NIDAH 65 - Dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Mrs. Lily (Leah bas Pinchas) Kornfeld, who passed away on 8 Av 5765, by their daughter Shifra and family.

[65a - 31 lines; 65b - 40 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara and Rashi.

[1] Gemara 65b [line 20]:

"d'Magbei Bah Tfei" ãîâáé áä èôé

The Girsa of the Aruch is "d'Magchei" ãîâçé (they argue/negotiate).

The Ya'avetz (following Rashi's explanation) emended the word to read "d'Naghei" (they stay up late)


1)[line 19]ëì úìúà éøçé çãà òåðäKOL TELASA YARCHEI, CHADA ONAH- there were three months between marital relations

2)[line 20]îðéîéï ñ÷ñðàäMINYAMIN SAKSENA'AH- Minyamin of Sacassana, a province of Armenia (alt. possibly from Saxony — RASHASH)

3)[line 23]÷ãéí ùëéá áàåøçàKADIM SHACHIV B'ORCHA- he died before [he arrived,] while en route

4)[line 24]"ìà éàåðä ìöãé÷ ëì àåï ...""LO YE'UNEH LA'TZADIK KOL AVEN ..."- "No evil shall happen to the righteous; [but the wicked shall be filled with trouble.]" (Mishlei 12:21) - Rav was spared from having Minyamin Saksena'ah issue a mistaken ruling in his name.

5)[line 25]ëéåï ùðú÷å ùðéåKEIVAN SHE'NITKU SHINAV- once a man loses his teeth (because of old age)

6)[line 26]"åâí [àðé ðúúé ìëí] ð÷éåï ùðéí áëì òøéëí åçñø ìçí áëì î÷åîúéëí åìà ùáúí òøé ðàí ä'""[V']GAM (ANOCHI NASATI LACH) [ANI NASATI LACHEM] NIKYON SHINAYIM B'CHOL AREICHEM, V'CHOSER LECHEM B'CHOL MEKOMOSEICHEM …"- "[And] I have also given to you teeth that will be clean [of any meat] in all of your cities, and lack of bread in all of your [dwelling] places, [and still you have not returned to Me, says HaSh-m.]" (Amos 4:6)

7)[line 30]?åîé áòéðï ëåìé äàéU'MI BA'INAN KULEI HAI?- Does the word "Onah" refer to such a long period of time?

8a)[line 30]âúéåGITAV- his winepresses

b)[line 30]áéú áãéåBEIS BADAV- his olive presses

9a)[last line]äãôéïDAPIN- boards placed over the pile of grapes or olives being pressed

b)[last line]ìåìáéïLULAVIN- (a) (O.F. escove) [twigs used as] brooms, brushes (RASHI); (b) the two posts supporting the beams of the press (ARUCH)

c)[last line]òãùéïADASHIN- (O.F. mait) the press itself, where the grapes or olives are placed

10)[last line]îãéçïMADICHAN- one must wash them [with water]. That is, it is not necessary to immerse them in a Mikvah because these objects are either attached to the ground or Peshutei Klei Etz, and therefore they cannot become Tamei.


11a)[line 1]ò÷ìéíAKALIM- (a) (O.F. redorte) a kind of lattice work made of poles interwoven with thin branches or reeds, which covers and keeps together the olives or grapes beneath the press (RASHI); (b) a box-like, flexible woven basket made of thin branches or palm leaves, used as a receptacle in an olive press (RAV HAI GA'ON, cited by Rashi to Avodah Zarah 75a)

b)[line 1]ðöøéíNETZARIM- twigs

c)[line 1]áöáåõBITZBUTZ- (O.F. chenevaz) hemp (cannabis), a tall Asiatic herb with tough fiber that is used for making cloth, floor covering, and cords

d)[line 2]ùéôàSHIFA- (O.F. glaid or paveil) a kind of rush (a marsh or water-side plant with a slender, tapering, pith-filled stem)

e)[line 2]âîéGEMI- (O.F. jonc) bulrushes, reed-grass

12)[line 2]îééùðïMEYASHNAN- (lit. one must age them) one must leave them unused [for twelve months]

13)[line 3]îðéçï îâú ìâú åîáã ìáãMANICHAN MI'GAS L'GAS UMI'BAD L'VAD- one must leave them unused from one wine-pressing season to the next year's season and from one olive-pressing season to the next year's season

14)[line 3]äééðå úðà ÷îà!HAINU TANA KAMA!- that is the same as the first Tana! That is, the Tana Kama says that one must leave these items unused for twelve months, while Raban Shimon ben Gamliel says that one must leave them from one pressing season until the next, which, presumably, is also a period of twelve months.

15a)[line 4]çøôéCHORFEI- early crops (when the following year's pressing season comes early, there are less than twelve months from season to season)

b)[line 4]àôìéAFELEI- late crops (when the following year's pressing season comes late, there are more than twelve months from season to season)

16a)[line 5]îâòéìï áøåúçéïMAG'ILAN B'ROSCHIN- he may immerse them in boiling water

b)[line 5]çåìèï áîé æéúéíCHOLTAN B'MEI ZEISIM- (O.F. eschalder) he may scald them in the liquid that emerges from olives when they are cooked

17)[line 7]öéðåø ùîéîéå î÷ìçéïTZINOR SHE'MEIMAV MEKALCHIN- a pipe from which water is flowing

18)[line 7]îòééï ùîéîéå øåãôéïMA'AYAN SHE'MEIMAV RODFIN- a wellspring from which water flows swiftly (O.F. rabdes)

19)[line 8]åëîä? òåðäV'CHAMAH? ONAH- For how much time? One period of time

20)[line 9]ëìôé ìééàKELAPEI LAYA- Towards which direction is it turning? (The opposite would be reasonable!)

21)[line 10]ðñê ëãøê ùàîøå áèäøåú ëê àîøåáééïK 'DERECH SHE'AMRU B'TAHAROS KACH AMRU B'YAYIN NESECH- just like they (the Rabanan) said with regard to Taharos (the amount of time needed to purify them), so, too is the amount of time that they required to purify utensils from Yayin Nesech (See Background to Nidah 57:15)

22)[line 11]åëîä òåðä?V'CHAMAH ONAH?- And how much time is an Onah?

23a)[line 15]ú÷åô' ðéñï åúùøéTEKUFAS NISAN V'TISHREI- [days during] the seasons of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes (when the length of the day and the length of the night are the same)

b)[line 16]ú÷åôú úîåæ åèáúTEKUFAS TAMUZ V'TEVES- [days during] the seasons of the summer and winter solstices (when the nights are very short and the days are very long, or when the nights are very long and the days very short)

24)[line 20]ùàðé ëúåáä, ãîâáé áä èôé òã ãçúîéSHANI KESUVAH, D'MAGBEI BAH TEFEI AD D'CHASMEI- That is, since they are so busy with the Kesuvah, he will not perform the Be'ilas Mitzvah before midnight. That is why his twelve-hour Onah ends at midday (see TOSFOS to Kesuvos 2a DH l'Yom)

25)[line 24]?äãåøé àôéøëà ìîä ìéHADUREI A'PIRCHA LAMAH LI?- "Why do you ask from an obscure source when there is a well-known Mishnah that states the same law? (RASHI to Chulin 76b)

26)[line 25]îòùä øáMA'ASEH RAV- an actual incident (in which this ruling was followed) is preferable (and more reliable)

27)[line 27]çæøå åðîðåCHAZRU V'NIMNU- they reconsidered the matter and took a new vote

28)[line 28]ëé äåå áäKI HAVU BAH- when they were learning (lit. when they were in) [the first Mishnah of Perek Tinokes]

29)[line 29]ìà äåå îñ÷é îéðäLO HAVU MASKEI MINAH- they only extracted from it as much as a fox raises (with his paws) from a plowed field, i.e. not more than dust

30)[line 32]ìáå ðå÷ôåLIBO NOKFO- the husband will be hesitant and abstain from marital relations with his wife

31)[line 32]ùåôòåú ãíSHOF'OS DAM- continually issuing blood

32)[line 34]áëåìï øáé îàéø îçîéø ëãáøé áéú ùîàéV'CHULAN REBBI MEIR MACHMIR K'DIVREI BEIS SHAMAI- because Rebbi Meir took on (in this instance) some of the stringency of Beis Shamai

33)[line 34]åùàø øàéåú ùáéï áéú ùîàé åáéú äìì, äìê àçø îøàä ãîéíU'SHE'AR RE'IYOS SHE'BEIN BEIS SHAMEI U'VEIS HILLEL, HALECH ACHAR MAR'EH DAMIM- and when the woman was not Shofa'as Dam after the four nights, we rule according to the appearance of the blood, i.e. according to Beis Hillel, who declare the blood Tahor, even if they have changed in color

34)[line 36]æéäåíZIHUM- fetid

35)[line 38]ëì îøàä ãîéí àçú äïKOL MAR'EH DAMIM ACHAS HEN- That is, whether or not the blood changes in color, it may be attributed to Dam Besulim.