1. There is a dispute about where a person acquires an object by placing it into his vessel. 2. Rav Papa says that there is no argument (in #1). 3. The Beraisa discusses how one acquires an object with a vessel. 4. The Gemara asks whether the vessel of the buyer can acquire an object even in the domain of the seller. 5. The Gemara attempts to support this concept from the case of a man who throws a Get into a woman's basket, but it refutes the proof.
1. Rav and Shmuel: One may use this method of acquisition anywhere except in the public domain. Rebbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish: One may use this method of acquisition even in the public domain. 2. Rav Papa says that Rav and Shmuel were referring to a real public domain, while Rebbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish were referring to a side street. 3. How one acquires depends on whose vessels are being used (the buyer's or seller's), and in what domain they are being used. 4. Rav Huna attempts to prove that the buyer's vessel does acquire even when in the domain of the seller. He cites the case of a man who throws a Get into his wife's basket, in which case she is divorced. 5. The Gemara in Gitin cites many reasons why this is not a proof. All of the answers explain that the mode of acquisition there is not the basket, but rather a different mode of acquisition (i.e., lifting it up).