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1. Temurah and Korban Pesach 2. Effecting a Temurah

Rob Shorr asked:

Given the discussion that a korban b'shutfis cannot make a temurah (similar to a korban tzibur) what about a korban pesach that has a chaburah that is menuyav to eat from it? Or is the korban pesach considered to have a single owner and the people who are menuyav are guests?

Rob Shorr Ph.D., D.I.C.

Edison, NJ

The Kollel replies:

A Korban Pesach can make Temurah only when it has a single owner. This is possible when a Yachid brings a Pesach, or before the Menuyim are added (one may add Minuyim after the Hekdesh).

D. Zupnik