The reference numbers below that appear in parentheses (e.g., TY #43) represent vessels or parts of the structure of the Beis ha'Mikdash. The labeling follows that of the diagram of the Tiferes Yisrael. This diagram, which has been included in a separate mailing and can also be found on our site (at, is printed both in the Tiferes Yisrael Mishnayos (Midos Chapter 2 or following Midos) and in Rav P. Kahati's Mishnayos (page 290, at the beginning of Midos).

[10a - 41 lines; 10b - 36 lines]

1)[line 15]עולהOLAH (OLAS YACHID)

(a)A person may offer a Korban in the Beis ha'Mikdash as a voluntary sacrifice (Olas Nedavah) (Vayikra 1:2). Voluntary Korbanos may be Olos (which are burned entirely on the Mizbe'ach, see Vayikra 1:2-17, 6:1-6), Shelamim (parts of which are eaten, see Vayikra 3:1-17, 7:11-21, 7:28-37), or Menachos (flour offerings, see Vayikra 2:1-13, 6:7-11, 7:9-10).

(b)Korbenos Olah are Kodshei Kodashim and therefore they may be slaughtered only in the northern part of the Azarah. Before the animal is slaughtered, the owner presses his hands on the head of the animal (Semichah). The blood of the Olah is cast on the lower half of the Mizbe'ach at the northeastern and southwestern corners only (Shetayim she'Hen Arba). Nesachim (a meal offering consisting of flour and oil and a wine libation) are brought as part of the Korban (Bamidbar 15:3-12). The meal offering is completely burned on the Mizbe'ach and the wine is poured into one of the Sefalim (the silver libation pipes located at the top of the southwest corner of the Mizbe'ach) (RAMBAM and RA'AVAD Hilchos Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos 2:1). The amount of flour, oil, and wine needed depends upon the animal offered, as specified in Bamidbar (ibid.).

(c)The skin of the Olah is given to the Kohanim and the rest of the animal is dismembered and entirely burned on the Mizbe'ach.


(a)Shelamim may be offered as a voluntary sacrifice; see above, entry #1:a.

(b)Korbenos Shelamim that are offered by an individual may be brought from male or female sheep, cows or goats. They are Kodshim Kalim, and may therefore be slaughtered in the entire Azarah (and not only in its northern part). Before the animal is slaughtered, the owner presses his hands on the head of the animal (Semichah). The blood of the Shelamim is cast on the lower half of the Mizbe'ach at the northeastern and southwestern corners only (Shetayim she'Hen Arba). Nesachim (a meal offering consisting of flour and oil and a wine libation) are brought as part of the Korban (Bamidbar 15:3-12). The meal offering is completely burned on the Mizbe'ach and the wine is poured into one of the Sefalim (the silver libation pipes located at the top of the southwest corner of the Mizbe'ach) (RAMBAM and RA'AVAD Hilchos Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos 2:1). The amount of flour, oil, and wine needed depends upon the animal offered, as specified in Bamidbar (ibid.).

(c)The Chazeh (breast) and Shok (thigh) of the Shelamim were given to the Kohen (Vayikra 7:34). Certain fats and other parts of the Korban were offered on the Mizbe'ach (Vayikra 3:3-4, 9-10, 14-15). The owner and his guests (men or women) eat the rest of the Korban inside the borders of the city of Yerushalayim. The meat may be cooked in any fashion and is eaten for two days and the intervening night.

3)[line 16]תודהTODAH

(a)The Todah (thanksgiving-offering) was a form of Shelamim (see above, entry#2) that was eaten for only one day and one night (Vayikra 7:15).

(b)An animal that was sacrificed as a Todah was brought together with forty loaves of bread, ten each of the following:

1.unleavened loaves mixed with oil;

2.flat unleavened Matzos saturated with oil;

3.unleavened loaves made of boiled flour mixed with oil;

4.loaves of leavened bread.

(c)One loaf of each type of bread was given to the Kohen who performed the Zerikas ha'Dam of the Todah (Vayikra 7:14). (These four loaves were known as Terumas Lachmei Todah.) The owner eats the rest of the loaves of bread of the Todah along with the meat, as above (entry #2c).

4)[line 23]ברביBERIBI- a great Talmid Chacham (Rebbi Elazar ha'Kapar)

5)[line 29]והדין קרא בנזיר טמא כתיבVEHA'DEIN KERA B'NAZIR TAMEI KESIV!?- But that verse is referring [only] to a Nazir who became Tamei!?

6)[line 30]דשנה בחטא הואD'SHANAH V'CHEIT HU- since he committed two sins - causing himself anguish by refraining from wine and becoming Tamei

7)[line 34]נודר במוהיNODER B'MOHI- an expression for a Shevu'ah (a) using a corrupted form of the Aramaic word for Shevu'ah, "Momasa" (RAMBAM, MEFARESH); (b) using a corrupted form of the name "Moshe" [Rabeinu] (RAN)

8)[line 37]שבדו להם חכמיםSHE'BADU LAHEM- that they invented

9)[line 37]וכן הוא אומרV'CHEN HU OMER...- (this phrase, until the word "mi'Libo," should be omitted. It seems to have been a marginal explanation of the words of Reish Lakish that was incorporated into the words of the Gemara - SHITAH MEKUBETZES, see MAHARATZ CHAYOS.)

10)[line 38]"[ויעל על המזבח אשר עשה בבית קל בחמשה עשר יום בחדש השמיני] בחדש אשר בדא מלבו [ויעש חג לבני ישראל ויעל על המזבח להקטיר]""[VA'YA'AL AL HA'MIZBE'ACH ASHER ASAH B'VEIS EL, B'CHAMISHAH ASAR YOM BA'CHODESH HA'SHEMINI] BA'CHODESH ASHER BADA MI'LIBO, [VA'YA'AS CHAG LI'VNEI YISRAEL, VA'YA'AL AL HA'MIZBE'ACH L'HAKTIR]" - "[And he ascended the Mizbe'ach which he had made in Beis El, on the fifteenth of eighth month,] the month which he fabricated, [and he instituted a festival for Bnei Yisrael, and he ascended the Mizbe'ach to sacrifice]" (Melachim I 12:33) (IDO THE PROPHET AND YERAV'AM'S MIZBE'ACH)

See Background to Megilah 14:12.


11)[line 21]קינמן בשםKINMAN BESEM- aromatic cinnamon

12)[line 23]קינה של תרנגוליןKINAH SHEL TARNEGOLIN- a chicken's nest

13)[line 24]תיבעיTIBA'I- the problem stands unanswered (this is the equivalent of "Teiku" in other places in the Gemara)

14)[line 33]דכיDACHI- pure

15)[line 34]נותרNOSAR

(a)If any meat of a Korban remains after the time that was allotted for it to be eaten, it must be burned, as the Torah states, "b'Yom Zivchachem Ye'achel umi'Macharas, veha'Nosar Ad Yom ha'Shelishi ba'Esh Yisaref" - "It shall be eaten the same day that you slaughter it and on the next day, and anything that remains until the third day shall be burned in fire" (Vayikra 19:6).

(b)If someone eats Nosar intentionally he is Chayav Kares. If he eats it unintentionally, he must bring a Korban Chatas (SEFER HA'CHINUCH Mitzvah 215).

(c)Even though Nosar is a "Davar ha'Asur," an object that is not prohibited because of an Isur that a person placed upon it, but because of an Isur Torah that applied to it naturally, the intention of the Noder was to connect his object to a sacrifice that became Nosar. As such, the original status of the sacrifice is a "Davar ha'Nadur," i.e. an object that has been prohibited either through a Neder or by becoming Hekdesh (consecrated). (TOSFOS - See Background to Nedarim 2:1a(c).)

16)[line 34]ופיגולU'PIGUL

(a)A sacrifice that was slaughtered with the intention of eating it or offering it after its allotted time becomes disqualified. It is forbidden to eat from such a Korban as it states in Vayikra (7:18), "v'Im He'achol Ye'achel mi'Besar Zevach Shelamav ba'Yom ha'Shelishi Lo Yeratzeh, ha'Makriv Oso Lo Yechashev Lo, Pigul Yiheyeh" - "If [the person bringing the offering plans] to eat it on the third day, [the sacrifice] will not be accepted. It is considered Pigul (putrid, rejected) and it will not be counted in his favor."

(b)If a person eats Pigul intentionally he is Chayav Kares. If he eats it unintentionally he must bring a Korban Chatas (SEFER HA'CHINUCH Mitzvah 144). If a person eats the blood of a Korban that is Pigul, he does not transgress this prohibition.

(c)Even though Pigul is a "Davar ha'Asur," an object that is not prohibited because of an Isur that a person placed upon it, but because of an Isur Torah that applied to it naturally, the intention of the Noder was to connect his object to a sacrifice that became Pigul. As such, the original status of the sacrifice is a "Davar ha'Nadur," i.e. an object that has been prohibited either through a Neder or by becoming Hekdesh (consecrated). (TOSFOS - See Background to Nedarim 2:1a(c).)

17)[line 34]כאימראK'IMRA- (a) like [the] sheep [used as the Korban Tamid]; (b) [the] sheep [that was born to a Korban Chatas]; (c) [the] ram [that Avraham Avinu sacrificed on Har ha'Moriyah in place of Yitchak] (TOSFOS)

18)[line 34]כדיריםK'DIRIM- like the chambers in the compound of the Beis ha'Mikdash (a) where the lambs to be used for the Korban Tamid were checked to ensure that they had no Mum (TY #43, the southwest chamber of the Lishkas Beis ha'Moked (see Background to Yoma 15:19), known as the Lishkas ha'Tela'im, Lishkas ha'Korban or Lishkas Tela'ei Korban), or (b) where wood for the Mizbe'ach and for the bonfire in the Lishkas Beis ha'Moked was kept. The wood was checked to ensure that it had no worms (TY #12; This Lishkah was located in the northeast corner of the Ezras Nashim, and was known as the Lishkas ha'Etzim or Lishkas Dir ha'Etzim)

19)[line 35]משמשי המזבחMESHAMSHEI HA'MIZBE'ACH- utensils used in the Divine service in the Beis ha'Mikdash