[23a - 44 lines; 23b - 52 lines]

1)[line 4]ãîðçú çåèàD'MINCHAS CHOTEI

See Background to Menachos 2:5.

2)[line 5]îùëùëå áùéøé äìåâ åîòìäåMESHACHSECHO BI'SHEYAREI HA'LOG U'MA'ALEHU- one should rub it (the Kometz itself) with the remnants of the Log of oil [from another Minchah] and offer it upon the Mizbe'ach

3)[line 7]ùìà é÷áò ìä ùîï ëçáøåúéäSHE'LO YIKBA LAH SHEMEN K'CHAVROSEHA- [that verse comes to teach] that he should not assign it oil like its fellow Menachos; i.e. the verse teaches that one may not add oil to the Minchah itself, before the Kometz is removed, as is done with other Menachos, but if one did so it does not invalidate it

4)[line 9]çøá ùðúòøá ááìåì é÷øéáCHAREV SHE'NIS'AREV B'VALUL- a dry Minchah that became mixed with an oiled Minchah may be offered on the Mizbe'ach


See Background to Menachos 2:II:f.

6)[line 15]÷åîõ ùîéöä ùîðå òì âáé òöéíKOMETZ SHE'MITZAH SHEMANO AL GABEI ETZIM- a Kometz that one squeezed out its oil onto wood (of the Mizbe'ach to fuel its fire) (RABEINU GERSHOM in Shitah Mekubetzes)

7)[line 16]çéáåøé òåìéï ëòåìéï ãîéCHIBUREI OLIN K'OLIN DAMI- are things that are connected to Olim (things brought up on the Mizbe'ach) considered like the Olim? (a) If the Kometz is next to the oil, is the oil considered to be inside it, or is the Kometz considered lacking? (RASHI, first explanation) (b) Is it necessary to burn the wood with the Kometz (because the oil is still part of the Kometz, and if it is not burned the Kometz is lacking) or not? (RASHI, second explanation) (c) When some oil became absorbed and some is still present on the wood, are they considered like one? (TOSFOS)

8)[line 25]áòöí ãîéðà ãáùø äåàB'ETZEM D'MINA D'VASAR HU- [he said it only] about the bone, which is of the same kind as the meat; i.e. the bone is a natural part of the meat

9)[line 28]ãáø îôøù äåàD'VAR MIFRASH HU- that it is considered separate from the meat even if it is on the Mizbe'ach

10)[line 39]ðáéìä áèéìä áùçåèäNEVEILAH BETEILAH B'SHECHUTAH- Neveilah meat becomes nullified in a larger amount of properly slaughtered meat

11)[line 41]ãìëé îñøçä ôøçä èåîàúäD'LECHI MASRECHAH PARCHAH TUM'ASAH- when the meat spoils its Tum'ah departs


12)[line 1]áúø çæåúà àæéìBASAR CHAZUSA AZIL- he (Rebbi Yehudah) follows the physical appearance [of the substances in the mixture]

13)[line 6]îéï áîéðå ìà áèìMIN B'MINO LO BATEL (MIN B'MINO EINO BATEL)

(a)When a forbidden object is mixed with a permitted object, the mixture becomes prohibited if most of the mixture is Isur, but is permitted if most of the mixture is Heter because of "Bitul b'Rov."

(b)The above applies when non-identical substances are mixed together. However, when a liquid mixes with an identical liquid, the Tana'im argue as to the status of the mixture. According to Rabanan, the Isur can still be nullified by a majority of Heter. According to Rebbi Yehudah, though, even a miniscule amount of Isur prohibits the mixture, since the Isur is not nullified at all. (When two identical dry substances become mixed together, all agree that the majority in the mixture determines the mixture's Halachic status.)

14)[line 9]äéëà ãàôùø ìéä ìîéäåé ëååúéäHEICHA D'EFSHAR LEI L'MEHEVEI KEVASEI- where it is possible for one to be like the other

15)[line 16]åìà ÷à îáèìé ùéøéí ìèéáìàV'LO KA MEVATLEI SHIRAYIM L'TIVLA- and those remnants do not nullify the Tevel, i.e. the other Minchah which has not undergone Kemitzah

16)[line 25]ðàîøä ä÷èøä á÷åîõ åðàîøä ä÷èøä áùéøéíNE'EMRAH HAKTARAH B'KOMETZ V'NE'EMRAH HAKTARAH B'SHIRAYIM- burning is mentioned in the Torah regarding a Kometz and burning is mentioned regarding the remnants of a Minchah (See Vayikra 2:2 and 2:11)

17)[line 35]ãëì ôåøúà çæé ìî÷îõ îéðéäD'CHOL PURTA CHAZI L'MIKMATZ MINEI- because every piece [of the Tevel] is fit for the Kometz to be taken from it; i.e. had the Tevel not become mixed with the Kometz, every part of it would have been fit for Kemitzah

18)[line 41]ãìà äåé îáèì ëáèéìD'LO HAVEI MEVATEL K'VATIL- the nullifying agent (the remnants) cannot become like the entity to be nullified (the Kometz) and the entity to be nullified cannot be like the nullifying the agent

19)[line 45]úéáìä á÷öç áùåùîéïTIBLAH B'KETZACH B'SHUMSHEMIN- if it (Matzah) was seasoned with black cumin or sesame (or other spices)

20)[line 47]ãàôéù ìä úáìéïD'APISH LAH TAVLIN- the spices were in greater quantity [than the Matzah]