[66a - 43 lines; 66b - 43 lines]

1)[line 2]פותחין בימים טובים ובשבתותPOSCHIN B'YAMIM TOVIM UV'SHABASOS- we revoke a Neder (e.g. that prohibits a particular food or drink for a period of one year) if a person claims that (a) had he been aware of the fact that it is forbidden to cause himself suffering on Shabbos and Yom Tov, he would not have made the Neder; or (b) there are no facts that he was not aware of but, nevertheless, he now regrets making the Neder.

2)[line 13]המיושןHA'MEYUSHAN- the wine that is three-years old (Bava Basra 98a, Rashi Berachos 51a DH b'Yayin)

3)[line 15]בצלBATZAL- onion

4)[line 17]הכופריHA'KUFRI- the village onions; alt. onions from Kufri or Kufra, possibly Cyprus

5)[line 29]ווסתוVESTO- his nature, behavior

6)[line 32]כעורהKE'URAH- ugly

7)[line 36]וייפוהV'YIPUHA- and they made her beautiful

8)[line 38]מנוולתןMENAVALTAN- makes them ugly; disfigures them

9)[line 39]נושאות קינהNOS'OS KINAH- raised their voices in a lament

10)[line 40]"בנות ישראל אל שאול בכינה המלבשכם שני עם עדנים המעלה עדי זהב על לבושכן""BENOS YISRAEL, EL SHAUL BECHENAH; HA'MALBISHCHEM SHANI IM ADANIM, HA'MA'ALEH ADI ZAHAV AL LEVUSHECHEN."- "You daughters of Yisrael, weep over Shaul, who clothed you in scarlet, with other delights, who put ornaments of gold upon your apparel." (Shmuel II 1:24)


11)[line 1]שן תותבתSHEN TOSEVES- a false tooth (see Insights)

12a)[line 11]ימותו כל בני אלמנהYAMUSU KOL BENEI ALMANAH- (a) (lit. Death to all sons of widows) Rebbi Shimon likened the man who made the Neder to Benei Almanah, since they are uncultured people. Sons of widows do not have fathers to educate them in the manner that fathers educate their children. (ROSH); (b) (lit. Death to all sons of the widow) Besides cursing the man who made the Neder that he should die, Rebbi Shimon also cursed all of his sons who would be sons of a widow after his death. (RAN)

b)[line 11]ואל יזוז שמעון ממקומוV'AL YAZUZ SHIMON MI'MEKOMO- and Rebbi Shimon will not move from his place [to go taste her food] (since this would be a disgrace to the honor of his Torah-learning, as opposed to the Hashka'as Sotah, which is done for the sake of Heaven — ROSH)

13)[line 13]דלא לתרגלי למינדרD'LO LISRAGLEI L'MINDAR- so that people (like these people) should not become accustomed to making vows

14)[line 14]שתרוקיSHE'TARUKI- that you spit

15)[line 17]מירק על מני דרשב''גMEIRAK AL MANEI D'RABAN SHIMON BEN GAMLIEL- spitting on the clothes of Raban Shimon ben Gamliel

16)[line 19]מום יפה שביךMUM/ME'UM YAFEH SHE'BICH- a beautiful part of you

17)[line 21]סגלגלSEGALGAL- (a) round; (b) elongated (RASHI to Shabbos 31a, 2nd explanation)

18)[line 22]לאניצי פשתןL'ANITZEI PISHTAN- (a) for tangled bundles of pounded flax (ROSH); (b) bundles of flax that have been pounded and carded (freed of hard substances) with a flax comb (RASHI to Sukah 12b); (c) bundles of flax that have been pounded but not carded (MEFARESH Nedarim 55b)

19)[line 23]טרוטותTERUTOS- (a) round (TOSFOS, ROSH, RAN, RASHI to Shabbos 31a, 2nd explanation); (b) tender, bleary (MEFARESH, RASHI to Shabbos 31a, 1st explanation)

20)[line 24]כפולותKEFULOS- large and folded over

21)[line 24]בלום הואBALUM HU- shrunken so that it looks like it is sealed (ROSH)

22)[line 26]שקוטSHAKUT- short

23)[line 27]צבהTZAVAH- bloated

24)[line 28]אווזאAVZA- a goose

25)[line 28]לכלוכית שמהLACHLUCHIS SHEMAH- her name is Lachluchis ("dirty")

26)[line 32]בשילי לי תרי טלפיBASHILI LI TREI TALFEI- (a) cook for me two hooves (MEFARESH); (b) According to the Girsa BASHILI LI TREI TELAFCHEI - cook for me a little bit of lentils (ROSH)

27)[line 32]בשילי לי תרי טלפיBASHILAH LEI TREI (TALFEI) [TELAFCHEI- Bach, Girsa #6] - (a) she cooked for him two lentils (MEFARESH); (b) (According to the second Girsa in the previous entry) she cooked for him two lentils (interpreting his words literally — ROSH)

28)[line 33]בשילי לי גריואBASHILI LI GERIVA- (a) cook for me a lot (ROSH; he tried to make her understand that he wanted a quantity — MAHARSHA); (b) cook for me a Geriva (a Geriva can mean a measure of a Se'ah or any large amount; his intention was that by specifying a very large amount she would start cooking and end up will a normal-sized meal — MEFARESH)

29)[line 34]בשילי לי גריואBASHILAH LEI GERIVA- she cooked for him a Se'ah (1 Se'ah = approximately 7.2, 8.29 or 14.4 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions), an extraordinary amount

30)[line 35]בוציניBUTZINEI- young pumpkins

31)[line 36]שרגיSHERAGEI- candles (that hold oil and wicks)

32)[line 36]רישא דבבאREISHAH D'VAVA- on the top of the door


33)[last line]מפיריןMEFIRIN (HAFARAS NEDARIM - Annulling vows)

(a)A man has the right to annul certain vows of his wife and his young daughter, as the Torah states in Bamidbar 30:6, 9, 13-14. He accomplishes this by stating, on the day that he hears the vow, "Mufar Lach" ("[the vow] is annulled"). There is an argument among the Tana'im whether the vow must be annulled before nightfall on the day the husband/father heard it, or before 24 hours pass from when he heard it (Nedarim 77a); the former is the Halachic opinion.

(b)A father may annul his daughter's vows while she is young, starting from the age at which her vows are valid (11 years old) until she becomes a Bogeres (six months after she becomes a Na'arah by growing two pubic hairs). If the father marries her off before she becomes a Bogeres, during the period of Eirusin both the father and the husband, or "Arus," must annul the vows in order for the annulment to be effective. After the consummation of the marriage through Nisu'in, the husband may annul the vows by himself. The father no longer has rights over her vows after her marriage, even if she is divorced before becoming a Bogeres.

(c)Nobody may annul the vows of a woman if she is an unmarried Bogeres, or if she is an unmarried Na'arah who was once married or who has no father. Instead, her Nedarim must be revoked through Hataras Nedarim (see Background to Nedarim 20:1).

(d)If the father or husband is "Mekayem" the vow even before the day is over (i.e. he upholds or endorses the vow; this is also referred to as "Kiyum" or "Hakamah"), by stating "[the vow] is endorsed," he can no longer be Mefer the vow. His wife or daughter must abide by her vow. (There is a disagreement among the Poskim as to whether the wife or daughter can remove the Neder through Hataras Nedarim after Hakamah, see Insights to Nedarim 69:1:a:1.)