[18a - 41 lines; 18b - 39 lines]

1)[line 2]âæéøä î÷öú ãîå àèå ëì ãîåGEZEIRAH MIKTZAS DAMO ATU KOL DAMO- it is a decree that the offering is invalid in a case where he intends to leave over some of its blood, because of concern for the case in which he intends to leave over all of its blood

2)[line 9]ìîöåú îãåúéL'MATZOS MIDOSAI- lit. to drain my measures; to clarify my doubts, or to learn from Rebbi Elazar that which he knew that I did not know

3)[line 12]òã ìàçúAD L'ACHAS- (a) very, very much (TOSFOS); (b) until his very soul (ibid.)

4)[line 16]öäáå ôðéå ùì éåñó äááìéTZAHAVU PANAV SHEL YOSEF HA'BAVLI- Yosef ha'Bavli's face lit up

5)[line 21]äçæøúé ìé àáãúéHECHEZARTI AVEDASI- you have returned to me my lost object (i.e. my lost teaching)

6)[line 21]æìâå òéðéå ãîòåúZALGU EINAV DEMA'OS- his eyes flowed with tears

7)[line 37]åìà ôúúV'LO PASAS- and he did not break the Minchah into pieces (see Vayikra 2:6; see Background to Menachos 2:1:II:c:2)


8)[line 1]ùùéí ðáììéï ùùéí åàçã àéðå ðáììéïSHISHIM NIVLALIN SHISHIM V'ECHAD EINO NIVLALIN- a Minchah of up to 60 Esronim of flour [may be brought in one vessel, because it] mixes with the oil, but 61 does not mix with the oil (because only one Log of oil is put in one vessel; some explain that even though one Log is placed in the Minchah for each Isaron, there is not room to mix 61 Esronim)

9)[line 3]ëì äøàåé ìáéìä àéï áéìä äòëáú áåKOL HA'RA'UY L'VILAH EIN BILAH ME'AKEVES BO

(a)Regarding a Minchah that is a Nedavah (voluntary meal offering), the Torah states "v'Chol Minchah Velulah va'Shemen" (Vayikra 7:10), from which we learn that the oil that is poured onto the Minchah should be mixed throughout. Nevertheless, if the oil was not mixed throughout, the Minchah is still Kesheirah.

(b)However, if someone brings so much flour that it is impossible for the oil to be mixed throughout, the Minchah is Pesulah. Therefore, the Mishnah (Menachos 103b) states that if someone brings a Minchah to be offered on the Mizbe'ach, it may not contain more than sixty Esronim of flour.

(c)If one offers a Minchah of sixty Esronim which can be mixed with a log, it is valid even without being mixed.

10)[line 11]äúí äåà ãàéëà úåøú çìåú òìéäïHASAM HU D'IKA TORAS CHALOS ALEIHEN- there (where he does not break the Minchah at all) it is [valid] because they (the unbroken pieces) have the status of whole loaves

11)[line 24]åäù÷àú ñåèäV'HASHKA'AS SOTAH

See Background to Menachos 2:6.

12)[line 24]åòøéôú òâìäV'ARIFAS EGLAH (EGLAH ARUFAH)

(a)If a Jew is found murdered in a field (in Eretz Yisrael) and it is not known who the murderer is, the Torah requires that an Eglah Arufah be brought in order to atone for the blood that was spilled (Devarim 21:1). The procedure is as follows:

(b)Five elders (according to the opinion of Rebbi Yehudah, which is the Halachah) of the Beis Din of the Lishkas ha'Gazis (the Jewish Supreme Court) measure the distance between the dead body and the cities around it to determine which city is closest to it.

(c)The elders of the city that is closest to the corpse must bring a female calf that has never been worked (see Background to Bava Metzia 30:12:b) to a Nachal Eisan (a swiftly flowing stream - RAMBAM Hilchos Rotze'ach 9:2; a valley with tough soil - RASHI). They strike it on the back of its neck (Arifah) with a cleaver, severing its spinal column, gullet and windpipe. This calf is the "Eglah Arufah" and becomes Asur b'Hana'ah.

(d)The elders of the closest city then wash their hands there and say, "Our hands have not spilled this blood, and our eyes did not see [the murder]" (Devarim 21:7). This includes a proclamation that the dead man was not sent away from the city without the proper food for his journey or the proper accompaniment. The Kohanim that are present say, "Atone for Your people Yisrael whom You have redeemed, HaSh-m, and do not place [the guilt for] innocent blood in the midst of Your people, Yisrael" (ibid. 21:8). After this procedure, HaSh-m will grant atonement for the innocent blood that was spilled (RAMBAM Hilchos Rotze'ach 9:3).

13)[line 24]åèäøú îöåøòV'TAHARAS METZORA

See Background to Menachos 3:24e.

14)[line 25]åðùéàåú ëôéíV'NESI'US KAPAYIM- the Kohanim's raising of the hands in blessing, whether inside or outside the Bais ha'Mikdash

15)[line 28]áîðçú ëäðéíB'MINCHAS KOHANIM

A voluntary Korban Minchah that is brought by a Kohen does not need Kemitzah. Similarly, a Korban Minchas Chotei (see Background to Menachos 72:30) that is brought by a Kohen does not need Kemitzah (but Rebbi Shimon argues - Menachos 72b). The entire Minchah is burned on the Mizbe'ach. This is learned from the verse, "v'Chol Minchas Kohen, Kalil Tiheyeh, Lo Se'achel" - "And every meal-offering of a Kohen shall be entirely offered; it shall not be eaten" (Vayikra 6:16).

16)[line 32]ãìàå áú ÷îéöä äéà îòé÷øà áòéà ëäåðäD'LAV BAS KEMITZAH ME'IKARA BA'A'YA KEHUNAH- a Minchas Kohanim which does not have Kemitzah requires Kehunah from the beginning, even for the pouring and mixing

17)[line 36]îð÷îöåúMI'NIKMATZOS- [it is learned] from [the law of] Menachos that do have a Kemitzah taken. The law of Yetzikah for Menachos that do not require Kemitzah is derived from Menachos that require it.