brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. According to Torah law, one is prohibited to exchange an animal designated as a Korban with another animal. 2. There is a dispute about whether an heir's act of Temurah is valid, and whether he performs Semichah with the Korban that he inherited from his father. 3. Tana d'Vei Rebbi Yishmael: All punishments stated in the Torah apply equally to men and women. 4. A minor generally cannot make a Temurah. 5. A Nochri cannot make a Temurah on his own Korbanos, even though he may consecrate Korbanos to be offered in the Beis ha'Mikdash.
1. However, if one attempts to do so, the second animal becomes sanctified as a "Temurah" ("exchange") of the Korban, even though the original Korban remains sanctified and does not lose its status. Both men and women are subject to this prohibition. 2. Rebbi Yehudah: His Temurah is not valid. Just as a verse teaches that he cannot do Semichah, he cannot do Temurah. Rebbi Meir: His Temurah is valid. Just as he can make a valid Temurah, he also may perform Semichah. 3. He derives this from the verse, "A man or woman who will do any sins of man." Punishments stated in the Torah apply equally to men and women. 4. However, once he reaches the age at which his vows are binding, it is possible that his act of Temurah is valid. 5. He cannot be punished for performing Temurah, since it is not one of the seven laws of Bnei Noach. Accordingly, it must be that his Temurah has no Halachic status and is, therefore, ineffective.
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