[16a - 44 lines; 16b - 47 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara and Rashi.

[1] Rashi 16a DH Tibadek ã"ä úáã÷:

The words "Tehorah, Tehorah" èäåøä èäåøä

should be "Metzasah Tehorah, Tehorah" îöàúä èäåøä èäåøä


1a)[line 2]àí ðôì äôéìäIM NEFEL HIPILAH- if she miscarried a stillborn fetus

b)[line 3]àí øåç äôéìäIM RU'ACH HIPILAH- if she miscarried an empty sac

2)[line 6]åñúåú ãàåøééúà / åñúåú ãøáðïVESTOS D'ORAISA / VESTOS D'RABANAN

(a)According to those Tana'im and Amora'im who rule Vestos d'Oraisa, a woman's obligation to examine herself at her Onah (the fixed interval or the day of the month on which she normally experiences her flow of Dam Nidah) is prescribed by the Torah (a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai). If the Onah passes and she did not check herself, she is assumed to be Teme'ah even if she checks afterwards and finds no blood.

(b)According to those Tana'im and Amora'im who rule Vestos d'Rabanan, a woman's obligation to examine herself is a Rabbinic obligation. Therefore, if the Onah passes and she did not check herself, she is assumed to be Tehorah. (See Insights to Nidah 16:1.)

3)[line 7]äåðà çáøéïHUNA CHAVRIN- Huna, our colleague (Rav Huna, the student of Rav)

4)[line 16]àåøç áæîðå áàORE'ACH / ORACH BI'ZEMANO BA- that the period comes in its time (according to the ARUCH this word is read Ore'ach — "a guest always comes on time"; however, see Bereishis 18:11 "Orach ka'Nashim")

5)[line 20]ëùéòåø åñúK'SHI'UR VESES- the amount of time of a flow (i.e. immediately)

6)[line 27]îçáàMACHAVO- a place of hiding

7)[line 28]çøãä îñì÷ú àú äãîéíCHARADAH MESALEKES ES HA'DAMIM- trepidation causes a woman to miss her period

8)[line 37]î÷åø, î÷åîå èäåøMAKOR, MEKOMO TAMEI- the place of the Makor is Tamei and makes any blood that passes through it Tamei, even the blood of a wound


9)[line 6]úçôðäTECHAPENAH- it shall cover it

10)[line 8]òã ùäøå÷ áúåê äôä, ùîà ðéîå÷ åäåìê ìåAD SHEHA'ROK B'SOCH HA'PEH, SHEMA NIMOK V'HOLECH LO- perhaps while the saliva (blood) was still in the mouth (place of Ervah), perhaps it disintegrated and disappeared

11)[line 12]äàøëú òìéðå!HE'ERACHTA ALEINU!- you have made it very hard for us!

12)[line 20]áã÷ä áòã åàáãBADKAH B'ED V'AVAD- she examined with a cloth and it was lost; that is, the cloth was lost after the Bedikah before Tashmish

13)[line 21]àñåøä ìùîùASURAH L'SHAMESH- according to what Rashi said at the end of the first Perek, this Gemara must be referring exclusively to a woman who handles Taharos

14)[line 23]îåëéçä ÷ééíMOCHICHAH KAYAM- her evidence exists

15)[line 26]"éàáã éåí àåìã áå, åäìéìä àîø äåøä âáø.""YOVAD YOM IVALED BO, VEHA'LAILAH AMAR HORAH GAVER."- "The day on which I was born should be lost forever, and [also] the night in which it was decreed that a man should be conceived." (Iyov 3:2)

16)[line 28]"... áåæä ãøëéå éîåú.""… BOZEH DERACHAV YAMUS."- "[He who keeps the commandment protects his soul,] but one who despises His ways shall die." (Mishlei 19:16)

17)[line 41]ñôø áï ñéøàSEFER BEN SIRA- in an ancient work, part of the Apocrypha, written approximately 320 BCE. According to tradition, Ben Sira was a son of the prophet Yirmeyahu.

18a)[line 42]ùø äðøâìSAR HA'NIRGAL- a Talmid Chacham (lit. an official) who is regularly found

b)[line 43]äðøâïHA'NIRGAN- (a) who speaks too much (RASHI); (b) who performs distasteful acts such that other complain about him (ARUCH)

c)[line 44]äðøâæHA'NIRGAZ- who is quick to anger

19)[line 44]îøåîé ÷øúMEROMEI KARES- the high places (i.e., the public areas) of the city