1. One must check a woman's brothers before marrying her to see if they are good people. 2. Most sons resemble their mother's brothers. 3. The Gemara explains why Yehonasan, the grandson of Moshe, thought it was permissible to become a priest for idolatry. 4. It is even better for a Torah scholar to do strange work in the marketplace rather than to take charity. 5. David ha'Melech gave Yehonasan a good job watching over the treasury.
1. This is derived from the verse that states that Aharon married "Elisheva… the sister of Nachshon." 2. This is one reason why one should check the woman's brothers before marrying her. 3. He thought that his grandfather had said that it is better for a person to hire himself out to idolatry than to rely on charity. In fact, his grandfather had said that it is better for a person to do a type of work (Avodah) that is foreign (Zarah) to him ("Avodah Zarah"), and not rely on charity. 4. This is as Rav said to Rav Kahana, "Skin a dead animal in the marketplace for pay, and do not rely on charity." 5. This caused Yehonasan to repent fully from having been a priest for Pesel Michah.