
TOSFOS DH u'Mashtin Mayim Aruch Lifnei Mitaso

úåñôåú ã"ä åîùúéï îéí òøåí ìôðé îèúå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains this and another text.)

ãàîø áùáú (ãó ñá:) ã÷ùä ìòðéåúà


Explanation: it says in Shabbos (62b) that this is prone to cause poverty.

åéù ñôøéí ãâøñé äëà îùîù îèúå òøåí åëï äåà áåé÷øà øáä


Alternative text: Some text say here "he has Bi'ah naked", and so it says in Vayikra Rabah;

åèòîà ùéù ìå ìäéåú öðåò áùòú úùîéù ëãàîøéðï áðãøéí (ãó ë.)


The reason [why Hash-m hates him] is because one must be modest at the time of Bi'ah, like it says in Nedarim (20a). (Ya'avetz - if one insists that they have Bi'ah while clothed, we force him to divorce her and pay a Kesuvah (Kesuvos 58a). However, they should be covered with a sheet.)


TOSFOS DH Mekarkesh Zagi

úåñôåú ã"ä î÷ø÷ù æâé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he expelled bees.)

ô''ä ôòîåðéí äúìåéí áëéìä ìäåöéà îîðå áðé áéúå


Explanation #1 (Rashi): [He jingled] bells hanging on the canopy [above his bed] to expel his household.

å÷ùä ìø''ú ãàéï æä îãú öðéòåú


Rebuttal (R. Tam): This is immodest!

åðøàä ìå ëâéøñú ø''ç åäòøåê [òøê âæ ç'] î÷ø÷ù âæé ãáåøéí (äâäú òøåì ìðø) ãàîø ááëåøåú (ãó æ:) ãáù äâæéï åäöéøòéï


Explanation #2 (R. Tam): The text of R. Chananel and the Aruch is correct. He expelled Gazei, [i.e. a kind of] bee, like it says in Bechoros (7b) "honey of Gazin and wasps."

åäåé ãåîéà ãàáéé ãáìé ãéãáé åøáà ãáìé ôøåçé:


Support: This is like Abaye, who chased away flies, and Rava, who expelled mosquitoes.


TOSFOS DH she'Meshamshin Mitoseihen Bifnei Avdeihen

úåñôåú ã"ä ùîùîùéï îèåúéäï áôðé òáãéäï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this was in the dark.)

åîééøé áìéìä àå áî÷åí àôì ãáî÷åí àåøä àôé' áìà ìôðé òáãéäí àñåø:


Explanation: We discuss at night, or in a dark place. In a place of light, even not in front of their slaves is forbidden!


TOSFOS DH Sorfan Chasid

úåñôåú ã"ä ùåøôï çñéã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains what is the Midas Chasidus.)

ãìéëà ìîéçù ùîà éúâìå


Explanation #1: [He is a Chasid, for through burning the nails,] there is no concern lest they become exposed (like there is if he buries them).

åáòøåê [òøê ùìù] ôéøù ùùøôú öôåøï îæ÷ú ìàãí


Explanation #2 (Aruch): Burning the nails harms the person himself;

åëï ëì ãáø äáà îï äàãí ëãàîø áñ''ô ëìì âãåì (ùáú ãó òä:) âáé ãí äðãä àééãé ãçìùà ìà îöðòä ìùåðøà


The same applies to anything that comes from man, like it says in Shabbos (75b) regarding blood of a Nidah. She would not save it for a cat [to drink], since this would weaken her;

åìëê äåà çñéã ùîçîéø ìùåøôï àò''â ùîæé÷ ìå:


Therefore he is a Chasid, for he is stringent to burn them, even though this harms him.


TOSFOS DH Eima Bodkin Mitoseihen b'Yom

úåñôåú ã"ä àéîà áåã÷éï îèåúéäï áéåí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is not unlike our Mishnah.)

åìëï îæëéøéï ìùáç


Explanation: Therefore, they were mentioned for praise.

ãàò''â ãàîøå á''ù öøéëä á' òãéí òì ëì úùîéù åúùîéù åìá''ä ãéä áá' òãéí ëì äìéìä åîòééðà áäå ìîçø


Implied question: Beis Shamai say that she needs two Edim for every Bi'ah, and Beis Hillel say that two Edim suffice for the entire night, and she looks at them the next day!

î''î îåãå ãàí øåöä ìòééï áìéìä ìàåø äðø äøùåú áéãä:


Answer: In any case they agree that if she wants to look at them at night by the light of a lamp, she may.


TOSFOS DH Ha b'Chadati Ha b'Sachaki

úåñôåú ã"ä äà áçãúé äà áùç÷é

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara in Shevuos.)

úéîä ãáô''÷ ãùáåòåú (ãó å:) âáé ùàú ëöîø ìáï ùðéä ìä ë÷øåí áéöä åîôøù ëîå âìéîà ãëéúðà åùç÷éä


Question: In Shevuos (6b), regarding [appearances of Tzara'as] "Seis" is like white wool. The secondary appearance to it is like an egg shell. It explains that [respectively, these are] like a linen robe and Sachakeha (after it is worn out).

îùîò ùäçãù ìáï îï äéùï


Inference: A new [robe] is whiter than an old one!

åé''ì ãäúí áâìéîà ùàéï øâéìåú ìëáñ åäëà áçìå÷ åëéåöà áå ùîëáñéï úãéø


Answer #1: There, it is a robe that is not normally laundered. Here we discuss a cloak or something similar that is constantly laundered.

åòåã é''ì ãäúí ìòðéï çùéáåú îééøé ëé äðê ãìòéì ëâåï ùáåø îìëà åøéù âìåúà:


Answer #2: There we discuss regarding importance, like those mentioned above [there], e.g. Shevor Malka (the Persian king) and the Reish Galusa.



TOSFOS DH Afilu Malei Chardel

úåñôåú ã"ä àôéìå îìà çøãì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that mid'Oraisa, it is not Mekabel Tum'ah.)

ìîàé ãîôøù ø''ú ãàéï ôçåú îëáéöä î÷áì èåîàä ìàå ãå÷à îìà çããì àìà îìà áéöéí


Implied question: R. Tam explains that less than k'Beitzah is not Mekabel Tum'ah. If so, it is not precise to say that it is full of mustard [seeds, for they do not become Tamei], rather, [it should say that it is] full of eggs!

àìà îùåí ãîãøáðï î÷áì èåîàä ð÷è ìéä


Answer: It mentioned mustard [seeds] because mid'Rabanan, they are Mekabel Tum'ah.



úåñôåú ã"ä ôøåæãåø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the source of this word.)

ôøåæ áìùåï éåï ìôðé ãåø ìùåï ãéøä


Explanation: "Proz" in Greek means in front of. "Dor" is an expression of residence.

àéú ãâøñ ôøåæãåã áãìé''ú


Alternative text: Some texts say "Prozdod" with a Dalet.


TOSFOS DH v'Dam ha'Aliyah

úåñôåú ã"ä åãí äòìééä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it is Tahor even if it looks like Tamei blood.)

îùîò ããí äòìééä èäåø àôé' äåà îîøàä ãîéí èîàéí


Inference: Blood of the Aliyah is Tahor, even if it has the appearance of Tamei blood.

ãàé àéï áòìééä îã' îéðé ãîéí èîàéí àí ëï ãí ùáôøåæãåø àîàé äåé ñô÷ ðçæé àé äåé îã' îéðé ãîéí àé ìàå


Proof: If [blood of] the Aliyah does not have one of them four kinds of Tamei blood, if so, why is blood of the Prozdor a Safek? We should see whether or not it is one of them four kinds of Tamei blood!

åãåç÷ ìåîø ãàééøé áðàáã


It would be difficult to say that we discuss when it was lost.

åäééðå èòîà ãèäåø ãëúéá îî÷åø ãîéä ãå÷à ãîé î÷åø ãäééðå çãø


Explanation #1: The reason [why blood of the Aliyah is Tahor] is because it says mi'Makor Dameha" - only blood of the Makor, i.e. the Cheder.

àé ðîé ãîéä ëúéá î÷åí ùîöåééï ùí äøáä ãîéí åáòìééä ìéëà àìà îéï àçã


Explanation #2: It says "Dameha" - a place where there are many bloods. There is only one kind in the Makor.


TOSFOS DH veha'Tanan she'Chezkaso Min ha'Makor

úåñôåú ã"ä åäúðï ùçæ÷úå îï äî÷åø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the question.)

åàò''â ãáîúðé' ÷úðé ðîé ñô÷å èîà


Implied question: Our Mishnah also taught that its Safek is Tamei! (Why is this difficult for Rav Huna?)

äééðå ñô÷å åãàé èîà ëã÷úðé áäãéà ùçæ÷úå îï äî÷åø


Answer: It means that its Safek is Tamei, like it teaches explicitly "for the Chazakah is that it is from the Makor."

åäåä îöé ìùðåéé ëâåï ùðîöà á÷ø÷ò ôøåæãåø ëãîùðé áñîåê àø' çééà


Possibility #1: He could have answered that [blood] was found on the floor of the Prozdor, like we answer below regarding R. Chiya.

à''ð ùîà ÷ø÷ò ôøåæãåø ìà äåä ÷øé ìéä ñô÷


Possibility #2: [He could not answer that blood was found on] the floor of the Prozdor, for he would not call this a Safek.


TOSFOS DH Min ha'Lul v'Lifnim v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä îï äìåì åìôðéí ðîé ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains Abaye's question.)

ôéøåù ìãáøéê ùàúä çåùù ìùéðåé àîàé åãàé èîà ðéçåù ðîé ãìîà àéæã÷øä åîòìééä àúà


Explanation: According to your words, that you are concerned for Shinuy (a change from the normal course for blood to follow), why is it Vadai Tamei? We should be concerned lest Izdakrah (she abruptly straightened up, and the blood was thrown backwards), and it came from the Aliyah!

åúéîä ãàãøáä ëéåï ãîï äìåì åìçåõ àò''ô ùîï äòìééä äåà áà ùí ëãøëå çééùéðï ìãí äçãø ùäåà øçå÷ åàéï éëåì ìáà àìà ò''é ùçééä îùåí ãøåá ãîéí îï äî÷åø àúå


Question #1: Just the contrary! Since from the conduit and outside, even though it can come to there normally from the Aliyah, we are concerned for blood of the Makor, which is further, and it can come from there only through bowing, [even so we are concerned] because most blood comes from the Makor...

îù''ä éù ìèîà áåãàé îï äìåì åìôðéí åìúìåú áãîé äçãø äîøåáéí åä÷øåáéí éåúø îãîé äòìééä


Therefore, we should be Metamei Vadai from the conduit and inside, and attribute to blood of the Makor, which is the majority and closer than blood of the Aliyah!

åò''÷ ãáôø÷ ìà éçôåø (á''á ãó ëã.) à''ø çðéðà øåá å÷øåá äìê àçø äøåá


Question #2: In Bava Basra (24a) R. Chanina taught that if [one possible source is] the majority, and [another possible source is] closer, we attribute to the majority;

åîåëç äúí ãøáé çðéðà îééøé àôéìå á÷åøáà ãîåëç åàîø àáéé àó àðï ðîé úðéðà ëø' çðéðà ðîöà áôøåæãåø ñô÷å èîà ùçæ÷úå îï äî÷åø åàò''â ãàéëà òìééä ãî÷øáä èôé


It is proven there that R. Chanina discusses even regarding a closeness that is Muchach (i.e. strongly suggests that it is the source), and Abaye said that our Mishnah teaches like R. Chanina. "If it was found in the Prozdor, the Safek is Tamei, for the Chazakah is that it is from the Makor", even though the Aliyah is closer;

åîàé øàééä îééúé ãäà ììéùðà ãáúø çùùà àæìú ìà àæìéðï áúø øåáà ëìì èôé î÷åøáà


What proof does he bring? According to the version that we follow a concern, we do not at all follow a majority more than closeness!

àìà àéãé åàéãé ñô÷à äåé åàôéìå îï äìåì åìôðéí ùãîé äçãø øåá åâí áàéï îùí áìà ùéðåé çééùéðï ìãîé äòìééä ùäí îòèéí åàéðí éëåìéï ìáà ùí àà''ë ðæã÷øä


Rather, both of these are a Safek, and even from the conduit and inside, in which case the blood from the Makor is the majority, and it comes to there without a Shinuy, we are concerned for blood of the Aliyah, which is the minority, and it cannot come there unless Izdakrah (she abruptly straightened up).

åììéùðà ãáúø çæ÷ä àæìú îèäø îï äìåì åìçåõ åìà çééù ìøåáà ããîé äçãø


And according to the version that we follow Chazakah, we are Metaher from the conduit and outside, and we are not concerned for the majority of blood from the Makor;

åäà ãîèîà îï äìåì åìôðéí ìàå îùåí øåáà âøéãà àìà îùåí ãáà ðîé îï äçãø áìà ùéðåé å÷åøáà ãòìééä ìà îåëç ëìì ãìà çééùéðï ìàéæã÷øä


The reason why we are Metamei from the conduit and inside, is not due to a majority alone. Rather, it is because it comes from the Makor without a Shinuy, and the closeness of the Aliyah is not Muchach at all, for we are not concerned lest Izdakrah!

åðøàä ìôøù ãëì àîåøàé ãùîòúéï àééøé áââ ôøåæãåø åëï äòðéï ãââ ôøåæãåø îï äìåì åìôðéí âáåä åîùúôò åòåìä åàéðå éëåì ìáà ùí îï äòìééä àìà à''ë ðæã÷øä


Answer: It seems that all the Amora'im in our Sugya discuss the roof of the Prozdor. This is the situation. The roof of the Prozdor from the conduit and inside is high and inclined and rises. [Blood] cannot come to there from the Aliyah unless Izdakrah;

åîï äçãø àéðå éëåì ìáà ìââ ôøåæãåø àôéìå îï äìåì åìôðéí àìà à''ë ùçúä áéåúø åäåà ùéðåé âãåì îæé÷åø (äâäú äøù"ù) ùì òìééä ëé äìåì ùãîé äçãø éåöàéí ìôøåæãåø äåà ìöã ÷ø÷ò ôøåæãåø


From the Makor it cannot come to the roof of the Prozdor unless she bowed very low. This is a greater Shinuy than Izdakrah [to enable blood] of the Aliyah [to get there], for the [end of] the conduit through which the blood of the Makor goes out to the Prozdor is towards the floor of the Prozdor (it is far from the roof);

àáì îï äìåì åìçåõ îùúôò åéåøã åáà ùí îï äòìééä ëãøëå åîï äçãø áà ùí áùéðåé âãåì éåúø îîï äìåì åìôðéí


However, from the conduit and outside [the roof] slants and descends. [Blood] comes to there from the Aliyah normally, and [blood comes to there] from the Makor only through a greater Shinuy than [is needed to go from the Makor to] from the conduit and inside.

åäùúà ôøéê ùôéø î''ù îï äìåì åìçåõ ãñô÷ àó òì âá ãîï äçãø àéðå áà ùí àìà áùéðåé âãåì îàã åîï äòìééä áà ùí ëãøëå


Support: Now, it is a proper question. What is the difference, that from the conduit and outside it is a Safek, even though from the Makor it comes to there only through a very great Shinuy, and from the Aliyah it comes normally...

àìà îùåí ãùçúä øâéìåú äåà ãàé ìà øâéìåú äåà äåé åãàé èäåø åàôéìå äëé ìà áòé ìîéæì áúø øåáà ùéäà åãàé èîà


Rather, because she bowed, it is common [that it could come from the Makor. This implies that] if it would not be common, it would be Vadai Tahor. Even so, [now that it is common,] we do not want to follow the majority, to say that it is Vadai Tamei;

îï äìåì ìôðéí ðîé àéîåø àéæã÷øä ãëéåï ãùçúä øâéìåú äåà àéæã÷øä ðîé øâéìåú åàîàé åãàé èîà


Also from the conduit and inside, I can say that Izdakrah. Since bowing is common, also Izdakrah is common. Why is it Vadai Tamei?

åàò''â ãøåá ãîéí îï äî÷åø àéï ììëú àçø äøåá ëîå îï äìåì åìçåõ ãìà äåé èîà åãàé àó ò''â ãùçúä äåé øâéìåú


Even though most blood is from the Makor, we should not follow the majority, just like from the conduit and outside, which is not Vadai Tamei, even though it is common that she bows!

àìà àîø àáéé àé áúø çùùà àæìú îùåí ãùçúä øâéìåú äåà ëãôøéùéú àéãé åàéãé ñô÷à


Explanation: Rather, Abaye said that if you follow concern, because bowing is common, like I explained, both are a Safek;

åàé áúø çæ÷ä àæìú åìà áúø çùùà ãùçúä ìàå øâéìåú äåà îï äìåì åìçåõ åãàé èäåø


If you follow Chazakah, and not concern, because bowing is not common, from the conduit and outside is Vadai Tahor;

åî''î îï äìåì åìôðéí àò''â ãùçúä ìàå øâéìåú äåà äåé åãàé èîà ãîîä ðôùê òì éãé ùéðåé áà àå ùçúä àå àéæã÷øä åàéú ìï ìîéîø ãîï äçãø àúà îùåí ãçæ÷ú ãîéí îï äî÷åø áàéï


Even so, from the conduit and inside, even though bowing is not common, is Vadai Tamei, for no matter what you will say (whether it is from the Aliyah or the Makor), it came through a Shinuy. Either she bowed, or Izdakrah. We should say that the blood came from the Makor, because the Chazakah is that blood comes from the Makor.

åîåëç ùôéø áìà éçôåø îäà ìéùðà ãáúø çæ÷ä ãäåé òé÷ø ëãîùîò ìéùðà ùçæ÷úå îï äî÷åø


Observation: In Bava Basra, [Abaye] properly proves from this version that we follow Chazakah, which is primary, like the words of our Mishnah connote "the Chazakah is that it is from the Makor"...

ãøåá å÷øåá äìê àçø äøåá àôéìå á÷åøáà ãîåëçà ãîï äìåì åìôðéí åãàé èîà ãàæìéðï àçø øåá ãîéí ùîï äî÷åø


[From this he proves] that if [one possible source is] the majority, and [another possible source is] closer, we attribute to the majority, even for a closeness that is Muchach, for from the conduit and inside is Vadai Tamei, for we follow the majority of blood, which is from the Makor;

àò''â ãäòìééä î÷øáà åîåëç ãäà îòìééä áà áùéðåé îåòè éåúø îîï äçãø ëãôøéùéú


This is even though the closeness of the Aliyah is Muchach, for it comes [to there] from the Aliyah through a smaller Shinuy than is needed to come from the Makor, like I explained.


TOSFOS DH v'Ein Sorfin Alav Es ha'Terumah

úåñôåú ã"ä åàéï ùåøôéï òìéå àú äúøåîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it is not considered Vadai.)

úéîä ëéåï ãäåé ñô÷ èåîàä áøä''ø èäåø åãàé åáøä''é èîà åãàé åùåøôéï


Question: Since it is Safek Tum'ah, in Reshus ha'Rabim it is Vadai Tahor, and in Reshus ha'Yachid it is Vadai Tamei, and we burn for it!

åé''ì ëãôéøùúé ìòéì (ãó á.) ãîñåèä ìà éìôéðï èåîàä ãàúéà ò''é øàééú âåôä ìëï áëì î÷åí ñô÷


Answer: I explained above (2a DH Masnisin) that from Sotah we do not learn Tum'ah that comes from sightings of her body, [only of touching,] therefore in every place (Reshus ha'Rabim and Reshus ha'Yachid) it is Safek.

åö''ò áîëéìúéï (ãó òà.) âáé ãí úáåñä ãîùîò ãñô÷ éöà îçééí ñô÷ ìàçø îéúä áøùåú äéçéã ñô÷å èîà áøùåú äøáéí ñô÷å èäåø


Question: This requires investigation below (71a) regarding Dam Tevusah (it did not come out when he was dying). It is a Safek whether it came out in his lifetime, or after death. In Reshus ha'Yachid the Safek is Tamei, and in Reshus ha'Rabim the Safek is Tahor!

åàí úàîø åëéåï ãìà éìôéðï îñåèä ðå÷é àùä áçæ÷úä åðèäø àôéìå áøùåú äéçéã


Question: Since we do not learn from Sotah, we should establish the woman in her Chazakah, and be Metaher even in Reshus ha'Yachid!

åéù ìåîø îùåí ããîé äçãø îöåééï áéåúø ëãàîø áìà éçôåø (á''á ãó ëã.) øåá åîöåé ÷àîøú


Answer: [We do not] because blood of the Makor is exceedingly common, like it says in Bava Basra (24a) "do you discuss a majority that is common?";

åìà çùéá çæ÷ä å÷åøáà ìâáé øåáà àìà ëôìâà åôìâà:


[Her] Chazakah and closeness [of the Aliyah] against this majority is considered only an even Safek.