shimon ben Gamliel Omer Benos Kefarim v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì àåîø áðåú ëôøéí ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is unlike Rabanan and unlike R. Meir.)

ôìéâ àãøáðï ãàîøé áëåìäåï îîäø ìáà äúçúåï


Explanation: He argues with Rabanan who say about all of them that the lower Siman comes quickly (before the upper Siman);

åàãø"î ðîé ôìéâ ãäà ø' îàéø ìà îôìéâ áéï ëøëéí ìëôøéí.


He argues also with R. Meir, for R. Meir does not distinguish between cities and villages.


TOSFOS DH bi'Shlama Lifnei ha'Perek v'Chulei d'Iy Mishtachechei Le'acher ha'Perek Shuma Ninhu

úåñôåú ã"ä áùìîà ìôðé äôø÷ ëå' ãàé îùúëçé ìàçø äôø÷ ùåîà ðéðäå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the reasons for the Bedikos.)

ôéøù á÷åðè' åìà úçìåõ


Explanation (Rashi): [If the same hair is there before and after the Perek,] she may not do Chalitzah.

åäãéï òîå ãìéëà ìôøåùé ùåîà ðéðäå åúîàï ãäà ÷úðé áñéôà ãàéðä ðàîðú ìåîø ÷èðä äéà åúîàï


Support: We cannot explain that it is Shuma, and she may do Mi'un, for the Seifa teaches that she is not believed to say that she is a minor, and she may do Mi'un.

åà"ú àîàé áåã÷éï àåúä ìà úáãå÷ åúçìåõ ìàçø äôø÷


Question: Why do we check her? She should not check, and she will do Chalitzah after the Perek!

ãäà äùúà ñáø äî÷ùï ãçæ÷ä ãäáéàä ñéîðéï ã÷àîø øáà ãäåéà ìçìéöä


Now, the Makshan holds that the Chazakah that she brought Simanim, which Rava said, is for Chalitzah!

åìîàé ãîùðé ðîé ãáçìéöä áòé áãé÷ä ðáãå÷ àçø äôø÷ åúå ìà


Strengthening of question: Also according to the answer, that Chalitzah requires checking, we should check only after the Perek!

ãìéëà ìîéçù ùîà îìôðé äôø÷ áàå åäåå ùåîà


Suggestion: We are concerned lest they came before the Perek, and they are Shuma.

ãäà ãå÷à ëé øàå àåúí ìôðé äôø÷ ÷àîø äëà ãùåîà ðéðäå àáì àí ìà øàå àåúí î÷åãí îùîò ãàéï ìðå ìçåù


Rejection: Only when they saw them (the hairs) before the Perek, we say here that they are Shuma, but if they did not see them before, it connotes that we are not concerned!

åáùìäé îöåú çìéöä (éáîåú ãó ÷ä:) ðîé ãàîø ìéä øáé ìàáãï æéì áã÷ä îñúîà ìà áã÷åä ìôðé äôø÷


Support #1 (for rejection): Also in Yevamos (105b, a girl came to do Chalitzah, and), Rebbi said to Avdan "go check her." Presumably, they did not check her before the Perek.

åëï îùîò áôø÷ îé ùîú (á"á ãó ÷ðä.) âáé áðé áø÷ ã÷àîø îäå ìáåã÷å


Support #2: In Bava Basra (155a), regarding [a youth who sold property in] Benei Berak [and died], it says "may we check him [to see if he was an adult]?"

àìîà àé îùúëçé áéä (äâäú áàøåú äîéí) ñéîðéí ìà àîøéðï ãìôðé äôø÷ áàå


Inference: If Simanim are found in him, we do not say that they came before the Perek.

åé"ì ãäà ã÷àîø ãáåã÷éï àåúï äééðå ìëúçéìä


Answer #1: We say that we check them, i.e. l'Chatchilah.

à"ð áåã÷éï ìàå ãå÷à àìà ëìåîø ãàí áã÷å ãîäðé áãé÷úï ÷àîø


Answer #2: "We check them" is not precise. It means that if they checked, the Bedikah helps (if we find Simanim before the Perek, we do not rely on those hairs after the Perek).

åà"ú àîàé ôøéê àìà ìàçø äôø÷ ìîä ìé áãé÷ä äà ðô÷à îéðä ùàí áã÷å åìà îöàå ùåí ùòøåú àå ùîöàå àåúï ùòøåú òöîï ãàéðä çåìöú ëîå ùàðå îôøùéí áãé÷ä ãìôðé äôø÷


Question: Why do we ask "why do we check after the Perek?" This is relevant, for if they checked and did not find any hairs, or they found the same hairs, she does not do Chalitzah, just like we explained Bedikah before the Perek!

åéù ìåîø ãäê áãé÷ä ãìàçø äôø÷ îùîò ìéä ãäééðå ìäçæé÷ä ëâãåìä


Answer: This Bedikah after the Perek, it connotes to him (the Makshan) that it is in order to establish her to be an adult;

ãàé ìäçæé÷ä ë÷èðä à"ë úåê äôø÷ àîàé àéðï ðàîðåú


If it were to establish her to be a minor, why aren't they believed within the Perek?

äùúà àçø äôø÷ ðàîðåú ë"ù úåê äôø÷


They are believed after the Perek. All the more so, [they should be believed] within the Perek!

åìëê ôøéê ãáìà áãé÷ä ðîé îçæ÷éðï ìä ëâãåìä.


Therefore, he asks that even without the Bedikah, we establish her to be an adult.


TOSFOS DH Iybo'is Eima R. Yehudah ve'a'Toch ha'Perek v'Iy Bo'is Eima...

úåñôåú ã"ä àéáòéú àéîà øáé éäåãä åàúåê äôø÷ åàé áòéú àéîà...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains in what cases we rely on women's Bedikah.)

åà"ú åîàé ÷àîø ãðàîðú ìåîø âãåìä äéà ùìà úîàï îä öøéê ìðàîðåú äà áìàå äëé ìà îîàðú


Question: Why does it say that she is believed to say that she is an adult, so she cannot do Mi'un? Why do we need her credibility? Even without this, she cannot do Mi'un!

åàôéìå àîøä ÷èðä äéà àéðä ðàîðú ëã÷úðé ñéôà àáì àéðä ðàîðú ìåîø ÷èðä äéà åúîàï


Even if she says that she is a minor, she is not believed, like the Seifa teaches "but she is not believed to say that she is a minor, to do Mi'un"!

åé"ì ãðô÷à îéðä ùàí áã÷å àðùéí àçø áãé÷úä åìà îöàå ùòøåú àô"ä ìà úîàï


Answer: This is relevant, that if men checked her after she (a woman) checked, and they did not find hairs, even so, she may not do Mi'un;

åàé ìàå ðùéí äåä îîàðú ùôéø ãàôéìå ìî"ã çåùùéí ùîà ðùøå äééðå ãå÷à ìàçø äôø÷ ìø' éäåãä îùåí ãøáà ãçæ÷ä ùäáéàä ñéîðéï


If not for [the checking of] women, she would properly do Mi'un, for even according to the opinion that we are concerned lest they fell, this is only after the Perek, according to R. Yehudah, due to [the teaching of] Rava, that there is a Chazakah that she brought Simanim;

àáì úåê äæîï ìøáé éäåãä ãìéëà çæ÷ä àå àçø æîï ìø"ù ãìéú ìéä çæ÷ä ãøáà àéï çåùùéï ùîà ðùøå


However, within the time according to R. Yehudah, that there is no Chazakah, or after the time according to R. Shimon, who argues with Rava's Chazakah, we are not concerned lest they fell out.

åäùúà ùàîøå äðùéí ùäéå ùòøåú ðàîðåú åìà úîàï


Now that women said that there were hairs, they are believed, and she may not do Mi'un.

åàò"â ãàôéìå úåê äæîï ìø' éäåãä ãìéëà çæ÷ä àå àçø æîï ìø"ù àéðä îîàðú


Implied question: Even within the time according to R. Yehudah, when there is no Chazakah, or after the time according to R. Shimon, she may not do Mi'un!

àäðé çæ÷ä ãøáà ìáã÷å åìà îöàå ùòøåú ãîùåí çæ÷ä àîøéðï ãðùøå ëãôñé÷ ìòéì


Answer: Rava's Chazakah helps for when they checked and did not find hairs. Due to the Chazakah, we say that they fell out, like he ruled above.

åäéìëúà çåùùéï ùîà ðùøå åäåà ùáòì ìàçø æîï


Pesak: The Halachah is, we are concerned lest they fell out. This is if he had Bi'ah [with her] after [the] time [of adulthood. If she was an adult, this made Kidushin mid'Oraisa.]

åà"ú åðàîðú ìåîø ÷èðä äéà ùìà úçìåõ îàé àäðé ðàîðú äìà àôéìå àîøä éù ùòøåú àéðä ðàîðú ëã÷úðé ñéôà àéðä ðàîðú ìåîø âãåìä äéà ëå'


Question: [The Beraisa said that] she is believed to say that she is a minor, so she cannot do Chalitzah. How does her credibility help? Even if she says that there are hairs, she is not believed, like the Seifa teaches "she is not believed to say that she is an adult...!"

åé"ì ãðàîðú ìåîø ùàåúï ùòøåú äéå ÷åãí äôø÷


Answer: She is believed to say that those hairs were there before the Perek;

ãàé ìàå äàùä äåä àîéðà àçø äôø÷ áàå åçìöä ëãôøéùéú (äâää áâìéåï) ìòéì.


If not for [the Bedikah of] the woman, one would have thought that they came after the Perek, and she may do Chalitzah, like I explained above [in the previous Dibur].