Mishnah 1
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What is the Shi'ur on which one is Chayav Me'ilah?

(b)What does the Mishnah say about someone who ...

1. ... benefits a Shi'ur P'rutah from two different Kodshei Mizbe'ach or Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis?

2. ... eats a Shi'ur of Pigul, Nosar or Tamei from a combination of two different Korbanos?

3. ... benefits a Shi'ur P'rutah from a combination of Kodshei Mizbe'ach and Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis?

(c)Why can the latter not combine to be Chayav Pigul, Nosar and Tamei?

(d)Besides Me'ilah, Pigul, Nosar and Tamei, regarding which other Isur will two Kodshei Mizbe'ach combine to make up the Shi'ur?

(e)What is the difference between the Shi'ur of Me'ilah and the Shi'ur of the other Isurim that the Mishnah refers to?


(a)The Shi'ur on which one is Chayav Me'ilah is - a Shaveh P'rutah.

(b)The Mishnah rules that someone who ...

1. ... benefits a Shi'ur P'rutah from two different Kodshei Mizbe'ach or Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis, or who ...

2. ... eats a Shi'ur of Pigul, Nosar or Tamei from a combination of two different Korbanos - is Chayav, and the same applies to someone who ...

3. ... benefits a Shi'ur P'rutah from a combination of Kodshei Mizbe'ach and Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis.

(c)The latter cannot combine to be Chayav Pigul, Nosar and Tamei - since Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis are not subject to Pigul, Nosar and Tamei.

(d)Besides Me'ilah, Pigul, Nosar and Tamei, two Kodshei Mizbe'ach will also combine to make up the Shi'ur - with regard to Shechutei Chutz (See Tosfos Yom Tov DH 'u'Lechayav aleihen ... ').

(e)The Shi'ur of Me'ilah, as we explained - is a Shaveh P'rutah, whereas the Shi'ur of the other Isurim that the Mishnah refers to - is a k'Zayis.

Mishnah 2
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Three of the five things that combine to make the Shi'ur Isur (regarding Me'ilah, Pigul, Nosar ve'Tamei [See Tosfos Yom Tov] and Shechutei Chutz [See Tosfos Yom Tov]) by an Olah are Basar, Cheilev, salt and flour. What are the remaining two?

(b)What do the last three items have to do with an Olah?

(c)What sixth item can combine to make up the Shi'ur in the case of a Todah?

(d)Which of the above Isurim does not apply to a Todah?

(e)Why is that?


(a)Three of the five things that combine to make the Shi'ur Isur (regarding Me'ilah, Pigul, Nosar ve'Tamei [See Tosfos Yom Tov] and Shechutei Chutz [See Tosfos Yom Tov]) by an Olah are Basar, Cheilev, salt and flour. The remaining two are - wine and oil.

(b)The last three items - comprise the Minchas Nesachim that accompany a Korban Olah.

(c)The sixth item that can combine to make up the Shi'ur in the case of a Todah - is bread from the Lachmei Todah.

(d)The Isur that does not apply to a Todah is - Me'ilah ...

(e)... since a Korban Todah is in the category of Kodshim Kalim, which are not subject to Me'ilah, as we learned earlier in the Masechta.


(a)What do Terumah, T'rumas Ma'aser, T'rumas Ma'aser shel D'mai, Chalah and Bikurim all have in common?

(b)What do we learn in this connection from the Pasuk in Korach ...

1. ... "Reishis Arisoseichem Chalah Tarimu Serumah?

2. ... "u'Terumas Yadecha" (based on the Pasuk in Ki Savo "ve'Lakach ha'Kohen ha'Tene mi'Yadecha")?

(c)What do they render Asur?

(d)And what is the Tana referring to when he concludes 'u'Lechayev aleihen es ha'Chomesh'?


(a)What Terumah, T'rumas Ma'aser, T'rumas Ma'aser shel D'mai, Chalah and Bikurim all have in common is the fact that - they all fall under the heading of 'Terumah'.

(b)From the Pasuk in Korach ...

1. ... "Reishis Arisoseichem Chalah Tarimu Serumah - we learn that Chalah is called 'Terumah and from ...

2. ... "u'Terumas Yadecha" (based on the Pasuk in Ki Savo "ve'Lakach ha'Kohen ha'Tene mi'Yadecha") - that Bikurim is called 'Terumah too, and that they both therefore combine to make up the Shi'ur to render Asur ...

(c)... for a Yisrael to eat, a dough into which yeast made from the combination falls (See also Tiferes Yisrael).

(d)And when the Tana concludes 'u'Lechayev aleihen es ha'Chomesh', he is referring to - a Yisrael who eats any combination of the five Isurim, who is Chayav to pay the Kohen what he ate plus an extra fifth.

Mishnah 3
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah say about all Pigulin, Nosarin, Neveilos and Sheratzim? What do they all have in common?

(b)What is the difference between the Chiyuv Pigul and Nosar on the one hand, and the Chiyuv Neveilah and Sheretz on the other?

(c)In which regard do a k'Zayis of a Nivlas Beheimah Tehorah and of Nivlas Beheimah Teme'ah ...

1. ... combine?

2. ... not combine?

(d)What is the reason for the latter ruling?


(a)The Mishnah says that all Pigulin, all Nosarin, all Neveilos and all Sheratzim - combine to make up the required Shi'ur.

(b)The difference between the Chiyuv Pigul and Nosar on the one hand, and the Chiyuv Neveilah and Sheretz on the other is that - whereas the former are Chayav Kareis, the latter are Chayav only Malkos.

(c)A k'Zayis of a Nivlas Beheimah Tehorah and of Nivlas Beheimah Teme'ah ...

1. ... combine - regarding the Shi'ur Tum'ah, but ...

2. ... not - regarding the Shi'ur Achilah.

(d)The reason for the latter ruling is - because there is no Isur of Neveilah regarding Beheimah Teme'ah (See Tosfos Yom Tov), only for eating Beheimah Teme'ah, in which case they are two different Isurim, which do not combine.


(a)What is the Shi'ur for which one is Chayav regarding ...

1. ... the majority of Sheratzim?

2. ... the eight Sheratzim whose Neveilos render Tamei?

(b)What is the reason for the latter ruling?

(c)What do we learn from the Pasuk in Shemini "ve'Zeh lachem ha'Tamei ba'Sheretz ha'Shoretz al ha'Aretz" (which is superfluous)?

(d)What is therefore the Din regarding someone who eats a combination of the blood and the Basar of a Sheretz?


(a)The Shi'ur Achilah for which one is Chayav regarding ...

1. ... the majority of Sheratzim is - a k'Zayis.

2. ... the eight Sheratzim is - a k'Adashah ...

(b)... which we learn from their Shi'ur Tum'ah (See Tosfos Yom Tov).

(c)We learn from the Pasuk in Shemini "ve'Zeh lachem ha'Tamei ba'Sheretz ha'Shoretz al ha'Aretz" (which is superfluous) that - the blood of the eight Sheratzim is Metamei like the Basar.

(d)Consequently, someone who eats a combination of the blood and the Basar of a Sheretz - is Chayav.


(a)Rebbi Yehoshua presents the principle that determines when two different species combine to make up a Shi'ur and when they don't. What dual condition is required for them to combine?

(b)Based on this principle, why can Neveilah not combine with ...

1. ... Sheretz?

2. ... Meis?

(c)And on what grounds can Meis and Sheretz not combine to make up a Shi'ur?


(a)Rebbi Yehoshua presents the principle that determines when two different species combine to make up a Shi'ur and when they don't. For them to combine - both the Tum'ah and the Shi'ur need to be equal.

(b)Based on this principle, Neveilah cannot combine with ...

1. ... Sheretz - because even though their Tum'ah is equal, their Shi'ur is not (since whereas the former is a ke'Zayis, the latter is a k'Adashah).

2. ... Meis - because even though their Shi'ur is equal, their Tum'ah is not (since whereas the former lasts one day, the latter lasts seven).

(c)Whereas Meis and Sheretz cannot combine to make up a Shi'ur - seeing as both the Tum'ah and the Shi'ur are different.

Mishnah 4
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What reason does the Mishnah give to explain why Pigul and Nosar do not combine to render Tamei (See Tosfos Yom Tov) someone who touches a k'Zayis of both of them?

(b)Neither, says the Tana, will Neveilah and B'sar ha'Meis combine even to make up the Shi'ur of the more lenient of the two. What is the case regarding ...

1. ... Neveilah and Meis?

2. ... Sheretz and Neveilah?

(c)The Mishnah finally discusses the combination of food that became Tamei via an Av ha'Tum'ah and food that became Tamei via a V'lad ha'Tum'ah. What is the status of ...

1. ... the former?

2. ... the latter?


(a)The reason the Mishnah gives (See Tosfos Yom Tov) to explain why Pigul and Nosar do not combine to render Tamei someone who touches a k'Zayis of both of them is - because they are two different Isurim.

(b)Neither, says the Tana, will Neveilah and B'sar ha'Meis combine even to make up the Shi'ur of the more lenient of the two. The case regarding ...

1. ... Neveilah and Meis is - to render the person Tamei for at least for that day.

2. ... Sheretz and Neveilah - is for the Sheretz to make up the Shi'ur k'Zayis of the Neveilah.

(c)The Mishnah finally discusses the combination of food that became Tamei via an Av ha'Tum'ah and food that became Tamei via a V'lad ha'Tum'ah. The status of ...

1. ... the former - is a Rishon le'Tum'ah.

2. ... the latter is - a Sheini le'Tum'ah.


(a)What does the Tana say about food that became Tamei via an Av ha'Tum'ah and food that became Tamei via a V'lad ha'Tum'ah?

(b)What is now the case?


(a)The Tana rules food that became Tamei via an Av ha'Tum'ah and food that became Tamei via a V'lad ha'Tum'ah - combine to make up the more lenient Shi'ur.

(b)The case is - where the Rishon now combines with the Sheini (See Tosfos Yom Tov) to make Terumah or Kodshim that touches it a Shelishi.

Mishnah 5
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The first in the Mishnah's list of various cases where all foods combine, each with its own Shi'ur, is to render the body Pasul ('li'Fesol es ha'Gaviyah'). What are the ramifications of this ruling?

(b)The Shi'ur for 'P'sul Geviyah' is half a P'ras, which is one and a half k'Beitzim, according to the Rambam. What do others say?

(c)The next two cases where different foods combine are with regard to Eiruv and to be subject to Tum'as Ochlin. What is the Shi'ur regarding to ...

1. ... Eiruv? To which Eiruv is the Tana referring?

2. ... Tum'as Ochlin?

(d)According to the Rambam, two meals is the equivalent of six egg-volumes. What do others say.

(e)How do we learn the Shi'ur of a k'Beitzah regarding Tum'as Ochlin from the Pasuk in Shemini "mi'Kol ha'Ochel asher Ye'achel"?


(a)The first in the Mishnah's list of various cases where all foods combine, each with its own Shi'ur, is to render the body Pasul ('li'Fesol es ha'Gaviyah') - disqualifying him from eating Terumah (if he is a Kohen) and rendering Pasul any Terumah that he touches.

(b)The Shi'ur for 'P'sul Geviyah' is half a P'ras, which is one and a half k'Beitzim, according to the Rambam. Others say that - two k'Beitzim.

(c)The next two cases where different foods combine are with regard to Eiruv and to be subject to Tum'as Ochlin. The Shi'ur regarding ...

1. ... Eiruv - Techumin is two meals.

2. ... Tum'as Ochlin is - a k'Beitzah.

(d)According to the Rambam, two meals is the equivalent of six egg-volumes. Others say - eight.

(e)We learn the Shi'ur of a k'Beitzah regarding Tum'as Ochlin from the words "asher Ye'achel" (in the Pasuk in Shemini "mi'Kol ha'Ochel asher Ye'achel") - from Chazal's assessment that the maximum that a person can swallow in one go is a k'Beitzah (See Tosfos Yom Tov).


(a)The last two items on the list of foods that combine to make up the Shi'ur are carrying on Shabbos and eating on Yom Kipur. What is the Shi'ur that renders one Chayav ...

1. ... for carrying on Shabbos?

2. ... for eating on Yom Kipur?


(a)The last two items on the list of foods that combine to make up the Shi'ur are carrying on Shabbos and eating on Yom Kipur. The Shi'ur that renders one Chayav ...

1. ... for carrying on Shabbos is - a ki'Gerogeres (the size of a dried fig).

2. ... for eating on Yom Kipur is - a Koseves (a large date).


(a)The two cases listed by the Mishnah of Mashkin (beverages) that combine to make up the Shi'ur are 'li'Fesol es ha'Geviyah' and drinking on Yom Kipur. What is the Shi'ur that one must drink ...

1. ... li'Fesol es ha'Geviyah?

2. ... on Yom Kipur in order to be Chayav?


(a)The two cases listed by the Mishnah of Mashkin (beverages [See Tosfos Yom Tov]) that combine to make up the Shi'ur are 'li'Fesol es ha'Geviyah' and drinking on Yom Kipur. The Shi'ur that one must drink ...

1. ... li'Fesol es ha'Geviyah is - a Revi'is (ha'Log).

2. ... on Yom Kipur in order to be Chayav is - ki'Melo Lugmav (close to a cheek-full [See Tosfos Yom Tov]).

Mishnah 6
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The are two ramifications of the Tana Kama's ruling that Orlah and Kil'ayim combine to make a Shi'ur. One of them concerns the Isur Achilah (See Tosfos Yom Tov). What is the Shi'ur Achilah?

(b)In which other regard do they combine?

(c)Which Shi'ur does it require regarding ...

1. ... food?

2. ... drink?


(a)There are two ramifications of the Tana Kama's ruling that Orlah and Kil'ayim combine to make a Shi'ur. One of them concerns the Isur Achilah (See Tosfos Yom Tov), whose Shi'ur is - a k'Zayis (to receive Malkos [See Tosfos Yom-Tov])_.

(b)They also combine - to render Asur a dish into which the combination falls ...

(c)... regarding ...

1. ... food - one in two hundred.

2. ... drink - if they add taste (be'Nosein Ta'am).


(a)What does Rebbi Shimon say about Orlah and Kil'ayim combining?

(b)Why is that?

(c)What are the ramifications of this ruling in a case where a combined k'Zayis fall into a pot of soup?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)According to Rebbi Shimon - Orlah and Kil'ayim do not combine ...

(b)... seeing as they are two difference La'avin.

(c)The ramifications of this ruling in a case where a combined k'Zayis fall into a pot of soup are - that as long as the pot contains enough to render Bateil each one independently, they are Bateil.

(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.


(a)The Mishnah now discusses different kinds of cloths that combine to make up the Shi'ur with regard to Tum'ah. What Shi'ur is subject to Tum'ah regarding ...

1. ... a garment (made of wool or linen)?

2. ... sack-cloth?

3. ... leather?

4. ... a reed-mat?

(b)Which of these does the Tana rule, combine with one another?

(c)Which Shi'ur do they make up?

(d)Rebbi Shimon explains why they combine. Why ought they not to?

(e)What reason does Rebbi Shimon therefore give to explain why they do?


(a)The Mishnah now discusses different kinds of cloths that combine to make up the Shi'ur with regard to Tum'ah. The Shi'ur that is subject to Tum'ah regarding ..

1. ... a garment (made of wool or linen) - is three by three Tefachim ...

2. ... sack-cloth is - four by four ...

3. ... leather is - five by five and ...

4. ... a reed-mat - six by six Tefachim.

(b)The Tana rules that each of these combines with the one with the nearest Shi'ur - a garment with sack-cloth, sack-cloth with leather and leather with a reed-mat ...

(c)... to make up the more lenient Shi'ur (a garment with sack-cloth to make up the Shi'ur of four Tefachim).

(d)Rebbi Shimon explains why they combine. They ought not to - seeing as they have different Shi'urim, as we learned earlier.

(e)Rebbi Shimon therefore explains that they nevertheless do - since they all share the same Shi'ur with regard to the Moshav (sitting) of a Zav (See Tiferes Yisrael).