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1. Missing in Point by Point Outline 2. כדאמר רב פפא במרודד

David Strimling asks:

In the middle of amud a before the wide lines: לא קשיא הא בתנורא בר תשעה הא בתנור של בר שבעה is not shown in pp and I found it difficult. David Strimling

The Kollel replies:

What I wrote was correct - 7 and 9 are imprecise, so I took the liberty of explaining precisely- I agree that it is better to keep to the text and add a Perush.

We will fix the outlines to say (Chulin 124a 1:k)

(k) Answer: That (the Mishnah) refers to an oven of nine (i.e. more than eight; the majority must remain). That (Chachamim say that four must remain) refers to an oven of seven (i.e. less than eight).

Pesach Feldman