NIDAH 12 - dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and he is dearly missed by all who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan.


TOSFOS DH Ba'i R. Zeira Ishah Mahu she'Tivdok

úåñôåú ã"ä áòé ø' æéøà àùä îäå ùúáãå÷

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this refers to before Bi'ah.)

ôé' ìôðé úùîéù


Explanation: [He asks whether she should check] before Bi'ah.


TOSFOS DH Libo Nokfo v'Poresh

úåñôåú ã"ä ìáå ðå÷ôå åôåøù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he is worried.)

ôø''ç ëéåï ãøåàä àùúå áåã÷ú îçùá ùàí ìà äøâéùä ìà äéúä áåã÷ú ìôé ùéåãòú ùçëîéí ìà ú÷ðå ìáãå÷


Explanation (R. Chananel): Since he sees her check, he thinks that had she not had a Hargashah, she would not check, for she knows that Chachamim did not enact to check.


TOSFOS DH Kedei Lechayev Ba'alah Chatas

úåñôåú ã"ä ëãé ìçééá áòìä çèàú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he did not ask about another way to obligate a Chatas.)

äëà ðîé äåä îöé ìîéáòé îäå ùúáãå÷ ÷åãí úùîéù åúðéç äòã òã äá÷ø ëãé ìçééá áòìä çèàú


Implied question: He could have asked "should she check before Bi'ah and leave the cloth until the morning, in order to obligate her husband a Chatas?"!

àìà ãëáø äùéá ìå ùàí úáãå÷ ìôðé úùîéù ìáå ðå÷ôå åôåøù


Answer: He already answered him that if she checks before Bi'ah, he will be worried and refrain.


Note: The Rashash says that in Tosfos' text, also this question R. Zeira asked to Rav Yehudah. In our text, R. Aba asked this of Rav Huna.


TOSFOS DH Tzenu'a Lo Mikri Rasha Lo Mikri

úåñôåú ã"ä öðåò ìà îé÷øé øùò ìà îé÷øé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara in Kesuvos.)



Explanation: This is said in astonishment.

åà''ú áøéù ëúåáåú (ãó â:) ãàîø îùåí öðåòåú åîùåí ôøåöåú ëéåï ã÷øé ìäå öðåòåú äðäå ãìà òáãé äëé àîàé ÷øé ìäå ôøåöåú


Question: In Kesuvos (3b), it says "[they enacted that Ones does not Mevatel a Get] due to Tzenu'os (pious women) and lewd women." Since they call the first Tzenu'os, why are those who do not do so called lewd? (Rava teaches that one who is not Tzenu'a is not necessarily a Rasha!)

åé''ì ãäúí ÷øé ìäå öðåòåú ëãàîøéðï äúí æîðéï ãìà àðéñ åñáøä ãàðéñ åàò''â ùáãéï äéä ìä ìúìåú ùàéï àðéñ ãøåá äòåìí àéðï àðåñéí


Answer: There, they call them Tzenu'os, like it says there that sometimes there is no Ones, and she thinks that there is Ones (and she would not remarry. Therefore, they enacted that even if there was Ones, the Get is valid), even though according to letter of the law, she should attribute that there is no Ones, for Ones does not occur to most people;

åôøåöåú îùåí ãæéîðéï ãàðåñ ôéøåù ôòîéí ãéåãòú ùäåà àðåñ åàîøä ãìà àðåñ åì''â äúí åñáøä


[They enacted also] due to lewd women, for sometimes there is Ones, i.e. she knows that there is Ones, and she says that there was no Ones. The text does not say "she thinks."


TOSFOS DH Ishah she'Ein Lah Veses Asurah Leshamesh Ad she'Tivdok

úåñôåú ã"ä àùä ùàéï ìä åñú àñåøä ìùîù òã ùúáãå÷

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Chidush is that this is even when she is sleeping.)

åáòñå÷ä áèäøåú àééøé


Explanation: He discusses a woman who engages with Taharos.

åà''ú îàé ÷î''ì îúðéúéï äéà (ìòéì éà.) åáùòä ùäéà òåáøú ìùîù àú áéúä


Question: What is the Chidush? Our Mishnah (11a) teaches this - "and when she is about to have Bi'ah"!

åìéëà ìîéîø ãàúà ìàùîåòéðï ãàò''â ãàéï ìä åñú ãîåúø ì÷ééîä òì éãé áãé÷ä ëø''ç áï àðèéâðåñ åëï ôéøù øù''é ì÷îï


Suggestion: [Shmuel] teaches that even though she does not have a Veses, her husband may keep her, and [have Bi'ah] through Bedikos, like R. Chanina ben Antigenus. Rashi explained like this below.

ãäìùåï îùîò ãìà áà ìäùîéòðå äéúøà àìà ìäùîéòðå ùöøéëä áãé÷ä


Rejection: The words connote that he does not come to teach a Heter [to keep her], rather, that she must check!

åé''ì ã÷î''ì áàéï ìä åñú ãàôéìå éùðä öøéëä áãé÷ä


Answer: The Chidush is that when she does not have a Veses, even if she is sleeping, Bedikah is needed.


TOSFOS DH Bein Yeshenos

úåñôåú ã"ä áéï éùðåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether this is permitted when she is sleeping.)

ôé' ãìéëà àéñåø ðãåú àáì àñåø ìáà òì äéùðä ëãàîø áðãøéí (ë:)


Explanation #1: There is no Isur of Nidah [when she is sleeping], but it is forbidden to have Bi'ah with a sleeping woman, like it says in Nedarim (20b).

à''ð äëà ìà ìâîøé áéùðä àééøé àìà àéðä òøä ëì ëê ùúãò ìäùéá àí äéà èäåøä àí ìàå


Explanation #2: Here she is not totally asleep, but she is not so awake that she would know to answer whether or not she is Tehorah.


TOSFOS DH Shmuel b'Mai Muki Lah

úåñôåú ã"ä ùîåàì áîàé îå÷é ìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why there is a proper question against Shmuel.)

åà''ú åìå÷îä áàéðä òñå÷ä áèäøåú


Question: He should establish it when she does not engage in Taharos!

åéù ìåîø ããéé÷ îìéùðà éúéøà ã÷úðé ðùéäí ìäí áçæ÷ú èäøä åàîàé àéöèøéê úå ìîéúðé åáàéï åùåäéí òîäí àìà ìâìåéé ãàééøé ãòñå÷ä áèäøåú


Answer: [The Makshan] infers from the extra words "their wives are for them in Chezkas Taharah." Why does it need to teach further "and they come and may be [intimate] with them"? Rather, it is to reveal that we discuss one who engages in Taharos.

åáô''á (ì÷îï ãó èå.) ã÷úðé ëì äðùéí áçæ÷ú èäøä å÷úðé áúø äëé åäáàéï îï äãøê ðùéäí ìäí áçæ÷ú èäøä å÷úðé úøúé àò''â ãàéðä òñå÷ä áèäøåú àééøé


Implied question: Below (15a), it teaches that all women are in Chezkas Taharah, and it teaches after this "those who come from the road, their wives are for them in Chezkas Taharah." It taught both, even though we discuss one who does not engage in Taharos!

äúí àùîåòéðï ãàéï ìçì÷ áéï áàéï îï äãøê ìáðé äòéø


Answer: There it teaches that we do not distinguish between those who come from the road and people of the city.

åà''ú áìà ùîåàì ú÷ùé îúðéúéï ãîöøëú áãé÷ä áòñå÷ä áèäøåú àáøééúà ãäëà


Question: [Even] without Shmuel, we can ask that the Mishnah obligates Bedikah for one who engages in Taharos, against the Beraisa here!

åé''ì ãôøéê ìùîåàì àôéìå áéùðä áàéï ìä åñú àáì îúðé' ìà îééøé áéùðä åëï ôé' øùá''í.


Answer #1: We challenge Shmuel even when she is sleeping, when she does not have a Veses. However, the Mishnah does not discuss a sleeping woman. Also the Rashbam explained like this.

[à''ð îîúðé' ä''î ìãçå÷é åìàå÷åîé áàéï ìä åñú åãéä ùòúä ìà ÷àé àìà àöøéëä ìäéåú áåã÷ú åúå ìà


Comment - Answer #2: With difficulty, we could have established the Mishnah when she does not have a Veses. "Dayah Shaitah" applies only to "she must check", and no more (i.e. the other laws of our Mishnah apply even to women who are not Dayan Shaitan, e.g. they have no Veses)...

àò''â ãôùèà ãîúðéúéï áéù ìä åñú ëãôøéê ìòéì åäà îúðéúéï áéù ìä åñú òñ÷éðï]


... Even though the simple meaning of our Mishnah is when she has a Veses, like we asked above "our Mishnah discusses when she has a Veses!"


TOSFOS DH Kivan she'Tav'ah

úåñôåú ã"ä ëéåï ùúáòä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is only for one who came from the road.)

ôéøåù ëéåï ùáà îï äãøê îôééñä åúåáòä ìúùîéù åàé çæéà ëáø øîéà àðôùä ùäøâéùä áùòú øàééä åæåëøú


Explanation: Since he came from the road, he appeases her and requests to have Bi'ah. If she already saw [blood], it crosses her mind that she had Hargashah at the time of the sighting, and she remembers;

àáì àí ìà áà îï äãøê àñåø áòøä ìôé ùàéðå îàøéê áôéåñ ùì úùîéù àìà áà òìéä îéã åìà øîéà àðôùä ìàæëåøé ùäøâéùä


However, if he did not come from the road, it is forbidden if she is awake, for he does not appease her very much for Bi'ah, rather, he has Bi'ah with her immediately, and it does not cross her mind to remember that she had Hargashah.


TOSFOS DH Mahu Lemevad Ki Ha Masnisa

úåñôåú ã"ä îäå ìîòáã ëé äà îúðéúà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he asks about being lenient when she is asleep.)

ôé' øù''é ëé äà îúðéúà ãáòéà áãé÷ä àå úáéòä


Explanation #1 (Rashi): [He asks if one should do] like this Beraisa, which requires Bedikah or request.

å÷ùä ãáòøä ãå÷à îöøéê áãé÷ä åàí ëï îàé ÷à îäãø ìéä ãîâðéà áàôéä ãáúáéòä ìà îâðéà áàôéä


Question #1: Only when she is awake, he obligates Bedikah. If so, what did he answer "she is disgraced in his eyes"? Through request, she is not disgraced in his eyes!

åòåã àé ìáòìä âøéãà ÷áòé ëãîùîò ãìáðé ááì äéä ùåàì äà ôùéèà ãàîø ìòéì (ãó éà:) ëì ìáòìä ìà áòéà áãé÷ä


Question #2: If we ask only to her husband, like it connotes that he asked to Bnei Bavel (who do not have Taharos), this is obvious, for he said above "any [woman] to her husband does not require Bedikah";

åâí àéï ìäçîéø ìáãå÷ ãà''ë ìáå ðå÷ôå åôåøù ëãàîø ìòéì


Also, one should not be stringent to check, for if so he will be worried and refrain, like [Rav Yehudah] said above.

åàé áòñå÷ä áèäøåú ÷áòé ôùéèà ùöøéëä áãé÷ä ëãúðï åáùòä ùäéà òåáøú ìùîù áéúä ëå'


If he asks about one who engages in Taharos, obviously she needs Bedikah, like the Mishnah says "and when she goes to have Bi'ah..."

åúå ìîä úåìä áòééúå ááøééúà æå ëéåï ãîúðéúéï ðîé îöøëä áãé÷ä ìèäøåú


Question #3: Why does he attribute his question on this Beraisa, since also our Mishnah obligates Bedikah for Taharos?

åðøàä ìôøù îäå ìîòáã ëé äà îúðéúà ãìà îöøëä îéãé áéùðä ãùîà àó ìáòìä âøéãà öøéê ìä÷éöä åìúåáòä


Explanation #2: [He asks] "may one do like this Beraisa, which does not require anything for one who is sleeping"? Perhaps even for her husband alone, he must wake her and request.

åäà ãàîøéðï ìòéì ãàôéìå áàéï ìä åñú ìà áòéà áãé÷ä ìáòìä áéùðä


Implied question: Above, we said that even when she has no Veses, she does not need Bedikah for her husband when she is sleeping!

î''î ãéìîà úáéòä áòéà


Answer #1: In any case, perhaps request is required.

àé ðîé ìòéì àééøé ëùäåà áòéø ãàí àéúà ãäéúä èîàä äåä àîøä ìéä ÷åãí ìëï àáì ááà îï äãøê àéëà ìîéçù


Answer #2: Above, we discuss when he is in the city. If she were Temei'ah, she would have told him earlier. However, for one who came from the road, he should be concerned.

åîúðé' ãô''á (ì÷îï èå.) ãáàéï îï äãøê ðùéäí ìäí áçæ÷ú èäøä


Implied question: Our Mishnah below (15a) says that those who come from the road, their wives have Chezkas Taharah!

àéëà ðîé ìîéîø ãäééðå ãìà áòå áãé÷ä àáì áòå úáéòä


Answer #1: Also that we can say that they do not require Bedikah, but they require request.

àé ðîé áòøåú ãåå÷à


Answer #2: It is only regarding women who are awake.

àé ðîé áéù ìä åñú:


Answer #3: It refers to one who has a Veses.



TOSFOS DH Amar Lei Meganya b'Apei

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø ìéä îâðéà áàôéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is why he need not wake her.)

ôéøåù àí öøéê ìä÷éöä òã ùúúééùá ãòúä ìäùéá àí èäåøä äéà àí ìàå


Explanation: If he must wake her until her mind settles to answer whether or not she is Tehorah [she will be disgraceful to him].


TOSFOS DH Mi Matzrichei Lechu Bedikah

úåñôåú ã"ä îé îöøéëé ìëå áãé÷ä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he did not ask about when they come after a long time.)

ôéøåù ìä÷éõ àúëí òã ùúúééùá ãòúëí ìäùéá àí èäåøä àú (ëï ðøàä ìäâéä) åëâåï ùäéå áàéï îãé ùáú àå îãé çãù àáì ìà ìæîï îøåáä


Explanation: Do they wake you until your minds are settled to answer whether you are Tehorah, e.g. if they used to come once a week or once a month, but not after a long time;

ëãàîø ì÷îï (ãó èå.) åäåà ùáà úåê éîé òåðúä àáì éåúø éù ìçåù ùîà øàúä áéðúééí


It says below (15a) "this is if he came within the days of her Onah. More than this, there is concern lest she saw in between."



úåñôåú ã"ä ìà ôéøåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that she does not get back Peros that he ate, and why.)

ðëñé îìåâ ùàëì åìà ãéï ôéøåú ãäééðå ôø÷åðä


Explanation: This refers to Nichsei Melug that [her husband] consumed, and [also] she does not have Din (the law that was enacted corresponding to his rights to eat) Peros, i.e. redemption (he must redeem her if she is captured);

åàééøé áéï äëéø áä åáéï ìà äëéø áä ãáìà äëéø áä äåé î÷ç èòåú åîçìä ìéä ãðéçà ìä ãðéôå÷ òìä ùîà ãàéùåú ëãàîøéðï âáé àéìåðéú áôø÷ àéæäå ðùê (á''î ãó ñæ.)


We discuss whether or not he knew about her [that she does not have a Veses]. It is a Mekach Ta'os, and she pardoned to him, for she is pleased that she is called married, like it says about a Yevamah in Bava Metzi'a (67a);

åáäëéø áä ðîé àéï ìä ëìåí ëãàîø áéù îåúøåú (éáîå' ôä:) áùðéå' ìòøéåú ùäéà îøâéìúå îùåí ãæøòä ëùø


Also when he knew about her, she does not get anything, like it says in Yevamos (85b) about Sheniyos l'Arayos (Arayos mid'Rabanan. They get no Kesuvah), for she entices him [to marry her], since her seed is Kosher.


TOSFOS DH Kivan d'Lo Chazya l'Bi'ah Leis Lah Kesuvah

úåñôåú ã"ä ëéåï ãìà çæéà ìáéàä ìéú ìä ëúåáä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with an opinion that R. Meir permits Bi'ah.)

àò''â ãàéëà îàï ãàîø áô' áðåú ëåúéí (ì÷îï ãó ìè.) àôéìå ìø''î àùä ùàéï ìä åñú îåúøú ìùîù áé''à ùáéï ðãä ìðãä ìôé ùäéà îñåì÷ú îãîéí


Implied question: There is an opinion below (39a) that even according to R. Meir, a woman who does not have a Veses is permitted to have Bi'ah during the 11 days [of Zivah] between Nidah and Nidah, because she is Mesulekes Damim!

î''î öøéê ìâøùä ãéìîà î÷ì÷ìú ìéä áùàø éåîé åëéåï ãàñåø ì÷ééîä àéï ìä ëúåáä åëì æîï ùìà âøùä îåúø ìùîù áàåúï é''à éåí


Answer: In any case, he must divorce her, for she causes him to sin on other days. Since he may not keep her, she has no Kesuvah. As long as he did not divorce her, he may have Bi'ah with her during those 11 days.

åìàáà çðï ãàéú ìä ëúåáä äééðå îùåí ãîåúøú ìùîù áé''à éåí ëéåï ãçæéà ìáéàä àò''ô ùâæøå çëîéí òìéå ìâøùä ìà úôñéã áëê ëúåáúä


According to Aba Chanan, she has a Kesuvah, because she may have Bi'ah during the 11 days. Since it is proper to have Bi'ah with her, even though Chachamim decreed on him to divorce her, she does not lose her Kesuvah due to this.


TOSFOS DH Ilu Hayisi Yode'a she'Kach Hu

úåñôåú ã"ä àéìå äééúé éåãò ùëê äåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when we are concerned lest he say so.)

åà''ú åäà ëéåï ãàéðä úåáòú ëúåáúä ìà îöé ìäåöéà ìòæ ëãàîø áôø÷ äáà òì éáîúå (éáîåú ãó ñä.) âáé ðùàú ìùìéùé åìà äéå ìä áðéí åðùàú ìøáéòé åäéå ìä áðéí ëå'


Question: Since she does not claim a Kesuvah, he cannot malign [her children's lineage], like it says in Yevamos (65a) regarding a woman who [was divorced after 10 years of marriage without children, and similarly from a second husband] married a third husband and did not have children from him, and married a fourth husband and had children...

å÷àîø àåîøéí ìä ùúé÷åúéê éôä ìéê îãáåøéê ùìà éåöéà ìòæ åéàîø àéìå äééúé éåãò ëå'


Citation (65a): We tell her 'your silence is better than your speech (to claim a Kesuvah from your third husband, now it is clear that she is not barren)' lest he malign [her children's lineage], and say "had I known [that you are not barren, I would not have divorced you]!'

åôøéê àé àéäé ùú÷ä àðï îé ùú÷éðï åîùðé äùúà äåà ãáøéàú


The Gemara asks "if she is silent, are we silent?! (Even if her third husband does not say so, presumably he divorced her due to this mistake!) It answers that now she became healthy (fertile. Before, she truly was barren.)

åé''ì ãäëà á÷ì ò''é ñîîðéí úçæéø ìåñúä åàéëà ìòæ èôé åìà ãîé ìò÷øä ãàéï ìä øôåàä á÷ì ìáà ìéãé áðéí åîùîéà äåà ãîñå ìä


Answer #1: Here, it is easy to return to her Veses through medications, and there is more La'az (scandalous talk). This is unlike a barren woman. There is no easy cure for her to come to fertility. Shamayim cured her.

åäø''ø ùìîä îãøéå''ù úéøõ ãäëà àéëà ìîéçù ãîú÷ðà å÷áòä ìä åñú ëîå ùäéä ñîåê ìâøåùéï ãàéâìàé îéìúà ãáòåã ùäéà úçúéå àéáøéú åìà äùúà


Answer #2 (R. Shlomo of Daryush): Here, there is concern lest she get fixed and fix a Veses like it was close to the time of divorce. (E.g. the last time she became Nidah before divorce was on the sixth of the month, and from then every month she becomes Nidah on the sixth.) It is revealed that she became healthy while she was still married, and not [only] now;

åäëà ìà ùééê ìîéôøê àðï îé ùú÷éðï ëéåï ãìà ùééê ëàï ìåîø äùúà äåà ãàéáøéú ãëéåï ùàåîøéí ìå äåé éåãò ëå' úå ìéëà ìòæ


Here it is not applicable to ask "are we silent?!" since we cannot say that now she became healthy, for since we say to him "know [that you may never remarry her], there is no La'az.

åëï ìø''é áäùåìç (âéèéï ãó îå: åùí) âáé àéìåðéú ìà ùééê ìîôøê àò''â ãàéðå ë''à çùù àéìåðéú ãåãàé àéìåðéú àéï ìä øôåàä åìà ùééê äùúà äåà ãàéáøéú ãëéåï ùàåîøéí ìå äåé éåãò îâøùä ìâîøé


Support: Similarly, according to R. Yehudah in Gitin (46b), regarding an Ailonis, we cannot ask, even though it is only a suspicion that she is an Ailonis, for there is no cure for a Vadai Ailonis, and we cannot say that now she healed, for since we say to him "know...", he divorces her absolutely.

[àáì àí úåáòú ëúåáúä éëåì ìåîø àãòúà ãäëé ìà âéøùúéê]


Distinction: However, if she claims a Kesuvah, he can say "with intent for this I did not divorce you."

åâáé ðùàú ìøáéòé àéï ö''ì äåé éåãò ãàéðå éëåì ìäåöéà ìòæ ãàéëà ìîéîø äùúà äåà ãàéáøéú


Regarding one who married a fourth man, we need not say "know...", for he cannot malign, for we can say that now she healed.

åàé ìàå èòîà ãäùúà äåà ãàéáøéú àôéìå ìøáðï ãìà çééùé (äâäú äá"ç) ì÷ì÷åì âáé àéìåðéú ìà äåä ùú÷éðï


If not for the reason "now she healed", even Rabanan, who are not concerned for ruin regarding an Ailonis, would not be silent;

îùåí ãëéåï ãëáø âøùä øàùåï åùðé ðéëø ùâí äùìéùé ùâøùä îùåí áðéí îâøùä åàéëà ìòæ àé ìàå èòîà ãäùúà äåà ãàéáøéú


Since the first and second already divorced her, it is evident that also the third divorced her due to [lack of] children, and there is La'az, if not for the reason "now she healed."


TOSFOS DH d'Masni Ha Lo d'Masni Ha

úåñôåú ã"ä ãîúðé äà ìà îúðé äà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains Rashi's opinion, that they discuss one who engages in Taharos.)

ôéøù øù''é øá éäåãä ãôñé÷ äìëä ëø''ç ãàééøé áòñå÷ä áèäøåú ìà îúðé ääéà ãø' àáà áø' éøîéä


Explanation (Rashi): Rav Yehudah, who rules like R. Chanina, [and says] that the case is, she engages in Taharos, does not teach R. Aba bar Yirmeyah's teaching.

åä÷ùä øù''é äà øá éäåãä âåôéä àîø îùîéä ãùîåàì ìà ùðå àìà ìèäøåú


Question (Rashi): Rav Yehudah himself said in the name of Shmuel "this is only for Taharos"!

åúéøõ ãäúí ìà àùîåòéðï øá éäåãä àìà ãìáòìä ìà áòéà áãé÷ä


Answer (Rashi): There, Rav Yehudah teaches only that Bedikah is not needed for her husband.

åà''ú åäà îúðé' áéù ìä åñú àáì àéï ìä åñú àéëà ìîéîø ãàñåøä ëø''î à''ë ùîåàì ãàå÷îà àôéìå áàéï ìä åñú îùîò ãñáø ëø''ç áï àðèéâðåñ


Question: Our Mishnah discusses one who has a Veses, but if she does not have a Veses, we can say that she is forbidden, like R. Meir. If so, Shmuel, who establishes it even when she does not have a Veses, connotes that he holds like R. Chanina ben Antigenus!

åé''ì ãîúðé' îùîò ùôéø âí áàéï ìä åñú åä''÷ àôéìå àåúä ùãéä ùòúä îùîùú áòãéí åë''ù ùàéï ìä åñú


Answer: Our Mishnah connotes properly also when she does not have a Veses. It says as follows. The one who is Dayah Shaitah has Bi'ah with Edim, and all the more so one who does not have a Veses.

åà''ú åàîàé ìà îùðé äëà ãçãà îëìì çáøúä àéúîø ëãìòéì


Question: Why doesn't it answer here that one of these was said amidst (inferred from) the other, like we said above?

åé''ì ãìòéì àéðå áôéøåù áãáøé øáé àáà áø éøîéä ãìáòìä ìà áòéà áãé÷ä


Answer: Above it is not explicit in the words of R. Aba bar Yirmeyah [citing Shmuel] that she does not need Bedikah for her husband [alone];

åàó øáé àáà ìà çéì÷ ìø' æéøà áéï éù ìä åñú ìàéï ìä åñú áéï èäøåú ìáòìä îùåí ãùîéò ìä îëìì ãøá éäåãä ãìáòìä ìà áòéà áãé÷ä


Even R. Aba did not distinguish [in his answer] to R. Zeira between when she has a Veses or does not, both for Taharos and for her husband [alone], because he inferred from Rav Yehudah that Bedikah is not needed for her husband [alone, even if she does not have a Veses];

àáì äëà ôéøù áäãéà îùîéä ãùîåàì ãàéï ìä åñú îåúø ì÷ééîä àí úáãå÷


However, here he explicitly said in the name of Shmuel that when she does not have a Veses, he may keep her if she checks. (This is exactly like ruling like R. Chanina.)

åëï áôñ÷à ãäìëä ëø''ç àéï ìä÷ùåú ãîä öøéê ìôñå÷ ëø''ç ëéåï ãáòñå÷ä áèäøåú àééøé åëé äéìëúà ìîùéçà


Implied question: Regarding the ruling like R. Chanina, why did he need to rule like R. Chanina, since he discusses one who engages in Taharos? Does he rule for the time of Mashi'ach?! (Nowadays, there are no Taharos!)

ãäà áà''é ìòåìí äéå òñå÷éí áèäøåú ëãàîø ìòéì (ãó å:) çáøéà îãëï áâìéì:


Answer: In Eretz Yisrael they always engaged in Taharos, like it said above "Chaverim in Galil prepare [wine and oil to be used for Nesachim] in Taharah."