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& Revach l'Neshamah -

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1. The pouring of the leftover blood of a Korban on the Yesod and the burning of the Eimurim does not affect the validity of the Korban. The Korban is valid even if these acts were done with a Machshavah of Pigul.
2. If the last three placements of the blood of a Chatas on the Mizbe'ach were done with a Machshavah of Pigul, the Korban is valid. If it was placed outside the Azarah, the Kohen is Chayav Kares.
3. If the leftover blood of a Chatas, which was placed on the Mizbe'ach in the Heichal, splashes on a garment, it must be washed out. If it is poured on the Yesod with a Machshavah of Pigul, the Korban is Pigul. If it is placed outside the Azarah, the Kohen is a Chayav Kares.
4. After the blood of the Chatas has been placed on the Mizbe'ach if it sprays on a garment it does not need to be washed off.
5. If the Kohen omits even one of the placements of the blood of a Chatas Penimis on the Mizbe'ach, the Korban is Pasul.
6. If the Kohen failed to do Semichah, or to pour the blood of a Chatas Penimis on the Yesod, the Korban is valid.


1. The Korban becomes Pigul only if an Avodah which is integral to the validity of the Korban is done with a Machshavah of Pigul.
2. If the blood was brought inside the Heichal, the Chatas is valid.
3. The spilling of the blood of a Chatas Penimis on the Yesod is integral to the validity of the Korban. Therefore, all of these Dinim apply to it.
4. Since the Mitzvah had already been done with the blood, it is no longer necessary to wash it out.
5. This applies both to the sprinkling of the blood on the Paroches and to the placement of the blood on the Mizbe'ach.
6. The leftover blood of a Chatas Penimis is poured on the Yesod of the outer Mizbe'ach. If this was not done, the Korban remains valid.

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