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1. A Bas Yisrael may not be a midwife for a Nochri woman.
2. According to Rebbi Meir, a Bas Yisrael may not use a Nochri midwife. There is a concern that she will murder the child. The Chachamim maintain that it is permitted when other people are observing.
3. A Bas Yisrael may not nurse the child of a Nochri woman.
4. According to Rebbi Meir, a Bas Yisrael may not nurse the child of a Nochri woman. There is a concern that she will murder the child. The Chachamim maintain that it is permitted when other people are watching them.
5. A Bas Yisrael may be a midwife for a Nochri woman if she is offered payment, because if she refuses it will cause the Nochri to hate Jews.
6. A Bas Yisrael may not nurse a Nochri child even if she is paid.
7. A Nochri, and a Yisrael who shepherds small animals, should not be pushed into a well. If they fall in on their own, they should not be raised up.
8. A Min and a Moser should be pushed into a well and should not be raised.
9. One who eats non-kosher food for his enjoyment is a Mumar. There is a disagreement about the status of one who eats non-kosher food to anger Hashem.
10. A Nochri may not be a Mohel for a Yisrael because of the concern that he will murder the child, according to Rebbi Meir. The Rabanan maintain that a Nochri may be a Mohel when others are present.
11. If there is no Jewish Mohel in the city, a Nochri doctor should be asked to act as a Mohel, but not a Kusi, according to Rebbi Meir. Rebbi Yehudah maintains that a Kusi is preferable to a Nochri.


1. It is forbidden to bring a child into the world who one day will worship Avodah Zarah.
2. According to Rebbi Meir, even when others are observing, there is still a concern that she discreetly will put her hand on the soft spot of the baby's head and kill him without anyone realizing it.
3. It is forbidden to help raise a child who one day will worship Avodah Zarah.
4. According to Rebbi Meir, even if there are other people watching, it is prohibited. There is a concern that she rubbed herself with poison before anyone came, and the baby will ingest the poison when he nurses.
5. It is forbidden to be a midwife on Shabbos. She can avoid resentment by claiming that the law allows her to desecrate Shabbos only for people who observe Shabbos.
6. A single woman can use the excuse that it will make it more difficult for her to get married. A married woman can claim that it will make her unattractive to her husband.
7. Even if a person is offered payment, he may not raise a Nochri out of the well. His inaction will not cause resentment, since he can claim that he must rush to rescue his child from a roof, or that he has a government meeting which he is compelled to attend.
8. If a Min or Moser is in a well which has a step, one should eliminate the step on the pretext that he is afraid his animal will use the step to get into the well. If there is a stone at the mouth of the well it should be used to cover it on the pretext that he must bring his flock past the well. If there is a ladder in the well it should be taken out on the pretext that he needs it to rescue his child from a roof.
9. There is a disagreement between Rav Acha and Ravina about whether he is a Mumar or a Min.
10. Rebbi Meir prohibits using a Nochri as a Mohel even if others are present. It is possible that he may hold the knife in such a way that it will render the child a Kerus Shafchah.
11. Rebbi Meir maintains that a Nochri may not be used as a Mohel. However, Howowever he may be used as a Mohel if he is a professional doctor, because he will not want to ruin his reputation by murdering a child.

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