brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
12th Cycle dedication
CHULIN 112 (18 Tishrei) - dedicated by Reb Tuvya Marcus and family (Baltimore/Yerushalayim) in honor of the Yahrzeit of his father, Binyomin Leib ben Aharon Marcus. |
1. One may not place an open container of salt next to an open container of a thick dairy dip. 2. However, this is not forbidden if the container contains vinegar instead of salt. 3. The Gemara explains the concept that "salting is like boiling." 4. The Gemara further explains that there is a Halachic difference between raw and cooked foods that are salted. 5. The Gemara further explains that there is a difference between cooked foods that have cracks and those that do not.
1. This is because we are concerned that the dip might fall into the salt which might then be used to help kasher a piece of meat. 2. This is because the vinegar will dissolve the dairy dip, and the dip will not give a taste to the vinegar. 3. The Gemara explains that this concept applies only if there is such a large amount of salt that the item would not be eaten because it is too salty. 4. If the item is raw, it is considered boiling only if it is so salty that it cannot be eaten. However, if it is cooked or roasted, the layer (i.e., of meat) that comes in contact with the dairy salt (i.e., salt in a thick dairy dip) must be peeled away before the rest of it may be eaten. 5. If dairy salt is used on a food that has slits and cracks in it (i.e., a piece of meat that has been sliced in different places or that is very soft), the entire piece becomes forbidden. This is because salt adds flavor to the entire piece of meat.
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