1. Until when a person may cancel an acquisition is subject to a dispute among Amora'im. 2. Rabah: One may cancel an acquisition as long as the parties are still seated where they were sitting when they made the acquisition. 3. Rav Yosef: One may cancel an acquisition as long as the parties are still discussing the acquisition. 4. The Gemara concludes that the law follows Rav Yosef. 5. A woman inherits her son, just as a father inherits his son.
1. It is important to note that there are many opinions in the Rishonim regarding whether this applies to most or many modes of acquisition, or to only a few select modes of acquisition. 2. As long as they are still seated, they may cancel the acquisition even if they stopped talking about the details of the acquisition. 3. As long as they are still discussing the acquisition, they may cancel it even if they are no longer sitting in the same place as when they made the acquisition. 4. This is one of three cases where the Halachah follows the opinion of Rav Yosef. 5. This is derived from the word "Matos," which makes a Hekesh between the "tribe" of the father and the "tribe" of the mother, so that just as a father inherits his son, a mother inherits her son.