[23a - 16 lines; 23b - 22 lines]


1)[line 1]÷ï ñúåîäKEN SESUMAH- a pair of birds which the owner has not yet designated which one should be the Chatas and which one should be the Olah

2)[line 1]âåæìGOZAL- (lit. a chick) one of the birds of the Ken Sesumah

3)[line 2]äîúåúHA'MESOS- (lit. the dead ones) Kinim that have been earmarked to be left to die, such as a Chatas ha'Of the owner of which has died, or the owner of which has received atonement using another bird

4)[line 3]ä÷øéáåúHA'KEREIVOS- the Kinei Chovah Sesumos that are waiting to be offered

5)[line 3]ôñåìPASUL- (lit. it is invalidated) (a) one of the birds of the group into which the bird flew (not necessarily the one that flew there) is invalidated (ROSH, 1st explanation); (b) it no longer can serve the purpose of the Korban for which it was originally separated by its owner (ROSH, 2nd explanation)

6)[line 4]ôåñì àçã ëðâãPOSEL ECHAD KENEGED- it invalidates one bird opposite [the one just invalidated, i.e. it also invalidates the original partner of the bird that flew away from the Ken Sesumah (or one of the birds in the original group)]

7)[line 5]ùúé ÷ðéíSHTEI KINIM- two Kinim [that are Kinei Sesumah]

8)[line 6]ôåñì àçãPOSEL ECHAD- it invalidates one [Ken of its owner]

9)[line 7]áäìéëúåB'HALICHASO- (lit. with its walking there) by flying away from its original group of birds (but the second woman can still offer two Kinim, i.e. four out of the five birds in her group)

10)[line 7]çæøCHAZAR- (lit. it came back) one of the birds of the group into which the bird flew (not necessarily the one that flew there) flew back to the original group

11)[line 7]ôåñì àçãPOSEL ECHAD- it invalidates one [Ken of the second group, the group into which the first bird flew]

12)[line 7]áçæéøúåB'CHAZIRASO- (lit. by its returning) by flying away from the second group

13)[line 7]ôøç åçæø ôøä åçæøPARACH V'CHAZAR PARACH V'CHAZAR- birds kept flying back and fourth from the two groups

14)[line 8]ìà äôñéã ëìåí ùàôéìå äï îòøáåú àéï ôçåú îùúéíLO HIFSID KLUM, SHE'AFILU HEN ME'URAVOS, EIN PACHOS MI'SHETAYIM- the owners have not lost any more Kinim (than the two that have been invalidated), since we have learned previously (Kinim 1:3) that when Kinei Chovah become intermingled, half of them are kosher (in this case, two) and half of them are invalidated (in this case, two)

15)[line 8]ìæå àçú åìæå ùúéíL'ZO ACHAS UL'ZO SHETAYIM ...- this one (one woman) has one [Ken Sesumah] and the next [woman] has two [Kinei Sesumah, etc.]

16)[line 11]äøàùåðä åäùðéä àéï ìäí ëìåíHA'RISHONAH VEHA'SHENIYAH EIN LAHEM KLUM- the first [woman] and the second [woman] do not have any [Kinim left that are fit to be offered] (the first woman lost her possibility to offer her Ken when one bird flew away from it; the second woman lost her first Ken when one bird flew from it to the third group and her second Ken when a bird flew into her group from the third group, on the return flight)

17)[line 13]äùáéòéú éù ìä ùùHA'SHEVI'IS YESH LAH SHESH- the seventh [woman] has six [Kinim left that are fit to be offered, since she only lost one Ken when a bird flew away from her augmented group - see above, entry #9]


18)[line 1]éù àåîøéí äùáéòéú ìà äôñéãä ëìåíYESH OMRIM HA'SHEVI'IS LO HIFSIDAH KLUM- some opinions rule that the seventh [woman] does not lose any [more birds from this third round-trip flight] (since nothing is brought from the sixth group (or from any of the other groups) there is no reason for a decree - see ROSH, TOSFOS to Yoma 65b DH u'Mishum and Review Questions and Answers 23:5-7)

19)[line 1]àí ôøç îáéï äîúåú ìëåìí äøé ëåìí éîåúåIM PARACH MI'BEIN HA'MESOS L'CHULAM, HAREI KULAM YAMUSU- and if one of the birds that has to die (in cases such as above, entry #3, but not the birds of our Mishnah that are invalidated, since they are only invalidated because of a doubt - ROSH) flies into any of the groups, all of the birds in that group must die (it is not Batel because live animals are significant and are not subject to Bitul)

20)[line 4]àå ùôøç îï äîôåøùú øàùåï, äøé ëåìï éîåúåO SHE'PARACH MIN HA'MEFURESHES RISHON, HAREI CHULAN YAMUSU- or if one of the birds of the Ken Mefureshes flew into the Ken Sesumah first, all of the birds must die (since the Tana is referring to a case where, after designating the two birds, all people involved forgot which bird is the Olah and which is the Chatas)

21)[line 9]äàîöòéí éîåúåHA'EMTZA'IYIM YAMUSU- those birds in the center are left to die (since a Chatas and an Olah are intermingled - Kinim 1:5)

22)[line 12]àéï îáéàéï úåøéï ëðâã áðé éåðäEIN MEVI'IN TORIN KENEGED BNEI YONAH- we may not pair up (in one Ken) a Tor with a Ben Yonah

23)[line 18]éáéàå äéåøùéï òåìúäYAVI'U HA'YORSHIN OLASAH- her relatives bring her Olas ha'Of (since an Olah is considered a "present" to HaSh-m)

24)[line 18]ìà éáéàå äéåøùéï çèàúäLO YAVI'U HA'YORSHIN CHATASAH - her relatives may not bring her Chatas ha'Of (CHATAS SHE'MESU BE'ALEHA)

(a)There are five Chata'os that are put to death by being locked up without food until they die:

1.The offspring of a Chatas

2.The Temurah (see Background to Temurah 2:1) of a Chatas

3.A Chatas whose owner has died ("Chatas she'Mesu Be'aleha")

4.A Chatas of a sheep or goat that became a year old (and is therefore invalid as a Korban Chatas), the owner of which brought a different Chatas to atone for his sin

5.A Chatas that was lost and was later found with a Mum, whose owner brought a different Chatas to atone for his sins (Temurah 21b)

(b)Not all of these laws apply to a bird that is offered as a Chatas ha'Of. The only Chatas ha'Of that must be left to die is one whose owner has died (#3) and one that was lost and later found with a Mum (#5).


25)[line 21]ëäï ðîìêKOHEN HA'NIMLACH- with a Kohen who has asked the Chachamim what to do in the situations mentioned in the previous two Perakim