brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
12th Cycle dedication
CHULIN 69 (4 Elul) - Dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Chaim Yisachar (ben Yaakov) Smulewitz of Cleveland on his Yahrzeit, by his daughter and son in law, Jeri & Eli Turkel of Raanana, Israel. |
1. If a fetus with non-split hooves, such as a camel, is found inside a Kosher animal that was slaughtered, the fetus may be eaten even according to Rebbi Shimon. 2. Abaye maintains that if the leg of a fetus of a Shelamim protrudes from its mother while it is inside the Azarah, the walls of the Azarah do not make it is as if the leg is inside the mother. 3. If the leg of a fetus of a Shelamim protrudes from its mother while it is inside Yerushalayim, the walls of Yerushalayim do not make it is as if the leg is inside the mother. 4. If the leg of the fetus of an animal protrudes from the womb between the cutting of the first Siman of the mother and the cutting of the second Siman, the Shechitah is Metaher it from Tum'as Neveilah. 5. A Ben Peku'ah (a fetus found inside a slaughtered animal which is permitted without Shechitah) grows and fathers offspring. If the mother is not a Ben Peku'ah, the offspring is forbidden, according to the opinion that the seed of the father is taken into account. 6. The leg of a female fetus of an animal protrudes from its mother before the Shechitah of the mother. The fetus is born and grows and produces milk. There is a doubt about whether the milk is forbidden. 7. If the fetus inside an animal is cut into pieces but remains inside the womb during the Shechitah of the mother, it is permitted. 8. If one attempts to make a limb of an animal into a Temurah for the fetus of Kodshim, or vice versa, or if one attempts to make a limb or a fetus into a Temurah for an animal of Kodshim or vice versa, the Temurah does not take effect, according to the Tana Kama. 9. Rebbi Yochanan maintains that if one slaughters an animal and finds the form of a Yonah inside, it may not be eaten. 10. If one is Makdish the leg of an animal for an Olah, only the leg becomes Kodesh, according to Rebbi Meir. Rebbi Yehudah, Rebbi Yosi, and Rebbi Shimon disagree. 11. If an animal is struggling to give birth for the first time, one is permitted to cut off each limb as it emerges and throw it to the dogs. 12. If the majority of the firstborn is born at one moment, it has Kedushas Bechor (and must be buried). 13. If a third of a firstborn animal is born and sold to a Nochri, the next third that is born has Kedushas Bechor, according to Rav Huna. Rabah disagrees. 14. If the first third of a firstborn animal is born by Caesarian section, and subsequently two-thirds of the animal is born naturally, it does not have Kedushas Bechor, according to Rav Huna. Rabah disagrees.
1. Rebbi Shimon rules that if an animal is born with non-split hooves, it may not be eaten, even though it was born to a Kosher animal. However, Rebbi Shimon agrees that if it had not yet been born and was found inside the mother after Shechitah, it may be eaten. 2. Even though the walls of the Azarah are significant with regard to the Shechitah of Kodshim Kalim, they do not have significance with regard to the fetus. Consequently, the Shechitah of the Shelamim does not permit the leg of the fetus to be eaten. 3. If the fetus retracts its leg into the womb and the mother is subsequently slaughtered inside the Azarah, according to Rav -- who rules that even with the retraction of the leg into the womb, the Shechitah of the mother does not permit the leg to be eaten -- in this case, too, the leg of the fetus may not be eaten. 4. According to the Chachamim, although the Shechitah does not permit the protruding leg to be eaten, it is Metaher it from the Tum'ah of Neveilah. Although the cutting of the first Siman was for the purpose of permitting the leg of the fetus to be eaten, while the cutting of the second Siman was only for the purpose of being Metaher it from Tum'as Neveilah, nevertheless the cutting of the two Simanim combine to be a valid Shechitah to be Metaher the protruding leg from Tum'as Neveilah. 5. Since a Ben Peku'ah does not require Shechitah, the part of the offspring that comes from its father is considered to be "slaughtered" already, according to the opinion that the seed of the father is taken into account, but the part of the offspring that comes from its mother is not considered to be slaughtered. Since only half of the animal is considered slaughtered, the animal is forbidden, since Shechitah is not effective when the Simanim are half-cut. Therefore, the offspring may not be eaten even with Shechitah. 6. Since its leg is forbidden even with Shechitah, perhaps the milk it produces is also forbidden. 7. However, if the spleen or the kidney of an animal is cut up and remains in the animal during Shechitah, it is forbidden. 8. According to the Tana Kama, only a complete animal can be a valid Temurah. 9. Only a hoofed creature that is found inside an animal may be eaten. 10. The animal must be sold in for the purpose of bringing it as an Olah, and the proceeds are Chulin except for the value of the leg, according to Rebbi Meir and Rebbi Yehudah. According to Rebbi Yosi and Rebbi Shimon, the entire animal is an Olah. 11. The firstborn animal has Kedushas Bechor only when the majority of the animal comes out at once. Therefore, each limb that comes out does not have Kedushas Bechor and one is permitted to throw it to the dogs, 12. It may not be fed to the dogs since it has Kedushah. The next animal to be born will not be the Bechor. 13. According to Rav Huna, even though the animal does not attain Kedushas Bechor until the majority is born, the Kedushah is retroactive to the beginning of the birth. According to Rabah, the Kedushah is not retroactive, and one may sell it to a Nochri, just as one may sell it to a Nochri while it is still in the womb. Since it is in the possession of the Nochri at the time the majority is born, it does not attain Kedushas Bechorah. 14. According to Rav Huna, the Kedushah is retroactive. Since the first part of the birth was through Caesarian section, the animal does not attain Kedushas Bechor. According to Rabah, the Kedushah is not retroactive; therefore, since at the point that the majority was born it was born naturally, it attains Kedushas Bechor.
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