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Gidulei Terumah are forbidden but the Gidulei Gidulim are permitted. (1)
Gidulei Tevel are permitted if the seed rots in the ground but if the seed does not rot in the ground even the Gidulei Gidulim are forbidden.
If someone says Konam Yayin she'Ani To'em ha'Yom he may not drink wine until nightfall.
If someone makes a Neder for Shabbos Zu he may not drink wine for the remainder of the week including Shabbos.
If someone makes a Neder for Chodesh Zu he may not drink wine for the remainder of the month, excluding both days of Rosh Chodesh. (2)
If someone makes a Neder for Shanah Zu he may not drink wine for the remainder of the year, excluding Rosh Hashanah.
If someone makes a Neder for Shavu'ah Zu he may not drink wine for the remainder of the seven years including Shemitah.
If someone makes a Neder for Yom Echad he may not drink wine for 24 hours.
If someone makes a Neder not to drink wine until Pesach he is forbidden only until the start of Pesach.
If he makes a Neder Ad she'Yehei Pesach he may not drink wine until the end of Pesach.
If he makes a Neder Ad Pnei Pesach Rebbi Meir says that he may not drink wine until the beginning of Pesach and Rebbi Yosi says until the end of Pesach.
Rebbi Yirmeyahu says that if someone says Konam Yayin she'Ani To'em ha'Yom he may not drink wine even after nightfall unless he is released from the Neder by a Chacham. (3)
Rebbi Nasan says that making a Neder is tantamount to building a Bamah and failing to get released from the Neder is tantamount to bringing a Korban on the Bamah.
The Gemara asks if someone makes a Neder Konam Yayin she'Ani To'em Yom if he may drink wine at nightfall.
If someone makes a Neder not to drink wine that year, if the year is made into a leap year he may not drink wine for an extra month.


1. However if the seed does not rot in the ground the Gidulei Gidulim are forbidden, but if the growth is a Rov even if the seed does not rot in the ground it is permitted.
2. Even though the first day of Rosh Chodesh is the last day of the previous month, however in the Lashon Bnei Adam when someone says this month he is not including Rosh Chodesh.
3. It is a Gezeirah because of Yom Echad which is forbidden for a 24 hour period.


If someone makes a Neder Konam Yayin she'Ani To'em ha'Yom he may not drink wine until nightfall. The Chasam Sofer says that the Mishnah chose a case of a Neder from drinking wine and not a Neder from eating or drinking because the Mishnah included Nedarim for a week, month and year and it is impossible to go for such a long time without eating or drinking. The Mishnah also does not choose a case of a Neder from eating meat because if a person makes a Neder not to eat meat for an entire year he will not be able to eat the Korban Pesach which is a Mitzvah. Although when a person makes a Neder not to drink wine for a year he will not be able to drink the four Kosos, however it is possible to be Yotzei the Mitzvah of the four Kosos with something other than wine if it is Chamar Medinah.


If someone says Konam Yayin she'Ani To'em Yom Echad or Yom he may not drink wine for 24 hours. If he says Konam Yayin she'Ani To'em ha'Yom Echad he may not drink wine after nightfall whether he makes the Neder at the beginning of the day or at the end of the day. (Shulchan Aruch YD 220:1)
If he says Konam Yayin she'Ani To'em Yom Zeh it is the same as ha'Yom. (Shach)

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