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1. Washing with hot water 2. Rashi - Eating chazir constitutes two issurim 3. Basar Chazir Worse Than Neveilah
4. נטילת ידים

Dovid Lieber asked:

In the Insites to the Daf, you explain that Rash"i holds that there is Behemah Temeah and Nevelah involved. The Rambam says that Neveila only applies to Kosher animals that can be Shechted.

Does this Rash"i argue on the Rambam - or can there be a different explanation to Rash"i?

Dovid Lieber, New York, USA

The Kollel replies:

As the Halachah of the Rambam is not directly mentioned in the Gemara it is likely that Rashi argues. As for the problem of Ein Isur Chal Al Isur (which is seemingly the reasoning of the Rambam) the Acharonim offer suggestions as mentioned in the Insights.

D. Zupnik