Honey Wiener asks:

I am ar architecture student in the university of Edinburgh writing a dissertation on the First Beit Hamikdash. I am aware of all the different diagrams by Tiferet Yisrael, Tosfot Yom Tov and Rambam, however I was wondering if any of these dimensions or aspects relate to the first? Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether their descriptions relate to the first at all (as sometimes they do refer to Solomon's Temple by name). Thak you for your help.

Honey Wiener, United Kingdom

The Kollel replies:

As you noticed, some things clearly do relate to the first Beis ha'Mikdash (the second was built on the foundations of the first, with primarily the same measurements), while other things clear do not (such as many of the names, such as Sha'ar Tedi, which refer to the persons who built them, the breaks in the wall made by the Greeks, etc.). However, it is beyond the scope of this forum to explain exactly what does relate to the first as well and what does not.

If you are comfortable in Hebrew, we suggest that you see the sources cited by an excellent essay by the researchers at the Machon Ha'Mikdash (The Temple Institute). You will find the essay and the footnoted sources at:


The relevant parts begin with footnote 31 and go through footnote 47 or so.

(We are not familiar with an English rendition of the essay, so if you are not proficient in Hebrew, a GoogleChrome translation might suffice. Otherwise, we can refer you to an outstanding scholarly translator who can translate the essay and sources for a very reasonable fee.)

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose & Yisroel Shaw